Inter-Dimensional Channel – Dec 26 – Dec 26, 2016
There is something which we will call "Real Time Dynamic Unification", a method which you will be able to use to raise your mundane frequency coordinates to become unified with the higher domain coordinates along the course of your path.
Sometimes you may feel as though you are in an 'energetic soup' of some downward vibration feeling, gloom or moodiness, or some kind of depression, lack of motivation, indecision. Sometimes you may feel as though there is an acute sense of something just wrong with your state of being, whether it be health related, or situational, and is causing a sharp energetic reaction which you are experiencing through your emotional states being of a negative nature.
When these kinds of things are coloring the facets of your finite world and there seems to be no immediate, obvious way to bring yourself to a place where you would rather feel, allow us to offer some insight into traversals of a nature of directionally changing your course in the way you would prefer to intend.
This, we call Real Time Dynamic Unification. You may remember when we talked about the Chakra Dialectic Unification Meditation method, which involves energetically perceiving the opposing poles which are energetically orchestrating the integration of the chakra energy portals into your experiential finite level existence, and directing a unification of the opposing poles so as to direct a wholesomeness of energy in your being and its means of reactively involving itself into the finite world in which it is existing. Remembrance of this meditation method we have taught you is a useful premise in this ensuing discussion about Real Time Dynamic Unification.
Realization of being in a lower vibe state is usually motivation for wanting to change the current state of your precipitated creative existence. Yet, in the mixed-up consciousness streaming that goes on in a finite dimension coordinate world, how to change or what to change and just how to proceed is practically unclear, and it often leaves you feeling dejected in having any means for elevating your own mind states, feeling somewhat trapped in the energetic soup of lower vibration.
Rather than to suggest trying to keep struggling with finding an unraveling of the conditions of entrapment into your state of low vibe within the finite world, the approach of the Real Time Dynamic Unification method is energetic, and draws upon energy of all dimensions, releasing the restrictions of the finite world. To employ this method, abstracting the energy vibration from all that is happening is part of it, and it means letting yourself free from the tendency of trying to convolute yourself to individualize finite dimension solutions to your feeling vibrations.
Here is how you can approach such feeling conditions. First thing is noticing that you are of motivation to change. This is usually somewhat automatic because your feeling receptors trigger you and you find yourself in a state of discontent and unable to just lose yourself in whatever is going on in your world of life. Upon noticing your such feeling conditions, you can just remember that you get to feeling this way because the usual paths along the surface of the planetary existence - by surface we mean all finite dimensional factors of energetic integration such as physicality itself and also emotional and mental states and the intricacies of the integration of all of those - are not taking you to a vibrational shift to the higher mind states you seek. Knowing this, you now remind yourself that the stricture of finite dimension is the reason it appears this way. It is the habitual method you have of viewing things through the finite dimension looking glass only. Knowing this, you can remember that in the broader, inter-dimensional energetic existence, the energetic channels for remedies to all that you find confounding are available and ready, and in a sense define a counter-balancing counterpart of energetic frequency complement to the conditions in which you are currently mired. Now, mentally gain a fixture on the energetic complement, of high frequency domain, which is harmonically paired with your current experiential conditions. This energetic complement is of harmony with your source energetic nature, and has been quashed by your propensity to dwell in high revere of your finite dimension appearance. The power in your fixture on the energetic complement to your current state is of cognizance and the details of perception can vary widely. It is knowing that there is existence of a complementary state of paths of energy channels to unite with your current state of affairs that is of essence here. So, gaining this fixture, use your mental powers to allow the energetic, high domain, complement to your current state in the low vibration, energetic soup, to unite and blend and integrate. As you do this, allow your grasp of attachment to conditions in your current energetic soup state to loosen and release, and allow the inter-dimensional blending of your finite state and the energetic complement. Just move then forth from there and operate as much along the trajectories of feeling states of higher vibration - i.e. do and be in ways that are motivation to you through inspiration and feeling good about things, and open widely your conscious conceptualism and allow change to course through you and all which emerges from there. Try this when you are feeling low.
Now, getting a feel of this Real Time Dynamic Unification method, there is much fidelity you can introduce. As complementary states are motivated for unification in power related to the degree of energy of the states, you can trigger the invocation of will to unite the complementary domains in strategic ways if you choose. For instance, if you are dealing with alleviating a situation for impatience, you can invoke this Real Time Dynamic Unification method readily as soon as you notice it and ameliorate the effects in a smoothing way before it gets to where it bothers you so much. Or, you can deliberately allow the lower vibration to build to a higher energetic level, and as it does so too does the complement, and you can choose to wait until a certain level is reached and invoke the Real Time Dynamic Unification method for a higher power, more intense effect. As you experience yourself with this method, you will see how, according to your willful needs, allowing fidelity to be a dimension in this is effective.
Allowment of the unification of the complementary energetic domains is somewhat an autonomic process. As we have mentioned, cognizance is where the power is. Knowing and remembering the complement is 'out there' is how the method is really initiated. Little effort on your part is really needed at that point to implement the unification. Of most challenge for you is likely to maintain understanding and having the wisdom to be able to loosen the finite dimension grip on your experiential expectations. This is indeed how this process becomes lubricated to be effected more efficiently. If your adeptness in being able to know, see and understand that your confoundment according to finite world circumstances is due to your lock-in to exclusivity of finite world precipitations, and to allow your cognizance of the complementary energetic vibrations from higher dimensions to infiltrate your mental plane, grows, then so too does the responsiveness of entailing the Real Time Dynamic Unification method.
Unlimited are your means to use this. You can go big or small. You can alleviate a nerve pain in the neck from having slept in the wrong position, or you can take an assessment of your entire life experience and the direction it is headed, and 'complement' in the direction you wish to higher-dimensionally head your life experience. As you awaken in the morning, you can stop for a moment before arising and jumping out of bed, and assess how you are feeling. You can gain a sense of the complementary high-frequency domain states and integrate into your experiential being as you move forth into a phase of finite world attentiveness.
One of the beauties of doing this is that the higher the amplitude between your current feeling states and the higher dimension mind states, the greater the motivating power of the unification process to work. If you are almost where you want to be in terms of how your life is currently progressing, then the 'complement' from that state would not have much of a difference in character from what is happening anyway, and there is not too much need to do this method. However, when you are feeling really low or distraught or confused or hopeless, then the complement is quite a contrast from what is currently in state with you, and invoking the complement is raising your energetic transmutation effects to a degree of higher power. Your mission of challenge, however, in such times, which is to loosen the grasp of the conditions of reflection which are correlating with your mired mind states, can be greater, and your ability to invoke the cognizance of seeing the complementary energetic domain in times such as hopelessness becomes more an essential factor yet more challenging to discern. Your ongoing efforts to cultivate clarity of mind, and to assimilate inter-dimensional knowledge allow you to grow in these ways.
Actually the revelations here are vast. Inter-dimensional gateways are opened through the very things that, in your world, make you go "oh no, not this!". Invoking the complements actually gives you the avenues to integrate your inter-dimensional high frequency mind states into your presence. As we have talked with you about the surface tension and how the crossing of this boundary is prone to vibrate effects which in your view appear to be symptomatic. In the same dimensionary perspective, your crossing paths with vibration effects which can appear to be symptomatic is a pathway for traversal beyond the boundaries of finite world containment.
With astute deftness you can very well learn to see your own confoundments as opportunities for pathway traversal into higher dimension mind states. It is just a matter of your choice in traversal direction. When some misfortune strikes your low vibration emotional chords, you can go the "oh no!" route, or you can go "wait a sec, I can use this energy to catapult me into the high frequency mind state domain". It is your choice. Always!