Weekly Channel – May 15 – May 21, 2016
You must continue to renew and refresh your interaction with the Heart Center, through all distraction and discouragement. You may feel tired. You may feel fearful. You may feel that you cannot be left alone to focus on your own infinite knowledge perception. Through all of these things, it is so easy to allow the leverage to slip away for your focused concentrated consciousness to eye-open into the realms of the Heart Center. Your motivation is and must be simply to trust and to persist. We know that forgetfulness in the dense world makes it especially challenging to persist with this. Yet, we implore the persistence in you, and continue to remind you to do this.
You don't feel it very well, so why should you try? You have urgent agendas to tend to, on the physical plane, so why should you spend your focus bandwidth on eliciting vibration feel in the Heart Center? These types of questions will cross your mental path.
When your energy is low, and you feel like you need sleeping, yet you have activity to deal with - this can be one of the most difficult times to stay motivated to bring the high frequency vibration into your elevated mental state, and expect it to integrate with your dense experiment. The reason you feel the drive for sleeping is because the life in a dense environment is taxing, and your claim reassurance through your natural state. The perception in the physical world is that sleeping is needed for fixing up all kinds of somatic parameters. This is just a minor facet of what is happening. Sleep is not needed to effect a high energy state. It is coincidental with the restoration of high energy states, and that is why seeking sleep is coincident with feeling tired and fatigued. As much as it feels to the contrary, making it your utmost mission to bring the infinite energy awareness in through your mental arena doorway during times when you feel the contrasting situation of fatigue with the claim of needed action will be of the most highly effective ways you can alleviate the contrast of that situation. Ironically, it is just times like that which make you feel as though the directed focus to which you are being guided in these messages is useless and fruitless. Yet, those are just the times when the directed focus to which we are guiding you would be the most effective. How is that for irony?
Along the way, you know you can still ameliorate the physical plane effects, whilst infinitely gazing, energetically. You can, for instance, use the methods we have been teaching you to crystallize the tiredness itself, and bring into intersection its stillness, and pulverize the crystallized state in, through infinite energy threads in omnidirectional energetic space, outward from the centric point of your perceived being, and thereby transmute the state you are intersecting. Again ironically, it is the times when you most need to do something like this that you don't think of it or you don't become motivated because there is not enough momentum to convince you that it will have any effect. Perhaps we can direct you to a building of this kind of momentum, and that will enable you to remember to employ the methods which will have the most effect.
Continued activity on the mental plane is gradually building a strengthening of your energetic web, and as time goes on, your response mechanism for physical/energetic contrasting situations will be natural to form the mental plane resolution immediately without questioning or seeing it as a useless effort that would have no effect. If you will notice, even now it is during the more extreme cases only, which place you in a state of doubt about the effects of your mental plane energetic placement. These more extreme cases are arising, really by the same mechanisms as you are already realizing - the buying-in to the dense plane precipitations as the ultimate reality. When you attribute your shortcomings in facing challenges in your physical environment to such things as fatigue, intrusion from other beings, somatic vitality, organic liveliness, these are all just different masquerading forms of the physical world dramatizations. And... they are all overcome by the same methods of mental plane energetic frequency transmission. These are all just coming at you from different angles, and have different tricks for appearing real to you. You are becoming wise to their tricks, however.
Part of the Heart Centering, which we continue to emphasize, entails your developing into a permeation of transcendence of the varying angles of attack of the illusive parameters of the physical dimension, and an ongoing consciousness presence, which elevates to prominence within the variety of configurations presented to your conscious intersection with finite space. A dawning is occurring, taking you from the need to find leverage for commiting your will into the mental plane high frequency transmission as a compensatory means for dealing with the finite world, to this as your inclusion of means for existence itself, a small part of which is that which you have been considering your world, finite as it is. This is what is happening, even if your sporadic conscious attention to your Heart Centered Vibration is appearing to effect change akin to watching a swimming pool fill up one drip of water at a time. Through the drip, drip, drip... one time a moment comes when it dawns on you that the swimming pool is actually getting filled with water, even during all those times when it felt like you were watching the water drops and nothing was really changing. That period, when you would be wondering just what you are accomplishing by watching the water drip by drip, is akin to the times now when you wonder just what is making it worth for you to keep directing your attention to the Heart Center, as we are dictating for you to do. We realize the trust factor involved, as well as the tension created from anticipation, in referring to some future 'dawning' that you will see. However, it is useful also to have some idea of how this works, so that you can cultivate the kind of patience needed which will keep you from continuously checking for results and using the result of that as a factor in whether or not to continue the effort.
In the linear threading from within third dimension, your appearance is to effuse outward the debris that has been accumulated and thus you tend to view yourselves as gathering the emotional states which evoke evasion from you, as though they have some mass and quantity, and that some expulsion is required for you to gain lightness and clarity through their release. Although this feels to you like a description of what is happening, it is not like that in the multidimensional space. You are always clear, and when you are perceiving this expulsion process, you are moving through the related frequencies of these states, and as you do, you are feeling them as weighted and coming from inside of you. Suppression is merely evasion, and beyond the limited finite dimensions, evasion is equivalent to immersion. Thus, evasion and embrace are one and the same, and direct you through the frequencies. The way to clarity is through directing your frequencies rather than ejecting some mass of unwanted feeling states from within a finite-spaced being. It would serve for you to have this kind of view during the times you undergo those heavy frequency phases.
Inward vibration transmission. Accustomary to your way of living is projecting outward, toward the manifested, as that is where the results can be seen. A highly perfected, powerful means for directly entraining your manifested creation with your energetic spirit is more attained through inward vibration transmission. This may not unfold as a natural feeling to most of you, but this is the effective means. It is uncomfortable for you to let go and allow the energy to work, without watching and seeing what it does. The powerfulness of doing this way though also creates response that doesn't require you to spend all of your time focused in that way. Gain your perspective awareness and with your intended energetic frequency, feel your human organic shell vibrating and vibrating, and direct the energy vectors all toward the inner infinte, and allow to propagate. This can benefit your experience wildly!
You thus find and see that the Inner Mirror receives and gathers the energy, at the frequency and encoded with your transmission date. Here, the Mirror gathers and radiates, in continued support of your energetic waves, effecting your existence, all the while as you go onward in multidirectional extension. Mirror may contain object of inspiration, such as being-interface of somatic/energetic healing energy, projected manifestation, directed effect of energy frequency shift rippling through energetic precipitated mediums. Summation of energetic feeling states of energetic being wishes are streamed, fluidly, through the Mirror. All of this, the Mirror radiates transmission through the multidimensional spaces. Whatever is to grow, from your creations, the roots of the energetic soil reach deeply within the inter-dimensional inner space of your own being...
If you subtly consciously engage your attentiveness to the autonomic breathing which maintains the pulsation of your organic interface, and you same time be aware of your effect to deliberately mechanize your breathing, aligning these two in unison is an enlightening thing. This you do energetically with your autonomic generating of creative energy with your conscious intention of will, in a like way. Pulsate the frequency of your natural energy generation with your seeding of conscious creation. This livens your Inner Mirror powerfully.
Your vibration is your autonomic creation. Feeling this is the analog of feeling your autonomic breathing in process. The two intertwine, and this is one reason breathing is a common focus for your meditation methods. Physical breath and energetic breath powerfully combine when conscious awareness stretches throughout these phenomena. At this time, being watchful to gain more awareness of your autonomic creation process is adviseable for you. All the while, your deliberate creation process is developing. Your continuous interaction with your physical environment continues to generate motivation for this! Being watchful means feeling, feeling into the Great Sensory Receptors, with your vibration state as the entry point. Courageous letting go of your physical anchor is beneficial here. There is a parallel of the feeling with the feeling of the death of the organic being, and this is a limiting factor as you cross the threshold of surface tension. However, you soon find that getting beyond this is a trivial thing which appears monstrous prior to stepping through the membrane, but is not significant when your energetic state expands through the vibration gateway. Thus you discover the illusionary nature of the membrane itself.
There must always be a means for restoration of clarity whenever the rippling waves of density have an inspissating effect on your frequency state of transmission. For the ostensibly individuated consciousness riding through the waves in organic vehicles, the inspissating effect would have a clouding effect, reducing transparency of light, transparency of thought and alignment of frequency of intended dimensional interaction with the phase of finite dimension standing waves. From such a vantage, beacons of inner light tend to remain appearing as distant observations for an extended period of time. What then? Commonly the tendency for light beings is to retreat into states requiring less integration of consciousness with the waves of density, such as sleep or environmental shifts which induce ameliorating effectes as a pristine planetary location would. This works, just as removing a boat from a stormy sea gets the boat out of danger from the stormy sea. However, that is not the only way. The boat can still sail through the stormy sea and survive. So too, your consciousness, inhabiting an organic vehicle can weather the storm of phase asynchronies with your natural frequency intersecting the density precipitation ripples. A clue to approaching this is above, in our discussion about aligning the autonomic breath with the deliberately effected breath, the autonomic creation mechanism with the deliberately effected creation mechanism. As it would be commonly assumed that you somehow must operate at the frequency of density to be there, it is not true. For alignment, there need only be a synchronicity with the frequencies of density with your frequencies of natural state. You can strike an inner chord within your inner being, through vibrationally directing your consciousness to the inner light whilst feeling the vibration between the interface of your dense medium with the infinite. Allow the chord to reverberate through inter-dimensional space and come to a resonance, just as a tuning fork would environmentally effect the frequencies about which it is vibrating. Try this, and feel the waves from the two worlds merging and coming to resonance...
Do you sometimes feel as though you are not enjoying the 'ride' there on physical plane? And you are wondering how to deal with it? The bigger self of you, your higher mind, your expanded being, is always in a place of peace and enjoyment. When you are missing the enjoyment, the thinness of your connection and awareness with your expanded being is relevant, and the effect you are seeing is merely associated with the dense plane. Your cultivation of expansion of the energy lines of awareness with your expanded being is the cure for this. You needn't thin the energy vessels so often nor so much. Mentally expand your awareness and envision the vessels of your higher mind as growing and flowing all of the time. If you feel lost in your physical environment, this is the time to shift attention to your expanded light being, and this attentiveness will allow the energy vessels to grow. Your dwelling in awareness of your expansiveness will thus become more of your usual existence, and you will see readily how to let the light in when you feel lost like that.
Let us move onward!