Weekly Channel Message #108

weeklychannel essay

Weekly Channel – May 22 – May 28, 2016

Have you thought much about thoughts, and whether they are discrete, or streaming?  How about the medium of transmission between thoughts and feelings?  Thoughts are precipitations which arise through the medium of mental plane substance.  They do not have predetermined shape, nor do they have predetermined size.  Thus, there can be very brief thought transmissions.  Thoughts of densely contained objects can be encapsulated in densely contained bursts of mental plane energy.  Open ended thoughts, such as of unestablished decisions or actions, can stream and increase in intensity and fade and merge with other thoughts, rendering the idea of discrete thoughts to be a simplification.  This intensity of the thoughts is related to the amplitude of the waves of transmission from the mental plane.  Feelings can intensify thoughts, and thus feelings about thoughts can in turn increase the mental plane amplitude, as the feelings stir the consciousness of interaction with the mental plane into motivation to amp up the thought for further consideration.  Most of what we are talking about here goes on in the background for you organic beings, without too much thought about it.  What happens then, once the thoughts are transmitted, whether bursted or streamed, through the mental plane into the intersecting consciousness of the organic being?  At a base level, thoughts received by the primal conscious state inspire action in the organics.  Thoughts of survival threat, for instance, would spur the being to take flight or hide or prepare for conflict.  Thoughts of compassion would inspire consideration in the being for other beings.  Thoughts of things that are lacking can lead to inspiration to gain the needed things, or can lead to feeling states that emphasize the discomfort of the lack, which can inspire a loss of hope or confidence.
Feeling states in turn will inspire thoughts.  Feeling states of hopelessness could inspire thoughts of improving the state of mind, or could inspire thoughts of seeking release from the discomfort of the feeling states.  Thoughts and feelings in the organics are coupled when driven autonomically, but there is not any fundamental reason that they must.  This is the cyclic state of the dense plane dwelling beings.
Slipping out of the habit to define thoughts as to what they are 'about' is a step in the process of decoupling your thinking/feeling auto-coupling states.  The dense mind, for instance thinking about a tree, categorizes and summarizes the thought about the tree as 'tree'.  Forgetting the underlying truth that the thought is streamed through mental plane vibration into the intersection of conscious with dense plane existence, the being would usually tend to move on, satisfied that the thought stream related to the tree has occurred with a benign effect on existence.  Encompassed in the concept of tree, however, is every experience that being has had which has intersected the concept of tree, and all of these experiences reverberate through the emotional/mental medium with ripples of waves.  Multitudes of these are transient and in the 'noise' and wouldn't generate any conscious attention.  If there were some experience of high magnitude, such as having fallen out of a tree as a child, or having a tree fall on a car at some point in life, this would reverberate with higher amplitude and the being would be more likely to have that memory come into consciousness.  All of this is going on all the time with all thought streams.  Most of you just usually are not aware of it.
If you will consciously make an effort to slip out of the habit of semi-consciously categorizing thought streams into summaries, and muddling the thoughts with feeling so as to mentally tangle your ability to distinguish the coupling effects, then you can directly perceive the mental vibration transmission as thoughts are created.  This gives you some direct say in the streams that are generated, as well as their amplitude.  The feeling states thus are directly able to be affected through your deliberate generating process.  The autonomic triggers of feeling states generated by thoughts become under direct influence of your consciousness.  So, give this some thought.  Feel and perceive the vibration of thought, the mental plane interface.  Use the Inner Mirror as an entry point for interacting in this realm.  Feel your Heart Center Vibration, feel your Inner Mirror become alive, and watch the mental activity, and feel as the thought streams occur.  Feel into your ability to increase the amplitude of thought stream transmissions, or to reduce the amplitude.  Feel your ability to produce thought streams in bursts or as continuous flowing streams.  Feel your emotional feeling states while at the same time feeling your thought thinking states.
Understanding the thought processes as energetic intersection of the mental plane, being-consciousness and organic configuration, the undertaking of direct vibrational feel with the thought-generating process is readily accessible, free of the complications introduced through thoughts themselves.  Thoughts are energy, just like everything else.  Humans have thoughts and feelings intertwined in such a convoluted way that it is not readily obvious that the energy stream is happening.  This being the current state of humans in their evolutionary process.
With this developing paradigm with your relationship with thought, the basis for feeling-thought interaction shifts now.  The autonomic mechanism for thought-generated feeling states now has an energetic form, and the locking threads that feed direct feeling states based on specific types of thoughts of thought bursts on specific objects are not directly interfaced, and thus thought streams open you to a direct interface with the creation mechanism rather than the cyclic involution of feeling states.  In the meanwhile, the perspective of feeling states is put into perspective according to their function on a physical plane.  In the inter-dimensional realms, the happy/sad, anger/compassion dialecticity that you so familiarize yourselves with does not come into play.  The energetic states of conscious experience translate better into terms that defy the emotional plane on your plane, such as rapture and bliss.  Thus, with direct energetic interaction with the thought streaming energy, and with the accordance of decoupling of the thought-feeling convolution, the usefulness of the dialectic emotional states diminishes to a minimal level, and thereby releases the gateway which is holding the direct energetic mind states at bay.
In energetic space, feelings are vibrational waves.  In energetic space, thought streams are vibrational waves.  These, merged together, in finite space, through the consciousness eye of a confinement within an organic life form, take the form of emotionals states, along with their dialectic nature in a dialectic environmental world.  Nobody is dictating that your perspective or conscious awareness must be confined to the filtered restrictions of either the organic life form or the finite plane of experience.  This is just the playing field in which the finite plane period of performance is established.  A progression of inquiry for an organic life form would most naturally be to wonder how to do both.  How can I do the organic life thing on a finite plane, and at the same time truly transcend the dialectic dampers of the finite plane that make things difficult and uncomfortable, and directly accept the energy frequencies of rapture and bliss?  Really now, why confine yourself to the linearity of the finite planes anyway?  The ocean, a body of water, distributes waveforms on a continuous flow, houses and feeds hoards of fish and plant life, generates and entertains multitudes of weather storms, deals with everything humans try to do to it, and all the while vibrates all of those water molecules continuously!  Multichanneled awareness is the norm, rather than a stretch into something phenomenal.  Your linearity is a box you are yourselves creating to confine your existence.  As we are discussing here, your thought streams, as well as your feeling states and their coupling interactions, are elements of the framework which is structuring the confinement.
Perhaps one of the more challenging quests for you is finding the way to wriggle your frequency into natural operation when you somehow get yourself backed into a corner with feeling states, whether they be huge undertakings of interface of your nerve endings with your sensory mechanism, or emotional disruptions effected through repeated bombardment in the finite dimension environment.  At those times, the feeling states speak so loudly that it seems to take a stretch of the imagination to shift to understanding and awareness of your subtler interactions with your vibrationally generated mental creations and physical/emotional interactions.  Yet, though, even at these times which seem so bleak, your starting point in the mind is the same.  Shift in frequency can start with the mental intention and engagement.  When you whistle, how does it start?  You don't just immediately whistle.  It starts with your mind, with your interest in creating a whistling sound, however you traversed a path to decide that creating a whistling sound was necessary.  If it is a momentary burst of thought in the mind that passes, then it drifts away content to be a mere thought of a whistle.  But, if the amplitude of the thought grows to sufficiency, then the action follows which orchestrates the physically energetic configuration to generate the vibration of the whistling sound, with rippling waves throughout to accent the process with variation in pitch, duration and all.  So it is similar.  You find yourself in a physical and/or emotional quagmire where the direct connection with your Heart Vibration, your Inner Mirror, your direct perception of your energetic thought generating creation, seems so remote that there is not any leverage for motivation to allow the process for these connections to proceed.  You can, as most of you are trained to do, let it go at that and allow the thought to retreat, and not continue to grow the energetic connections.  Or you can persist, and carve the path for the energetic connections, refusing to yield to the intensity and loudness of the momentary states of the physical/emotional interactions.  This is how persistence is the secret to success in these energetic endeavors.
There is a developing resilience in the energetic connections of which we speak, if you can envision a kind of energetic vessel effect, with vessels that are both strengthening, growing in volume, and developing in responsiveness.  Being in the thread of connecting energetically develops this resilience, so that you become stronger when it comes to wriggling into your frequency domain and thus mastering your shift in frequency from the various vantage points in which you find yourself.  Our guidance toward directing focus in your Heart Center Vibration realm, and developing deepening understanding of what we call you Inner Mirror are devised to help you develop this resilience.  As you go forth, situations that once would have been rendered hopeless now will become trivial occurrences in the course of your energetic intersection with the plane of finiteness you are choosing to attend at a particular time/space coordinate configuration.  Thus, as you develop, you will be finding that these quagmires become shorter in duration and of less magnitude, and in lots more cases, they don't even bother to take hold because they know they won't last long anyway.  This, we hope, is adding to your encouragement to continue in the quest of undertakings for mental engagement in which we are guiding you.  Getting a visual on the resilience growing process and energetic vessel development is both useful and an entertaining endeavor.  This visual can, in turn, play into the real time wriggling exercises when they occur.
Energetic vessels emerge through subtler dimensions, in multitudinal directions, and the visual form of light need not be limiting in the function of the expansion concept.  As you proceed with expansion of inter-dimensional awareness within finite dimensions, your perception of integration into finite dimension society will at first appear to be isolating.  Your belief system will contrast with the mainstream and you will find that your social interactions would be primed for receptivity of the mainstream beliefs, much of which your manifestations defy.  So, you may feel like you are creating your own 'bubble of reality' and not quite know how to relate to other individuals.  You will become more accustomed to this, and develop more strength in feeling this as the norm of your existence on a finite planet.  The expansion of energy vessels we are teaching you comes into play here, as you can breathe the energetic life force of the Universe into your finite space projection as you create your precipitated real experience.  Thus, your dismissal of the hooking into belief systems that are mainstream about things like healing, and physical parameter limitations is strengthened in its integration with your physical plane intersection as an expansion of life-blood energetic vessels.  When we suggest things to you, keep your vessel expansion in the forefront rather than what other societal members are pulling you to believe.  If we tell you to fly, do believe it is for you to be able to do.
Let us move onward!