Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #56

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Dec 31 – Dec 31, 2016

From inevitable to ineffable.
Residing physically has some believed inevitability about it - created physicality as energy form creates the appearance of what is perceived in the physical plane as dense and having a solidity to it.  With solidity comes the perception of breaking apart of the structure.  With the formation of life forms of integration with physical coordinates comes the concept of termination of life, death, which presents itself innumerably in the finite world as cyclic phenomena.
Such cycles being of integrated parametrization with finite world structure instills a sense of inevitability in view from the adopted filter of finite world creation and its related attachments.  Such attachments inherit a dialectic clinginess to tendency toward the 'good', and the inevitability of the cyclic shifting of the 'good' toward the perceived 'bad', such as gaining some material object which resonates with one's own harmonic energetic state and correlates with higher frequency mind states which if given credence for the higher frequency mind states is precipitous upon descension of mind states correlating with the deterioration of such material object.
Traversing mental trajectories which encompass entrenchment in the finite planes along with the sense of inevitability, as we are speaking, can instill a sense of moodiness, of swampiness, being enmired in the physical and allowing the dense to conform the time coordinates so as to seem change into imperceptible form, where line of sight to higher mind states of joy bliss rapture, or expansive mind states of peace equanimity oneness, seems non-existent, non-attainable, and hopeless.  We are here to guide you to open channels into expansive inter-dimensional space, among the most swampy, enmired, hopeless environments of physical plane existence.
Begin with your breathing heartbeat, those which are auto-physically occurring in comprisation of your being.  Rather than to view your path forward as setting out on some journey toward higher mind states to occur at some later time, go inward, inward to every cell of energy at every level of denseness.  Use your breathing heartbeat as a means for disentangling your mind from the path of contrariness to your present state of consciousness.  Equanimous is the essence of your essence of conscious beingness liquifyingly spreading throughout all which constitutes your presence in finite dimension.  Infinitessimal energetic cells of conglomeration in formation of your identification of being are in themselves infinite, and coursable via your presence of conscious attentiveness, each with independent right to infinite frequency states of rapturous endowment.  Equanimity, as experienced in an organic being, reaches the concordance level of comprisation of energetic cells of being vibrating in unison in resonance with the harmonic core of the being.  Being enmired in denseness is not a trap within denseness, because at the most minute levels of composition of your denseness and its world, your accessibility into infinite states of rapturous energetic existence are available.  You muse release the mechanisms for occurring in dense world habits, and you must allow your infinite energetic cells of composition to autonomically entrain with your harmonic resonance.  Your first lead-in to this is to shift your attentiveness to your breathing beating heart, and from this focus extend your awareness infinitely, infinitessimally into vibratory states all-inclusively of your entire encapsulation of consciousness.
When there is reluctance to move ahead with what lies before you in your physical environment, when none of it just seems very motivating, yet you somehow feel compulsion to extract motivation from the physicalness of your existence rather than your energetic essence, what then?  You are reaching into a void which has no means to return what you yearn, not without a prospect of long convoluted path of uncertainty, yet your infusion into the blissful states of your energetic nature also seem distant.
When this seems happening, and when inception through your breathing heartbeat into your energetic cells vibratory states seems evasive, you must look more closely, subtlely and find there is some force creating a boundary which is pushing you back into reflective involvement in your energetic precipitated state.  This would kind of leave you feeling stuck, and this more subtle force would not be easily noticeable within the coarse definement of the precipitated.  Yet, when the outer is not delivering what would be sought for fulfillment, and the inner resolution of channeling into the inter-dimensional infinite is elusive because of being pushed back into the outer, there must be a path to equanimity.
So from this kind of entanglement situation, you know there must be some resistant force which is propelling you from absorbing the expansive consciousness of your extension of being into your constitutionally defined energetic cells, yet of a subtle enough nature so as not to be very noticeable.  This force field may be angularly viewed as some sort of energy pattern or survival mechanism or some habit that has become autonomotized below the conscious level.  You needn't understand the details of its history, nor its fundamental structure.  It is only needed for you to know this is happening, and proceed from there, thusly.
Knowing there is something pushing, you can easily identify its feel because in impulsing toward your breathing heartbeat and immersion into your vibratory states of essence, if there is evasiveness, at the level of subtlety the force cannot be operating invisibly to your perception.  Thus identified, feel the force field's presence, and allow your perceptive, imaginative, consciousness presence to be absorbed into ITS vibratory essence.  This proceeding, the nature of the force field becomes soluble and integrative into assimilation into your greater energetic essence, and you thus proceed into expansive energetic vibration perception.
This may need be somewhat a repetitive process, but do persist in this.  Such energetic patterns may amass from your basis of the finite being which has become woven into intricacy of your finite life.  Solving such patterns allows the barriers which get you into the ostensible traps of the finite plane to yield to your conscious intentions for inter-dimensional expansion.  As you endeavor to release such subtle force patterns, the unconscious autonomy of their driving of your existential operation in the finite world becomes less.  You will become more readily conscious of such influences when you encounter the apparent state of being trapped between solace from the outer and expansion into the inner energetic vibration states.  This would, upon little experience, appear as states of confusion or some emotional complexity such as depression.  Now, knowing how to acquaint energetically at the vibration level with such energetic forces of constitution in your finite configuration, you become responsive to these mind states which would leave you uncertain of how to proceed in the midst of non-motivational energy.
Becoming infinitely acquainted with the existence of these energy forces, which are really vibration patterns, although they may appear to be in conscious opposition to your intentions at times, you in addition become aware of their nature, and as you proceed, your ability to instill energy forces at the subtle range will develop.  In effect, you have been trained throughout most of life to be a recipient of reflection arising from your precipitated world.  These subtle energy forces are inner reflcetors which have been reflecting your consciousness back outward, whilst trying to expand inward, thus having you feel trapped in between an outer world which provides no comfort and an inner world which feels unreachable.
Now, you must realize that you can create energy forces within your expanded being and thus become a reflector of influence, projecting your inner conscious intent into your precipitated creation, which would align with your inner harmonic energy core frequency resonance.  Thus, in solving this evasive situation of how to become able to function when energetic motivation is dormant and inner expansion is escaping conscious effort, you are at the same time learning how to become overtly capable of creating inner forces of will to be at your disposal.  Do persist with exploration in this area.  The forces, although subtly present, are vibrationally identifiable and integrable into your conscious experiential presence of your energetic being.
With subtle barrier energy forces thus lifted, your accessibility inward toward union with your energetic heartbeat, breathing, forces of autonomy of your organic being, and gateway into existential penetration of consciousness into all of your energetic cells of comprisation of your being, is now available, and you are advised to proceed in this way.  If the sense of inability to proceed returns, look and feel for the force which is propelling in opposition to your intent.  If alignment with your inner core energy is in play, there is only flow, and not a sense of resistance or evasion.  If the latter is apparent, then there must be a force of some nature in the loop, and your capacity is always available to have the faculties to perceive such forces.  Knowing this, there is no limit.  Call in imaginary forces, any inter-dimensional channels as needed to create perception of such forces, and their identifying vibration states become available, and from the vibration states, integration into your vibratory perception of being is seamless.  You should notice a sense of flowingness, as time goes on in working in this way.  You should notice that less and less are the times when you feel yourself being pushed into trying to solve your sense of entrapment into the finite dimension through the means of the finite dimension.
As you proceed under this guidance, freeing are the bonds of the finite entrapment, and the sense of inevitability of the finite plane and its consequences becomes lifted.  Your experiential capability thus becomes of inter-dimensional nature, and your sense of inevitability turns in infinite direction into ineffability.