Inter-Dimensional Channel – Dec 15 – Dec 17, 2016
What about the already precipitated? What is the role the existing physicality can play in the ever-flowing source energy's transmission into the ongoing creation? What about the precipitated, yet vast? Finite dimension is typically thought in the terms of your planet, yet your perception reaches far beyond, and there is potential to encounter consciousness that inhabits other types of precipitated life forms, in varying dimensionalities. From the point of the earth human, there are seemingly some concepts which can contribute to expansion of consciousness, yet despite our continuing harboring of the viewpoint that the already-precipitated as a means of attachment can lead to closing off your inter-dimensional expansion. How then, can you refract in ways that energize your potential for expansion in higher frequency domains, selecting the pathways along the finite surfaces which can augment your such goals?
At concept here is the subject of finite dimensions of dimension number greater than the number of three dimensions to which you are accustomed in the world of your life form. Precipitations in greater dimensions, worlds of finite, yet greater than three dimensions, appear expansive to you and dimensions beyond your accustomicity appear non-physical to you and somewhat imaginary, and appear accessible only through the portal which you understand as your mental realm. There is an interest and fascination for you in discovering knowledge through other worlds and more subtle worlds in ostensible spatial intersection with your dense world. This interest and fascination arises within you in response to your quest for knowledge and rememory of the Truth of your infinite origin. This tickles you to wake up and see what is really there in your nature, rather than to tend to the affairs of your finite organic world all of the time.
In our guidance of late we have spoken much about means for escalating the presence of the subtler dimensions in concordance with your progressive creation along the trajectories of your organic life. In progressing in such way, effects for you to negotiate will arise - seeing and noticing, perceiving dimensional worlds appearing subtle from the dense world view; knowledge entering of information appearing spatially distant from the coordinates defined by the positioning of the dense world; light visibility arising from inter-dimensional source rather than some dense world perception. The dawning of these experiences is gradual from the traversal of finite paths of temporal prominence, and there is not such and automated acceleration there because with the power of the mental plane in your being, and the potential effects it can have with sudden onset of higher dimension involvement, the physical plane can quickly become left in the dust. Shifting to a state of expansion in the mental realm and leaving the physical realm in the dust impairs the ability to function among the physical beings in a way that is understood, and there is a practicality about all of this.
We are bringing this up because of inducing understanding about why the tempering along the temporal axis is there, instilled as a root function of your being. However, knowing this, you can tweak the parameters that effect the temporing of the temporal, and be more deliberately involved in your expansion into higher dimension worlds. When you get the hang of what is going on with you, doing the physical world thing really is pretty trivial, and you can be directly involved in vastly higher dimensional worlds, whilst the 3-D beings wouldn't notice anything different, very much.
This is why, you may have noticed, that intersections with dense world, of higher dimension worlds, in ways that are noticeable from dense world sensory operations - rare in the dense world experience, such as sightings of astral aparitions or visitations from external planetary sources - approached with linear-minded terms, such as amazement or finitely-motivated interest, become rare or inaccessible. Allowing the linearly-minded motivations to invade the vast lion's share of your mental/emotional accessibility elevates the dimensions of definition world of such finite dimensions so as to only allow perception of the higher dimension phenomena, which are going on all the time, through a filter which only intersects coordinates of your finite dimension world, which includes a temporal axis of prominence, which is how the concept of rarity is defined.
Our crux here is that you are going to get over the habit of being amazed by 'other worldly' perceptions. Sticking to concepts that are considered amazing in the finite world is, in contrast to expanding consciousness inter-dimensionally, akin to drinking a liter of water by taking a droplet of one drop every two hours, where the ability to sip from a water bottle is readily available if you would only notice it. Inter-dimensional expansion is always there if you will only notice it, and shake the habit of trying to look through the finite dimension filter in a finite dimension way and be experiencing mental/emotional cross sectional paths that are only of any meaning in a purely finite dimension world. Please do not be discouraged by the onset of feelings of nonchalance around things that are seemingly amazing to others around you. This is a surface tension phase through which you must pass. Extending our metaphor about drinking water one drop at a time - you, inter-dimensionally become of many multitudes of mouths from which to drink in the amazement, each absorbing one drop yet in sum assuming experience of amass ineffability among the finite planes.
Some of your ongoing challenges in being a dense being seem to persist, notably the loudness of your finite plane sensors. We have spoken of mastery and gradual development of adeptness in integrating inter-dimensional awareness and experiential understanding into intersection with your finite being life. Yet, still the apparent harshness of tweaks of your dense sensory receptors - pain; emotion contortions of seeming immutable conditions... - is a facet of your undertaking which crosses your paths. Strategies of avoidance, manifesting to smoothen things out, are well and good, but if there were a complete guarantee, it seems as though something of the adventure and journey of a finite life would be missing, doesn't it? So, how can you expand into a deepening inner peace and still enjoy the experiential sensory perceptors of physical life?
Understanding of the place of a finite dimension life amid the consciousness of integration with inter-dimensional energy is the key. If you understand why you do it, and integrate that into your psycho, then your experiential effect of the prods which seem daunting from the within-finite angle become perspectived, and thus does your wholeness in experience. As a comparison, let's say you go to a scary movie which exposes you to some visual and audio sensory stimuli to engage your mental energy in cross section of creative facets which would not on their own be sought into creation for exposure to your othe sensors involved in finite dimension existence. Why do this? Even when you remind yourself it is just a movie, and not part of your actual created experience, your mental reaction and the emotions generated are energetically parallel as though they are happening in the totality of the dense world. The energy is generated and although your situation is of response to retreat from what is happening in the interest of restoration of stability in your mental/emotional state, inter-dimensionally it is the energy that is of significance, and your finite place is grazing and tangentially touching this means of creating energy by wanting to watch a scary movie. This example of course is more touching to those who gravitate to scary movies, but the extension can be made in many ways. It is about the generation of energy. The bottom line is that what you consider bad or painful in the finite dimension angle, inter-dimentional angle knows the energy generation and its worth while attributes. Your finite being emotional receptors do not register on the energy meter of your inter-dimensional being. So we could be talking about a thrill ride at an amusement park, a high risk daredevil stunt. But there are also more subtle forms besides the more extreme thrill seeking ones. Passion about finite dimension social causes is energy. As we speak, all of the finite plane-ness is trivial, and that includes all of which you are so passionate about. Yet, this is a means of using your finite dimension platform to launch energy spirals into inter-dimensional space, and what ever it is that gets your energy moving, that is your higher dimensional being communicating with your finite being. Knowing this, your experiences which you tend to categorize in good/bad ways gain a sharpened understanding as to how your engagement in them arises and what your higher frequency being is gaining from them.
Notwithstanding all of this understanding, the conundrum continues to arise for your optimum approach during courses of action in which you find yourself charged with energy around situational occurrences in finite dimension world. Energy is moving, and you are right to wonder how, if, there is a way you can turn the flow into course with your source. Of course you can! Our understanding dimension here is the key to the gateway for this. When you are tugged in some way by wanting things in your world to be otherwise, there is some discomfort, and no matter how contrived is the story around it, that means there is energy flowing. Knowing this your mental channel can readily be opened as the gateway to a channel of a flowing stream, to allow your source light energy into the stream that is going on. This is all you need do. You may have some layering to do to uncover the realization of what is happening as energy. Such times as when you are feeling glum, ennui, lackluster about existence, these are states in which you wish for your finite dimension world to be otherwise, yet do not even know how to identify what could be otherwise to alleviate the discomfort you are having at the moment. The path to reaching for feel of the energy itself is within the discomfort itself. Strike the chord of your emotional surface and reach a feel into the nature of your discomfort. This opens the channel of what is happening now, in your energy. Now allow your source light into mergence with this stream.