Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #52

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Dec 17 – Dec 20, 2016

We would like now to focus for a while on concordance with vibration states with congruence of particular somatic points.  Begin with the throat area, the vishuddha chakra.  In a disturbance free environment, slowly begin to make vibration sounds, aurally, where you can feel the sentience of the vibration.  Use the sound at first to stimulate the waves of vibration although the sentience is not dependent on the sound generation.  Bring your concentration to central focus on this area and encapsulate the coordinates in your entry finite plane.  Release from there constraint to finite coordinates and allow your dimensional consciousness to assume expansive integration.  From here linearity is released and our instructive guidance must relinquish to your experiential unfoldment.  Allow inter-dimensional channels to open and allow the knowledge throughout interdimensional space to stream through the vast extent of your conscience.  This, the Vishuddha knowledge.  Integration with your higher dimension mind strives integration with your multidimensional being.  Influential shift in organic experience of finite dimension is to be allowed, observed and experienced.  In less isolated environment, invoke the vibration state soundlessly, and the trajectory path assumes.  Use this to Know Vishuddha to higher octaves in your life.
Chakra energy is conveyed cognitively in the form of vortex.  This is often the nature of the view from the finite dimension facet of energetic portal expansion of encompassment into dimensional space extending in dimensional capacity beyond the space of viewpoint.  In your vibrational attunement in sentient experiential chakra vibration, the vortical expression serves as a medium of transport, upon conscience merging, into expanded dimensional awareness.  Release of constraining coordinates of the entering realm is essential for transportation of being into inter-dimensional array of cognizant reception.  This may allow spiraling visual effects, yet openness for allowing the energetic stream to carry transport of conscious expression is assumed.
Performing this meditation instills in your highly expanded psyche the cognizance of the power of availability for inter-dimensional energy to be projected through the Vishuddha coordinates of the inhabitant of your spiritual energy.  Through the course of traversal of finite planes, use of this knowledge becomes available as your dimensional channels are engaged in the course of your traversals.  Linear mind would be wont to take a reactive course and respond to some precipitated conditions, bringing the Vishuddha energy in response.  Yet, what we are teaching here would be inclined more toward intuitive response rather than reactive, as the linear mind would tend.  As your disclosure along the finite dimension courses, according to your tending of unfolding creative energy manifestation, invoking energetic dimensionality brings the appropriate Vishuddha elements of integration into focus through the autonomy of your integration of knowledge.  Seamlessly appropriate from the triggers of finite sensors, conscious awareness is empowered to inject the knowledge dimension in apportioned levels of energetic integration.
Using your chakra wheel as a hub for energetic web of dimensions to bring energy into mergence with your immediate world's dimension states.  This, we say spiral, yet the paths of the individual threads of dimension are trajectorially infinite, and your concordance with energy integration need only allow the courses of dimensional threads.  With the volition directed through your consciousness as the driving force, focal can be through the Vishuddha portal with feel of vibration in confluence with our meditative approach, resulting in injection of your impulse of volition directly into the onset of precipitation into your world.  This is a means for directly integrating your intentious desires into your source stream in the interest of preparing the creative effects of your will.  This gives you a means to get involved in a pinch when you come across some kind of situation where the blocks seemed stacked in a way that creates obstacles unnecessarily.  This is the power of invoking your Vishuddha energy to directly effect a shift in the energy states of your reality, to induce changes that align with your directed objectives.
Here is something you can do for directly involving yourself in your self healing energy operations.  Using your chakra portal as a hub as we are describing, connect your consciousness with an encapsulation of the energetic shape of the healing recipient.  If directly somatic, this would be energetic shape congruent with the somatic area, yet it can be more specialized in mental definition according to intentions and needs.  Through the Vishuddha portal, thread energy dimensionally in numerous, numerous strands of energetic vessels, and envision streaming these, each into correspondence with individual energetic cells.  If there is somatic congruence, there may be also congruence with physical cells, yet this is not needed to be absolute.  With energetic heartbeat rhythm, stream your integration of volition channel through the Vishuddha portal, and through the threads of energy channels into the healing area.
There is versatility in this method, as you can allow the definition of energetic shape to encompass anything, bringing directly into healing power any coordination of conditions which define imbalance for your definition of finite life existence.  Any of the nebulous conditions that baffle your treatment experts are definable, energetically, and this is how you need do this.  Allow the inter-dimensional energy channels to pulse healing, which strives from alignment with your harmonic source, into the energetic area.  The effects of this induction follow course as your energetic mass of integration into finite dimensions moves forth.
You are flying.  You are always flying.  Projecting the interpretation of flying with respect to a finite-appearing planet can confuse you into suppressing this knowledge, yet we implore re-activation of this knowledge, as this is one of the secrets to understand maintaining awareness of your consciousness throughout infinite space whilst maintaining orientation of your organic vehicle along the finite coordinates of the physical world.  Inability to fly is one of the ingrained premises of finite being that perpetrates separation of the being from the true realization of energetic state.
In the exercise we have introduced in this message, with the vibration focus on Vishuddha, and the emanation of energetic coordinates of unlimited dimension into multi-dimensional space, releasing the constriction of conceptual traversal of space to finite dimensions is at hand.  In the di-polar flipping back and forth of attention to finite world at hand and inter-dimensional knowledge, there is a surface barrier that gets created between the two and need not be.
We have mentioned that there is, upon release of boundary into inter-dimensional consciousness, a surface tension which, upon crossing through, feels as though all of the seemingly meaningful facets of finite existence are going out the window.  This is a manifestation of your inherent autonomic dispensation for organic survival, and thus the relinquishing of firmness of the surface tension boundary ingests sensations of elimination of organic life into your finite being sensory receptors, on varying levels of integration of your conscious being with infinite space.  Your belief that flying is not possible, as a reflection of the ostensible conditions of the finite world around you, is part of this.
Something that happens, whether it be observance of physical event, raising of consciousness within finite coordinates, interactions with people, healing of wounds in your body, propagation from some point of intersection with four dimension coordinates to such happening is traversal through inter-dimensional space, and you are flying through inter-dimensional space in such traversal.  If you are filtering out from your conscious awareness all but the four dimensions of time and three-dimensional space of the finite world, then that is you, but you are flying through inter-dimensional space nonetheless.
Now knowing this, your participation in your own creations is integrable into your consciousness in a new way, which clarifies that you are flying to your manifestations rather than passively being confined to one entrapped space and having them randomly happen to you.  It is your responsibility to assume the clarity of understanding of the coordinates through which you are traversing.
This is where clarity becomes a dimensionary factor.  Let's say that you have some recurring thing that makes your life seem unpleasant or difficult - like you become depressed when you see a particular color or hear a particular tone of sound.  Given those coordinates as a starting point, and with an objective of healing those conditions and raising your vibration to higher mind states, how can you proceed in the trajectory which manifests these creations in your existence?
Keeping in mind that when you are flying clarity increases with regard to the coordinates which are imminently before you, the introduction of definition of coordinates through which you are aiming to fly - in this example the healing of emotional states which you have noticed - need be introduced with the mental clarity which is at hand, yet there must be enough clarity to make this introduction and to formulate the intention to fly through healed coordinates.  That is all, and if the symptomatic conditions arise again, set your flight coordinates again, and again, onward and onward.  Of significance here is that you know you are flying and you are now taking part in the direction toward which you are flying.  Giving attention to the symptoms themselves is effectively continuing to set coordinates toward that which you are trying to alleviate and heal, which serves to propagate the conditions.  So, use the conditions only for the purpose of identifying coordinates through which you must desire to traverse.  Use your knowledge that your are always flying through inter-dimensional space to direct your conscious intention toward your desired coordinates, rather than to mire in a holding pattern among the precipitations representing integration of low vibration energy states in contrast to your wishes of existence.
When you find yourself in some situation where say impatience arises, or worry, and there is some manifestation in play which coordinates with this, let yourself release from the stickiness of the manifestation which you would tend to blame, and feel the flying state.  Use our guidance here for invoking the vibration energy of Vishuddha and allow your feeling of flying to integrate into your present conscious experience.  Get a sight to the level of clarity available of the coordinates of alleviation, and allow, allow your being to float/fly in the coordinates' direction, and onward to the next phase of experiential existance.  Indeed...