Inter-Dimensional Channel – Dec 26 – Dec 30, 2016
You will find, are finding, that as your experience with stretching beyond the boundaries of your involuted somatic containment occurs, the starkness between the angular view of a finite dimension life and the expansion of realizationally expressive inter-dimensional existence is not so contrasting as it once appeared due to your encapsulation into involuted coordinates. Your perceptive response mechanisms become more of an elasticity nature, and responsiveness is not so confined to being in 'one world or the other, but not both'.
Knowing this can position you in ways to effect making things work out favorfully for you. To be feeling the finite world and have the elasticity of traversing through inter-dimensional worlds can be quite advantageous, and just in itself can lead you into new paradigms of thinking about going through your existence. Finding yourself in an environment, for instance, where your present-moment natural tendency is to swing among the high dimension frequencies, and in a physical world encapture of mood and conditions which permeate all of denseness with low vibration mind states. The nominal inclination in a finite world would be to subject the self-being to entrainment with the dense environment. However, now, having knowledge of availability of your resilience and elasticity for shifting your experiential focus into inter-dimensional high frequency domain, you are allowed to open channels of traversal of higher frequency domain energy into your continuous involvement in your current environment. Furthermore, your totality of inclusion of finite world conditions can fade into thinner denseness and your higher frequency inter-dimensional energy perception can thicken in significance, within your being and its perception, allowing your frequency state to be autonomous and independent of the permeating state of the environment you are presently in.
To practice, gain strength in experience, transitioning from dense exposure into inter-dimensional awareness, here is an exercise you can do. Bear your consciousness attentively upon the surface vibration which outlines the conceptualization of your alive form of being. Feel the vibrating energy in pure form, and continue to gain a strong sense of palpable feel for the vibrating energy frequency. Now, whilst feeling this, move your attention involutionarily inward and condense your perception of your being to similate the angular view of denseness, physicality and the containment of your being as a dense form. Feel this and observe for some moments. Now, maintaining the sense of the vibration state at the surface boundary, move your attention to the in-between surface again, and restore your sentience in feeling the vibration state. Now move your conscious attentiveness expansively outward from the condensed form of your being, and continue to feel the vibration state as your sense of being gradually extends in all inter-dimensional directions, rendering your spatial understanding of your being in a non-contained way. Continue to feel the vibration state within this expansive understanding for some moments, and then allow your conscious attention to rein in your sense of vibration being back to the surface boundary again. Continue to repeat this alternating of sensing your denseness and your expansiveness, all the while maintaning the sentient feel of your vibration state. You can try different rates of oscillation between these two, sometimes moving very rapidly, and sometimes moving very slowly. Play this for some time, and your resilience and elasticity will develop strength through this.
You, whilst feeling the weight of the physicality, of which your experiencing of sensory inputs which you would classify as symptomatic, must notice the vibration at your boundary level. This, we have been guiding you for some time, to feel the vibration without attachment to agenda of physical dimension nature, but in the pure abstract sense. Having developed this to some level of adeptness, the method to our madness in persisting with that guidance can become another step clearer. It is through the most intense doses of finite world weightiness that your immediate shifting to sentient feel of the vibration, which is the perception of your boundary between the physical dimension and the inter-dimensional energetic Truth of your being, becomes of useful value in your quest for expansive integration of experiential knowledge of Truth through the travels of finite world and its sensory impacts. Sentient vibration feel is the point where the infinite channels of energy become accessible and allow you to directly integrate into your finite creation, ongoing, in concert with your harmonic energy state.
The exercising we are discussing here, flexing your attention upon the boundary vibration in bi-directional states of consciousness, back and forth from finite-only to inter-dimensional, expands your resilience in being directly instrumental in effecting the precipitated outcome of your creation process, directed through your inner being, will and consciousness, rather than the instilled finite being method of responding to reflection of the observed third dimension.
When we speak of observed third dimension, this involves the more tactile evidence of physical precipitation, yet involves the more subtle, energetic effects of real time interaction with ongoing changes and life forms and their actions and communications and attitudes. It takes strength to gain mastery of your creation despite the reception of inputs from the wills of ostensible other beings which would direct you in a different confusing direction.
The exercises we are discussing here will guide you to cultivating this strength, kind of analogously to how flexing and contracting your physical muscles will develop strength in allowing your interaction with physical weighty phenomena to proceed.
Flexing, with awareness at the vibration boundary level, back and forth, using your will to direct varying levels of frequency and amplitude, is all you need to do. Sometimes you can go deep into the sense of your physical, involuted being, perception and dwell there and observe and get a sense of it, and go similarly in the other direction into your inter-dimensional consciousness being, and observe and experience the expansiveness and the at first sense of 'loss' of your physicality, only to discover the Truth of your energetic nature. If your concentration is of a different nature, you can at a higher frequency, issue this exercise at a lower amplitude, and stray not too far from the vibration boundary, into the denseness and into the energetic. We encourage persistence with this.
Your absorption into the physical plane coordinates can take you into a tunnel-involution of strictly viewing the finite view, with the scenery for inter-dimensional awareness about as opaque as it can get. From the filters applied to angularly see the finite dimension in prominence, this kind of state can be revered and thought to be a good form of high concentration, and indeed, from such angle, that is duly noted. This 'concentrated' state accompanies a rift as you phase beyond the matters of concern and your conscious attention is again restoring to the broad view of inter-dimensional consciousness. You likely would feel a kind of crustiness of residue from the stage of involutionary experience which has absorbed your concentrated focus. We speak now of ways to soften this crust so you may be able to restore your higher frequency mind states more easily. Note most prominently, that despite the way it looks at the moment when you realize you have been sucked into the finite-only vortex and you feel some weighing of finite coordinate parameters of denseness, you are merely seeing the view from this angle, and that realization itself gates you into shifting your energetic frequency. The 'weightiness' of which we speak, you would somewhat feel as you speak of tiredness or stress or mental strain, some condition of physicality that gets your attention.
Your 'being-boundary', we refer to your energy sense of operation in your physical coordinates, as the point of interface of your mobile conscious state traversing through finite dimension and your Truth of infiniteness in energy. This may vary in innumerable ways with your physical body somatic surface points, hence our term 'being-boundary' rather than body surface or some similar reference. If you are transitioning from a phase of absorption into physical environment engulfment, whether it be performing some physical task or feat, concentration on study or work, interaction with beings of observable conscious units, and you feel yourself ready to extend into a greater sense of inter-dimensional awareness in the moment, use your sentient awareness of your vibration energetic with your being-boundary point as a reference. This may feel distant at the first moment of realization, but you know it is there and all you need do is notice and give the subtler sentience a chance to dawn into your awareness. This is somewhat similar to your visual experience of transitioning from a state of dilated eye pupils such as would occur after being in a sunlight environment, and moving into a dimly lit inner room of a building, where the vision is at first not adjusted because it takes time for the eye pupils to resize themselves. What we are talking about is your adjustment in the Great Eye, its pupil counterpart, which perceives the energetic sentience of your experience. When finitely involved, there is a coarseness of perception in your Great Eye's interaction that is a filtered set of its sensory capacity - dealing with the dense world requires really only a small portion of your consciousness capacity - and shifting your awareness into multi-expansionality entails the ineffable adjustment process of what, for the Great Eye, is the counterpart of what the pupil is to the physical eye.
The distinction here is that the physical eye adjustment is autonomous, and your physical being mission is simply to have a little patience and wait for a few minutes before excercising any activities which require reliance on visionary input. With regard to the Great Eye's 'pupil' adjustment, the counterpart to the physical eye's autonomy is implemented through inter-dimensional consciousness, and your physical being in linearly-minded state must be deliberate in making this connection.
So, we are offering as a means of making this connection, for you to bring your attention to the sentience of energetic vibration of your being-boundary and allow the Great Eye Pupil to adjust. Just as with your physical eye pupil adjustment, gain patience in allowing the adjustment process, and keep any spikes of physical plane sensory stimulation in their perspective.
We speak of your attentive shifting to the energetic vibration sentience at your being-boundary, here, in terms of transition from some phased duration of finite dimension absorption, yet really any time you find yourself finitized into some sensory reaction which gets your attention, this is a viable method of re-focusing your consciousness to elevate the inter-dimensional energy channels into your experience. Your being boundary is always there and perceptible, and since you have been persistent in operating in your attentiveness to feel your energetic vibration state, as we have guided, some adeptness in feeling this being-boundary in an energetic way is becoming noticeable. You can now use this at will, for instance when you feel some discomfort of emotion such as anxiety, and flex your beingness from the being-boundary back and forth into the finite realm and into the infinite realm, and from there, move...