Weekly Channel – May 29 – Jun 4, 2016
Your dimensional reality may be seen as an energetic web, the fibers of the web being energy vessels, which brighten and enhance in strength with your mental attentiveness to fuel them. The linearity of grid point to grid point in the third dimension, with the energetic web deflated, creates the appearance that these grid points are linear and the only thing in existence, and opens the gate for emotional worry about what is happening at other grid points which are not in your immediate field of focus. This creates the 'what if' mental engagements which you are fond of entertaining. The illusiveness in all of your default perception of finite dimension life is that it is your job to tend to the grid points one by one, with you shouldering the entire responsibility for effecting the outcomes of them. Streaming energy through the fibers of the energetic web and thereby enhancing their strength and energy content and brightness and power, allows you to tend to all of these things at one time, and by 'tend', we mean allow them all to work out according to your depth of energetic vibration. Your Heart Center Vibration is a central focal through which you enter and channel energy into the web of energetic prevalence.
As your patterns that you ingest become submerged from your conscious linear thought stream, yet remain cognitively accessible, so too may you ingest knowledge and energetic transformation whilst your conscious linear thread is otherly focused. You can wonder about anything and invite the energetic web to infuse your knowledge center with the ensuing flow of cognitive knowledge, and allow this to integrate. You need not have linear three dimensional finite awareness at the time. Your inhibition of belief has been and can be a hindrance to accessing this knowledge, yet, as we have begun to show you, the expansion of your range of production of energetic web carries you to a realm of defiance of limitations based on third parameter projection evidence and of spewing of opinions from other third dimension beings and their communication limitation methods. Thus, there need be no caps on what is possible. If you would like to know something, or how to do something, or how to get something to happen, or how to get seemingly constricting constraints work together in a harmonious way that seems inobvious to you, click the energetic connection, and trust and allow this to occur without trying to cram its evident production into the linear scrutinization of your finite dimensions threading trajectories. The expectation that everything that is happening will cross your screen of finite dimension projections is causing most of you to miss most of your existence! This is similar in analogy to watching a movie and expecting everything that occurs with respect to every character in the movie to only occur on screen. How limiting would this be for the movie producers? Whereas, in most movies, people disappear from the screen and show up again with action having occurred 'off screen'. For your existential projection of intersection in finite dimensional worlds, the real action is off screen. The linear trajectory of the finite dimension mind is only a miniscule projection of your existence. Yet, you all continue to insist on seeing only this. All you need to do is to expand your Eye of Awareness in all dimensional threaded directions, and allow the threads to grow as vessels of energy. You then become able to see the entire energetic process unfold, and that linearly threaded thing too, while you are at it. Remove your restrictions of belief. You may think it feels imaginary and you are right. That is just it. Just let go of the instilled belief that the imaginary is unreal. It is very real.
A question that may come to mind is, since you are of pure, infinite energy, which transforms and mutates into all kinds of dimensional precipitations, why is it that, when entertaining finite journey, the denser parameters seem more real to you? It doesn't. It is just that you are focused on it with tunnel vision. If you were flying through space in a spaceship and suddenly a big rock hit your windshield, all of your linear attention would be given to the rock and the windshield and the effects of the striking of the windshield. This does not mean that the rest of space is not there, nor does it mean that you are not traveling through it. It is just that your linear focus has shifted to the rock striking the windshield. What we are teaching you here is the training of your mind to expand into the multidimensional on a regular basis, without keeping to get caught up in the linear focus. The linear focus is the source of your misery. You get the linear focus and expect everything to come from that. Yet, it does not all come from that. That is just the momentary effect of all of the energetic fusion into your immediate time-space coordinate system. The key point, the entry point, to training your mind, is your thought streams. Your linear attention is attuned to the rock striking the windshield because your thought bursting is emphasized there. Nothing in that moment is keeping you from maintaining awareness of the entire outer space area, even while the rock strikes the windshield. It is just that you are accustomed to giving all of your attention to the immediate thing that is creating a deviation from the normal state of equilibrium. As an organic being, your system is equipped with this feature so that your ability to survive will take priority when there is some other organic configuration that would threaten it. This is a starting point so that your life span will last long enough for you to have an opportunity to awaken. To awaken, directing your thought stream energy is the key. Surviving in a dense plane, by itself, would not provide motivation to direct the thought stream energy toward energetic multidimensional expansion and to perceive the dense world as within this high frequency energetic web of energy. There has to be some arising of motivation from within, and this is what we are encouraging you. This is how we are directing you to keep focusing your attention on the Heart Center Vibration. Focus your attention on expanding the energetic vessels of the webs of pure, high dimensional energy, which weave through all of your perception. Focus your attention on the fundamental, energetic generation of thought streams. Focus your attention on the deliberate generation of creative energy, blending alchemically with the autonomic creative process.
What you would receive as stressful is merely a phase issue. Energetic waves of all frequencies, wavelengths, speeds, thread through multi-dimensional coordinates. Similar frequencies blend together when in phase. When out of phase, they conflict or cancel. The precipitates of the finite dimension in which your organic life takes place are constructed of energetic waves of similar frequencies which are in phase and enhance their amplitudes to the effect of precipitating into material existence. Life forms engage organic bodies and project energetic waves throughout the lively existence. When in harmony, the phases are aligned. When not, they are not. When your linear, tunnel vision focus, is not to your liking, there is a phase misalignment with your intention. Rather than struggle with the linear projection along one coordinate dimension, you should give some thought to attending to the phase alignment approach. Getting beyond the linear mind will get you going toward a state in which this is the natural way to go about things. Rather than phase-locking onto one idea of things working out, allowing the transients to dissipate and the phases to harmonize on their own will get you on the most efficient path to surfing the energetic waves of whatever dimensional existence you choose to navigate.
Here is what we recommend. When we say to direct your thought streams from the fundamental roots, energetically phase the vibration, the frequencies of energy, aligning with your feeling states of high frequency energy. Reach into the Angelic realms for mind states of the highest planes, and fuse the frequencies into your base thought generating process, phasing the frequencies of the waves to generate harmonic states. There is not any focus on the linear projections in doing this. The high frequency planes do not drive their mind states through the linear projections. These precipitates are mere consequential occurrences. Things that are considered big deals in the physical plane can be directly handled in this way. Healing is a re-aligning of the phases which restores somatic balance. As you train your mind to awareness of the energetic web, rather than the linear projection of somatic imbalance, your seeing of this becomes natural and obvious.
If you will quickly realize when you are finding yourself getting locked into the effects of the linear projection in some way that is disagreeable to your liking, that restoration of phase alignment is the solution, then you will allow balance to be resored more quickly. This is why allowing is effective rather than trying to manipulate the result of the linear reality projection. For one thing, the linear reality projection is getting your attention at the point where it has already happened and has little to do with the creations that are yet to come. Aligning the phase to produce the creations that are yet to come has the effect of transiting the misalignments out of existence and restoring the harmonic resonance. Thus, if your thought producing intention is the high frequency mind states, and your interaction with the fundamental thought producing energetic stream is phasing in this way, then your creations are motivated to be in alignment with such mind states. If you will spend your time deliberately motivating your creation process in this way, the result will be effected accordingly.
If you are finding a challenge tuning to the higher mind states because the linear projection effects have your vibrations going lower, you can use the knowledge to allow you to float above the bay of lower frequencies. Knowing that these lower frequencies are arising because of phase misalignments, you can mentally keep the reaching threads employed, and 'know' that the phase misalignments are transiting effects which will shake out the lower frequencies, and allow the harmonic waves of the frequencies you seek to prominate their energetic states. The mental threads to the high frequency mind states are the key to making this connection. It is up to you to remember to do this rather than to let the physical plane drama be the tail that is wagging the dog.
In the course of events, with the linear projection effects going on, internally your natural frequency, pulsating vibrations, can be intentionally projected with mental waves driving, to effect the phase alignment and transient effect shakeout. This will give you the ability to direct the momentary effects in the direction of alignment with your frequency. Remember to do this. Through your Heart Center, you enter the vibration central nervous system for this.
It is a new paradigm, to be innerly motivated, driven, through engaging your mental threads of high frequency mind states with your energetic thought process. When you are accustomed to wiring your emotional states to others, other beings and their attitudes and opinions and judgements, and thereby directing your active dense plane energy projections with the ensuing constraints that are driven by those judgements, shifting to being self-sufficient in generating your thoughts to strike the chords of your sought high frequency mind states feels out of character. This is what we mean by you as a light beacon. You are a generator rather than a parasitic reactor to other earth dwelling consciousness isolates. As a beacon, you carry the burden of the tug of many other beings. People will notice you in their own way, and somehow want to get the feed of the energy of the beacon, and will have their own evolutionary way of going about it. You are going to have to be creative in finding ways to deal with all of that.
This is how the phase resonance can help you out. If you are proceeding according to the motivation driven by your inner thought stream connection threaded through your high frequency mind state images, and you suddenly find that some other evolutionary state of a being is pressing you in some way, if you will remind yourself that somehow this has resulted from a phase misalignment, and that resonating, pulsating your inner frequency throughout the whole environment of the situation will dissipate the transient effects and restore harmonic resonance, then the disruption will shift and you will either come to a place of agreement or find your ways to separate coordinate systems which will not be attempting to merge the frequency waves you are emitting.
There is a responsibility factor which you should leave behind the veil, a perception that mental/emotional states of other beings have something to do with your actions. There feels to be a tether connecting your behavior to other peoples' feelings, yet this is a linear interpretation, and one that can be encumbering when extending your vibration to enhance the emotionless, high frequency mind states. You will get beyond this, but early in the stages, this can be a stopper. So, what can you do in these kinds of situations? In that this is a linear projection, that it becomes an issue at all is assurance of giving credence to the linear projection, and the initial step to leap beyond is just that, and to vibrate your awareness, with inclusion of the perception of other being and all, at the fundamental resonance level. This too is another form of phase misalignment, and the response, rather than to 'work things out' through linear communication, is to pulsate at your resonant frequency, and allow the transient effects to dissipate. Whatever communication and empathing feelings are part of all of this, allow them to progress and dissipate, rather than to become chief motivating factors for your own involvement in awareness expansion.
You may sometimes wonder how to maintain awareness through processes of intense physical sensation. When you are leaving the organic state, this just happens and is seamless with your perspective as a multidimensional being. Otherwise, any physical sensations are transient, and as we have been talking about, restored through phase realignment. If your concern is maintaining physical functionalness through intense journeys of physical change, it is too phase alignment that alleviates your sustained alignment shift. The beliefs that drive these concerns are all rooted in linear projection, and your advice is to continue to delve deep into your Heart Center Vibration, and become natural to this environment. Focusing this, and allowing everything else to let go, takes some trust and courage. It is something like a feeling of free fall. The anchors that you are used to grasping must be released, and your boundaries of security must be dissolved. This is for the strong of heart, and as we have been guiding, your entertainment within the Heart Center is strengthening your spirit in the right way for this. This is worth persistence, and that is significant at this point in your development.
Upon entry into the organic environmental filtering system, your energetic being is woven tightly with fibers of direct lifeforce energy of sustainance of survival in that environment. Among the threads of energetic survival connection are those of ostensible dependency on other beings, as initially there is a direct dependency for nutrition and protection and such. Rooted in the root chakra, these dependencies are the roots of your chords of hindrance with your perception of the individualized souls occupying organic environment organisms. Carried forward from birth, these chords continue as initially supplied unless some energetic force causes them to change. This is why most of you are habitually motivating yourselves based on the stimulus from other beings, even those of you who like to think of yourselves as lightworkers, who are beacons of light, generating energy from which others are to be guided. It takes some conscious effort, and that is to which we are now guiding you. There is a retractive force when the survival issues arise, and they are many, whether mental within yourselves, or externally supplied through observation. These cinch the fibers of your root survival, and squeeze your consciousness's intent to expand and try to focus back toward the base of survival in organic media. This is why we encourage persistence and effort, and breathing energetically into the web of your existence. As the web strengthens, so lessens the effect of the cinching your root chords are attempting. They are just doing their job, which is to keep you alive. However, they are not meant to rule your conscious existence, and it is your mission to realize this, and take command of your own conscious existence.
As your energetic web grows in strength, the stimulus you will receive often will appear similar in essence to the very survival stimuli which cinch the root chords, and tighten your constriction of perception. As your surface tension of finite dimension relaxes, these at first appear even more prominent because of the contrasting levels of energetic adherence to the finite dimension plane. This is why we introduced the discussion earlier about the intensity of physical sensations. Unless it is time for you to exit the organic journey in finite dimensions, in which case it is seamless from your higher dimensional perspective, then as an organic being, there is nothing for your concern other than the phasing resonance, which should be your focus, rather than earth plane, finite dimension, matters. There is challenge, of course, as the survival autonomic response adrenaline is compelling you to action. A gradual retraining of the entire nervous system response mechanism of the being is in order and that it is gradual, yet requiring persistent effort, is fundamental to why so few of you undertake the endeavor. It takes levels of understanding, willingness, motivation, believing, to rise above the noise level of finite plane resonance, to continue to gradually allow the energetic web to grow in prominence. It takes a willingness to undertake a new paradigm in facing physical characteristics in a way that contrasts with the social environment - hearing beyond the physical dimension, seeing beyond the physical dimension, shifting in frequency that appears to create somatic imbalance, which is ultimately transient in the course of vibration fundamental resonance chords.
Let us move onward!