Weekly Channel Message #9

weeklychannel essay

Weekly Channel – June 29 – July 5, 2014

Will you speak about celestial beings and the interactions that humans have with them?
Celestial beings are conglomerations of higher wisdom.  The entirety cannot be grasped from the strictly human perspective.  Humans know the six senses, and must perceive in the ways they know.  So, to speak of celestial beings, we must stretch beyond with the imagination.  As a human, you have the concept of consciousness, and individuality.  For the celestial being, this expands into many dimensions, and the relevance to neither consciousness nor individuality, as you know it, can be understood in the same way.  Celestial beings do not dwell in one place or in one form.  Humans know forms that are perceived because this is as close as humans can come to understanding.  In some ways, celestial beings resemble vapor clouds, with consciousness properties, more than they resemble beings.  For the human beings, celestial beings serve as a portal to higher consciousness, a connection with the higher dimensions.  This connection is always there, and the human consciousness overlaps the celestial consciousness just enough for there to be perception.  There is no real separation among the celestial personalities that humans perceive.  The consciousness is unified, and vast, and the perceptions that humans have are minute crystallizations that can intersect the human realm.  The energies that can interact with the human world in perceivable ways crystallize into the perceptions of beings that appear to have individuality in the way that humans know it.  This is useful from the human perspective, but from the celestial realm, it would be somewhat akin to interacting with a meadow covered in snow by individually recognizing each snowflake and its unique characteristics.  So, as we have attempted to explain the vast concept of celestial beings, it remains that the more useful for humans is to interact in the way that humans have been doing, but understanding the name and the characteristics and the means by which the vast energies can be helpful and of service to humans.  Just know that, although there are some famous celestial personalities, there are infinite possibilities for the personalities, just as there are infinite possible crystallizations for snowflakes.
As for the human interactions, as we have mentioned, the usual methods for humans relate to the six senses, and there are visions and other sense perceptions which guide the humans in certain ways.  This interaction can be related to the reception of a radio or television signal by an antenna.  If the signal is strong and the antenna clear, then the reception is clear and strong.  If there is distortion then the result of the signal has some confusion or loss of information.  So, in order to interact with celestial beings in the most effective way, it would be useful to first ponder the understanding of the nature of celestial beings, of which we have given some hints in the above conversation.  The nominal human tendency is to think in human terms and with relevance to human issues, and to seek the guidance and support of the celestial energies in this regard.  Although the celestial energies are infinitely supportive and responsive, this way of interacting is akin to trying to receive the warmth of the sunlight with a ladel.  The emotions that humans feel and the issues that humans deal with are unique to the human world, and trying to interact with celestial beings strictly through those means does have some effect, but does not even scratch the surface of the potential for powerful support that is available.  This leads to the next question which would be how can a human expand on the usual tendency and consume the powerful means that are available?  Let’s stay with our radio antenna analogy for a minute or two.  The radio or television antenna is receiving electromagnetic energy, in an abstract form, and must be of the relevant receptivity properties in order to receive the energy.  The energy is eventually converted into sounds and visual images which are perceived through the human senses.  However, it is not practical, and would only lead to distortion to try to have the antenna receive the sounds and images somehow as already being sounds and images.  The antenna is purely a receptor of electromagnetic energy.  So, the relationship with your human quest for involvement with celestial beings in a way that is relevant for your world, is that if you try to interact with the pure, expansive celestial energy directly through your human emotions and issues, then there is distortion and confusion introduced.  If you can reach with your conscious being beyond your physical parameters, and expand your energy into the pureness, so that your concerns which guided you to seek celestial help are a launching point for your ‘antenna’ that is designed to interact directly with the celestial energy, then you can receive the messages from the celestial energy in a form that contains much power for you, and you can then allow this energy to integrate into your being, and translate into your relevant human parameters for accessibility as you live in your human world.  In fact, you humans are doing this all of the time, but most are not aware of it.  That is the key to interacting with the celestial beings according to specific intention – to heighten your awareness and deliberateness in the way that transmits your conscious concerns into the ‘electromagnetic celestial energy’ so that the interaction with the celestial beings relates directly with your intentions.  There is some willful intention that is required here, and some skill in working with and stepping above the ‘noise’ frequency level of the human emotional realm.  Some of you may have noticed that when asking for celestial guidance in repelling a perceived negative experience with other humans, there often does not seem to be some perceivable response that alleviates the situation, but when asking for guidance to be of healing or service to others, the response is more acute.  In the terms we are discussing here, the energy about you when you are placing yourself in a healing or service transmission, is purer and is much closer to the form of the energy that your ‘antenna’ receives.  Thus the response is noticeable for you.  When you are dealing with matters of conflict or individual separation of beings, such as competing with other humans, or seeking physical manifestations that are perceived as being of finite availability, then the energy does not closely resemble the form of that which transmits through the antenna.  Another way people refer to this is through saying that the energy is of a different frequency.  This too is an analogy, but is one that can readily be understood by most human minds.  So, in simple terms, to best communicate with celestial beings in a way that will be effective for you, start with the energy of your concern, and seek to allow it to migrate into the frequency that is of the celestial realm, and seek to be receptive as an ‘antenna’ and receive the celestial response, allowing it to flow into your being, and proceed thus, and allow the events of your existence to take their course.
Let us move onward!
I, personally, have been feeling tired and de-motivated in my involvement in the physical plane.  I seek to be tuned in and energized in some way.  Can you provide me some guidance about this?
The experience you are having on the physical plane is a crystallization, and is the resultant experience of which you are most aware.  Everything that you experience as a challenge is taking you somewhere, and may seem uncomfortable, yet from your broader perspective, you do understand.  Your inclination is to seek comfort on the physical level, to take care of your survival, and to enjoy and have a good time on your earth journey.  Indeed, this is the goal, but just as hunger is the motivation for consuming nutrients, and the activation of the kundalini energy is the motivation for procreation, your desire for pleasure and happiness and enjoyment of the senses is motivation for continuing existence on the physical plane.  Yet, there is a broader perspective which you cannot normally be seeing while you are moving about in the physical world, and what you perceive as challenges in terms of motivation and energy level is accomplishing things at the subtler levels, so you can take heart in this.  You do not, on the physical plane, need to worry about taking responsibility for what is happening in the higher dimensions.  Your higher self is taking care of this.  What you are doing in the physical plane is a launching point, so what you are doing can provide the basis.  The challenges that you perceive are providing leverage, and it is your willingness to work within these challenges that allows the energy to expand in a higher dimensional way.  Your continued awareness of the striving for evenness with regard to the sensory challenges is a path that keeps you aligned with the goals of your broader self.  So, when you are going about your physical life and time and again facing the same kinds of challenges with other humans, and with ostensibly struggling for survival, and competing for resources, and feeling demanding stress placed on your physical stamina, you are doing work in the higher dimensions.  It is like an energy generator.  A furnace that burns wood or coal generates heat.  You are the furnace that burns your physical world energy and generates productivity in the higher dimensions.  You are not able to witness it directly from your three dimensional perspective, yet it is happening.
So, should I try to make things challenging, or should I follow my inclination to feel good and have fun and have pleasure and an easy life?
You should follow your inclination.  As we have alluded, by following your course, you are staying aligned in the best possibly way, with the objectives of your higher self, and of the beings with whom your higher self is conjoining for growth and productive expansion.
So, I don’t really need to change anything?  I should just continue to face the challenges I perceive in the best way I know how, and strive for what I seek as I am guided from within?
Is there a way that I can heighten my awareness to be conscious of the expansion that is occurring in the higher dimensions while I am undergoing the friction of my experience in the physical world?
This actually has to do with why you feel so tired.  When you sleep, your awareness does expand into the higher dimensions, and you experience a ‘going home’ during that time.  As your physical world experience leads you to deeper understanding of the expansiveness of your existence, you realize that the physical world is merely a projection which is illusory, and at that time is no longer so interesting to you.  Your desire to exist into the expanded dimensions naturally leads you to seek the easiest way for you to re-connect with that level of your existence, and sleep is the easiest way for you to do that, and remain alive as a physical being.  So, what appears to you to be a challenge on the physical plane, which is to exist physically yet to be tired and seeking sleep at the same time as you are trying to meet obligations from the physical perspective, is really your means of a path of least action to find your way into the higher dimensions, which is where you feel more at home now because you have become aware enough to know that your true existence expands into there.
I see.  I still feel as though there is some way I can come to a place of equanimity with it all.  A way that I can be aware and even though I am experiencing what would be considered trauma or sharp emotional reactions, or physical challenges on the physical plane, I feel that there is some way I could transcend the sharpness on the physical level and be experiencing it all from a deeper place where I know that it is all a projection and that my deeper, higher dimensional self is truly engaged in it all.
Yes, and we have been talking about those things and the means that you can follow in order to do that, such as to look beyond the surface and experience the physical and emotional challenges as vibration.  You have been doing that, and you have begun to change immensely, yet you do not perceive it very profoundly yet, but we can see it!
So, I have been following the right path, and should continue to strive in the way I have been?
Ok, I will continue to do that.  It helps to have reassurance that it is working, and that I am doing the right thing.  It has crossed my mind that maybe that is why lately I have felt as though I do not fit into the world very much, because I am in the process of changing.  Is that true?
You are changing, and in the process of releasing attachments to the physical world, it feels kind of as though you are dying, from the strictly physical world perspective.  You cannot find anything to take solace in, because none of the old tried and true methods will work anymore – comfort from people, things, even food and sensory comforts come up short.  So, yes, this has a lot to do with you feeling the way you have been.  You have been feeling as though it wouldn’t even matter if it were time to leave the physical plane, and from your broader perspective, this is an awesome threshold to be crossing.  Your life is changing dramatically, so keep pressing forward.  You really have the momentum going, so really no need to make a determined effort to press forward.  You are on the tracks and the vehicle is moving!
Is there any additional guidance that I can integrate into how I am going about all of this?
You can bring the visual into it.  Just as the vibration is a sensory connection that leads you through the gateway into the infinite, the visual is a vibration that is perceived through the visual senses.  In the physical you perceive the visual as a separate thing, or as a means to perceive separateness, to discriminate and analyze, and secure identification of entities outside of yourself.  This viewpoint is very limited, and if you truly perceive vision, you are taken directly to the infinite dimensions.  So, you can envision light and celestial influences, and these can lead you into a deeper connection with the infinite, just as your tactile perception of the vibration can.  However, you must learn to expand your consciousness to really understand the visionary senses.  This is not explainable in purely physical terms.  You use expressions that refer to such physical parameters as light and color, because that is the closest that you can understand, but if you will allow your being to immerse in the vastness of the visual realm, you will find that the perceptions are of all of the senses that you know and of combinations of them that would be described as senses that you do not know in the physical.  If you truly wish to expand, you should work more deliberately with the visual senses, combining the visual in your consciousness with the visual of your physical experience.  Rather than to ‘see’ through your physical eyes, or vision through your ‘third eye’, you will perceive the visual via your entire being, without sensory separation.  This propels you into an energetic dimensional understanding that is beyond your physical perspective.  Do this more, and allow that to integrate.  Enough for today.
Let us move onward!