Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #53

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Dec 22 – Dec 25, 2016

Color, is known to you through what you know as light.  This is the appearance as the facet of filtering to three dimensions occurs.  You have analyzed it into correlations of light frequency with the distinguishable colors through your sensory receptors which receive light.
If you will expand your awareness to incorporate the individual energetic cells which comprise the ostensible definition of your being, each with independent cognizant dimension, to receive and absorb the knowledge which we are protruding forth here in regard to color, your being can infuse and insume absorption of understanding which comprises inter-dimensional concepts taking a multidimensional understanding of what translates into your dimensions as color, then you will begin to see how, conscially, you can incorporate understanding of the 'color dimensions' into the creations which define the intersection of your infinite being with finite dimension space of composition of that which you know as your world.
Your interpretation of color, in the perceptive way that you know it, serves as a metaphor for the type of knowledge we are conveying.  You know color as an attribute of light as received by your visionary receptors, mostly.  This refracts differently as light passes through media of transmission of different densities.  In expansion, inter-dimensional color properties are attributes of multidimensional creation energy, and the dimensionality of what you know as your world is akin to a medium of transmission which refracts the inter-dimensional attributes of color inherent in the energy fields in different ways according to the various color.  Refraction for light in your dimensions is understood in terms of direction of travel and speed.  Inter-dimensionally, 'refraction' is encapsulated in no way, and understanding is assumed in absorption through innumerable energy-pores of your being.  The effects or 'inter-dimensional refraction' are of a shaping of your created precipitations which define the results you witness in your world.  This is what is happening, and it is through absorption of understanding that your ability to perceive color in the inter-dimensional way so as to inject into your reality energy stream will develop.
Your physical understanding of color gains through passive reception of reflection and this in itself has little activity about it.  In the physical sense, it creates contrasts and really has a lot to do with making things interesting in a finite life.  However, what we are talking about inter-dimensionally is paradigmatically of a different character.  Energy dimensions are characterized with a presence of shaping characteristic.  Full, uncontrasted, infinitely progressing energy need not and has not means for faceting distinction of coloring presence.  All is present and embeaming in all directions.  Upon angular facets of dimensional reality, dimensionally, color presence characterizes the coordinates quite differently through its essence, and it is the essence of your willfull ingestion of presence through your mental directional volition which is an active form for you to cultivate shape into your reality.  We mention shape, yet expansion of this concept from three dimensions is indeed expansive.  For instance, shape of energetic healing vibration, infused with color of intention from your mind becomes the reforming of physical energetic cells which constitute your perception of precipitation which forms that which you know of as your worldly existence.
In physical form, any means of active participation involves deciding on the property and uniting it with some physical density, such as painting a house.  What we are talking about here is different in that way as well.  Just as your active participation is involved in direction the energetic infusion of color throughout your creative generation, this is not a matter of you deciding 'which color'.  Inter-dimensionally, the concept of color as an energy property is not perceivable in that way.  Your intention for creation, your effect and your decision to infuse the inter-dimensional property of color in your creation energy, these all draw the property into presence in your energy, and you allow this to seep and assume into integrated essence with the energy.  To see a sense of this, imagine 'drawing' into a sea of water, some ink to be integrated with the water, and of color not of your decision as to color properties, but color arising through your intention of characteristics of the water, so as to shape the sea for expansion into your intentions of characteristics.  The color of reflection and other properties are all part of this, yet are not the instigators of change.  It is your desire for shaping the characteristics of the sea and your allowing the proper infusion into the water to be integrated.  The observable reflection is only one facet of this 'color', yet very much more is going on with respect to properties of the sea.
Now, extend this analogy to the 'sea' of energetic space in which your being of consciousness operates in constructing the essense of your experiential reality.  You wish to create some characteristics in your finite dimensional life.  Bringing the characteristics into focus, allow your reaches of mind into inter-dimensional space and accept the flow of characteristic properties into perception as integration with the energy of which your reality is created, and perceive the effects, extending your sensory perceptors in multi directions into inter-dimensional space.  This is the expansion of the concept of color as you know it in your physical creation.
You can acquaint yourselves more with this understanding if you will use your perception faculties to openly, inquisitively perceive the shaping energetic characteristics in your observances of precipitated constructions.  'Feel' the presence of what your cognizant dimensions would invite as expansion of your conceptual understanding of color.  As you would perceive your physical colors with association of some characteristics of shaping of physical and emotional conditions, as for instance you would feel red to be a color of excitement, blue to be a color of calming, extend your knowledge to move outward from physio/emotio conditions to the more abstract energetic forms of constitution of precipitated reality in finite dimension.  Allow the shaping characteristics for ANY attributes you are creating to be inherent in essence in the energy, just as the reflective light perception, along with physio/emotio characteristics are among the physical perceptions of color.
Spend some time perceiving and noticing in this way, and allow opportunities to use this understanding to arise among your experiences.  As you invoke energetic phenomena to institute healing, allow the inter-dimensional color shaping to assume integration and receive the understanding of perception of how this unfolds, through multidimensional pores of your being.
If you will realize that all of the world that you know it, the finite dimension precipitation as we say, is really just a big clot in the space of inter-dimensional energy channels, then you will see that as your will chooses, you are able to 'thin the denseness', which is really just selectively relieving the pressure on some of the clots that form what you are experiencing.  Although this may seem to raise eyebrows from the physical dimension angles, mentally this is freeing you into a space where you really have a say in whatever is transpiring in your traversal through dimensional coordinates along the surface trajectories of the physical dimension vehicles.  Let us say, for instance, that you have some condition that is demanding attention along the coordinates of your dimensional body, such as an acute pain in one of your hip bones.  The pain you feel is coming to you through your sensory receptors which communicate the energy configuration at present, with respect to some point of congruence with your hip, into your control center of your being, as your progression through finite space ensues.  If the conditions causing this trigger to get your attention are of interest to you, in any way, whether you like what is going on or whether you go on a drama-path of raising a fuss about somatic imbalance, then you will be interested in feeding whatever is causing the pain in the hip and prop up the 'clot' of configuration that is surrounding it being there.  Now, just suppose that you are not interested in propagating the configuration which results in the 'pain communication'.  Your ability is readily available for you to allow the denseness of the conditions surrounding the pain in your hip bones to soften and for the 'clot' to spread out among the sea of energetic cells of which it is comprised.  Some shifting in means for navigating your reactive states is needed here, as the progression of the being of your finite nature would typically have you recoiling from the sensation of the pain in the hip bone.  Yet, this is only on the surface as you realize, and if your approach encompasses the sea of energy, then your energetic breath can be breathed, heartbeated, into your summation of configuration just as your sensations are ongoing, and you thus allow the clots to dissolve and spread out.  Now, the dissolving of the clots can be of multiple forms - as the dissolution of a rock as water flows over it, or as dissolution of a piece of chocolate in your mouth - the changes can be so slow that perceiving the change does not register on your physical dimension radar signals, or it can occur fastly, and you can see it happening.  From the inter-dimensional vantage view, the form is not relevant to whether change is occurring, and as you approach your changes in physical coordinate conditions in this way, absorbing inter-dimensional understanding is advised, for this reason.  If you do the "physical only" thing, then slow change will not keep your attention and you will gravitate to the method of 'taking interest' in your symptomatic conditions, because this is the path of least action to keeping your organic physical body as a continuing life form.
What we are referring to as clots is an energetic phenomenon, and thus the example we gave relative to a physical body condition is one case.  Any configuration of energetic nature, of notice to you as being to your advantage to shift can be seen in this way.  Emotional states are of energetic nature, conundrums in the physical world which seem to be impasses with no perceptible solutions are of energetic nature.  Anything, you can remove your analytical scrutiny from the picture and allow the energetic clot to soften and spread out so as to reconfigure along the frequency channels of your harmonic energy core.  If you suddenly feal fear or anxia, shift to the abstraction of seeing what is happening as an energy clot, and breath your energetic breath from all of the sea of energy cells available, and allow the clot to dissolve into it, just as you would return the clay or a sculpture you would like to change, into an unformed state for re-forming into a new creation.