Weekly Channel – May 8 – May 14, 2016
As we have gone on quite a bit about the projections into your physical reality being intersected filtering of infinite dimension space, there is nonetheless variation in the quality of the dense matter, and there are both dense and less-dense forms of fusion of multidimensional threads, which transmit energy in multidimension fashion, accessible for receptors of attunement for multidimensional energy. There is some knowledge of this in relatively common form with regard to your crystals and stones, objects which are known to vibrate with resonance toward some less-tangible third dimension objectives. There are multitudes of crystallizations that are below the physical sensory perception level, which also finitize the infinite energy, and allow access for finite direction, with threading directly into the multidimensional. An immediate question for a finite mind would be relative to interfacing with these go-between crystallizations, and accessing the information to augment the reality-space of the finite dimension existence.
As your reflective interaction between third dimension interfaced energetic precipitation and awareness of higher dimension energetic interaction progresses, you become increasingly aware that at the crux of the accelerator toward expansive, experiential understanding are clarity and authenticity, and that hindering effects light up a neon sign in front of you, beckoning to find insights for consumption of essence toward clarification. At times we have brought in the mirror, and mirroring concepts, as a superlative means for introducing higher dimension understanding into the three dimension mental capacity. As we have been doing this, simultaneously, in addition to the matter of discussion in which the mirror has been brought, we have been training your mental plane interface to integrate some basis for emphatic clarification of clarity-inducing mental encompassment.
Third dimension, finite dwelling is replete with filtering effects. Clarity is natural, and not subject to filtering in any way. Clarity would not even be a concept except in that it is brought into light when filtering induces its blockage, and calls into conscious attention a necessity for its restoration. The connundrum you dense plane inhabitants then face is that the realization of desire for restoration of clarity, which arises out of cloudiness of clarity, is further inhibited from being realized through any direct means of dealing with the elements of cloudiness themselves. Perceiving clarity's inhibition through the linear paths of the dense dimension, attaining clarity through those same paths is a further-clouding endeavor. The means to clarity is elsewise.
Before we continue further on this topic, allow us to drop in here a reminder of our guidance for continued, sustained perceiving directed consciousness toward the Heart Center Vibration, and allowance for that directed consciousness to be an element throughout any of the guidance we are providing here.
We have introduced you to mirroring in several ways, and now invite you to continue to depthen the concept internally. In meditation, create and allow this vast inner mirror and mirroring to emerge. As a mirror of magnifying perception amplifies all beams that cross into its interface, we speak of inner mirroring power which will amplify intentions of a nature which would be inhibited even by effort so subtle as the tension of wish or desire combined with higher frequency will. If you will, allow the will to beam through the inner mirroring, and allow the inner mirroring to perform the amplification, transmission propagation through the infinite dimensions. Thus, as you notice inhibition of clarity and its effects, rather than to valiantly try to combat the clouds, allow the mirror to emerge and the intention for clarity to beam into the mirror for transmission into power.
Now, we mentioned clarity and authenticity together. Authenticity beams through all, unwavering in essence. It is the unwavering quality that we are emphasizing. Inauthenticity contains chords that tie into the transient in some way. Authenticity ties to the inner core of Truth, to which the essence of your beingness traces in origin. As you will see as you continue your meditation process with the inner mirror, the mirror is a link interfacing your consciousness with the core of your inner being. Your Heart Center vibration resonated directly with your inner mirror, and as you go forth you are finding that quick shifting to Heart Center vibration reveals your inner mirror immediately. Continue to require this of yourself to develop and develop throughout the resistance you encounter within the jungle of your world.
Sustenance of heightened inner clarity can be a reaching from within a world where intense filtering is necessary for apparent existence in a finite space. The finite parameters deliver in scattered, partial, obscured, vague ways, the motivation for increasing clarity, yet continuously challenge the means for heightened clarity on a sustained basis. Sustaining heightened clarity brings you face to face with the questions of why you would undertake a life in finite dimensions at all. So, how can you continue to progress with heightened clarity on a sustained basis, while continuing to support whatever the heck you are doing by living a life in an organic body? Contemplating the "whatever the heck you are doing" portion of this question with your greater mind, threaded to inter-dimensional space, captivates some understanding of the answer to the question itself. Seeing your finite existence from the mind of finite existence limits the utility of clarity to a responsiveness to the issues and dilemmas of finite existence. Seing your finite existence from the Infinite Mind eliminates the need for any questions about clarity, as lack of clarity is never part of the equation. So, if there is an initial "why the heck am I here on this planet" question dawning in your mind, we encourage the inception of your multidimensional, infinite mind as the communication medium for answering this question. Allow the answer to this question to permeate your multilayered bodies of existence which intersects the physical planetary coordinates. While this becomes more of the natural way for you to operate, the temptations to deviate toward the limited, filtered, gravitational existence will be met with alarm clock waking signals, because they will just feel kind of weird to you.
Transforming in the way we are talking here may at first cause a feeling of isolation for you. However, contemplate and understand from where does the concept of isolation arise in the first place? Involution requires limiting, finitizing the mind. Isolation requires involution. Thus, feelings of isolation can be entertained only when the perception of existence has been sufficiently filtered to allow the parameters that define isolation to take place.
We speak of involution, vortices, in terms of energy forming. In your finite, 3 dimension plane, vortices are synonymous with circling effects, and this is a product of the 3 dimensions. In broader understanding, vortices are coalescences of energy forming spatial configurations. What you know as matter, of varying levels of density, is constituted as such. Involution, turning inward, is concepted as a product of understanding for energetic forming, shaping, in contrast to outward radiating transmission. We shall refer to directed involution as a means for discussing the projection of consciousness toward eshaping, forming of energy, creating involutional packets directly and deliberately. Your development of skill in this area has much need to grow. Your customs have you employing reception of existing precipitations of energy as models, and your initial approach is to reconstruct accordingly. This won't work. Your consciousness must arise from within multidimensional consciousness and infuse the energy directly, and the directed involution becomes an allowing of formation, rather than a construction from the outside in.
When we speak of allowing, there is the process of conscious consciousness integration involved and not the brute doing of action that you are programmed to expect. Knowing and understanding positions your consciousness integration for execution of the allowing process. And clarity, as we have spoken. Allowing which is rooted in cloudiness breeds further cloudiness. Allowing which is rooted in crisp clear vibration breeds manifestation that strikes the chords of resonance with your conscious being. With this in mind, allow us to circle to inclusion of the topic we introduced as this message was onset... fusion of multidimensional threads, intersecting dense and less-dense and even less dense than that, matter; matter being a matter of vortical energy, projected involution. With this knowledge, your own power to create projected involution of energy shaping, fusing high-frequency multidimensional threads is at hand. Seems simple to someone who is expecting a continued sentence of hard labor, but it really is simply a matter of being consciously aware, and integrating the knowledge awareness in the conscious involution projection proceedings.
If something, on the surface-tension level, has become taut, your wishes to invoke energetic involutionary projections may come about. Know that the actionary effect would have stillness appearance in the finite dimensions, yet the fusionary threads, if you can for a moment imagine scrutinizing each in detail, are filled with energetic expansion in motion. Thus, abounding action and energetic motion entwines into finite dimension intersection, with an ostensible result of stillness. Knowing this, something taut in the forefront of your linear, finite dimension mental focus, tautness equates to mental crystallization. Your procedure is to engulf the crystallization, mentally, direct transmission of the crystallized, through multi-inter-dimensional threads, energetically, concommitant with the active, alive resonance of the inner, energetic, mirror, and thus allow. Move forth from this direction. This invokes the directed involution procedure, and the effects integrate with the ongoing summation which intersects your finite dimension space.
Your entry gateway toward inter-dimensional transmission of mental crystallization is the vibration state that precipitates on the boundary of definition of finite dimension. This you can feel, and this feeling combines with your mental crystallization and your clarity of intention toward transmission through the threads. This concept may not naturally appear to you because it would seem dissolutionary, with regard to your precipitated finite dimension 'reality'. True Reality is omnidirectional, however, and the linearity through which you typically relate to terms such as transmission and reception must be released into expansion of a multidimensional understanding of omnidirectional energetic flow. And thus, the process of reversal of your mental crystallization of a concept into energetic dissolution into multi-threaded transmission, although appearing as a destruction of the concept, is actually the effective creation process.
How to continuously absorb your attention into the many threads of multidimensional energetic connection which wind through your three dimension interface, rather than to appear to exist in a bubble that you have temporarily disconnected from them? The endeavor here is to keep the high frequency tuned, with high frequency. Tuning the frequency may benefit from an analogy. Have you ever used one of those plastic hoops to dip into liquid soap and blow bubbles? If you have done this you have found that there is a subtle evocation of the breath that must apply for the bubbles to be secreted from the plastic hoop. Without any force from the breath, the liquid will only drop down and drip off of the hoop. With excessive force from the breath, the wind of the breath will just blow right through the membrane created by dipping the hoop into the soap. Your mission as a bubble blower is to find the right adjustment and variation in the subtlety of the breath which executes the secretion of the bubbles. So it is with your threaded connection with the infinite. Attention to your Heart Center Vibration has ranges of subtlety from what seems like a distant mental thought in the midst of what feels like excessive reality-imprint from the third dimension, to keen awareness that places you in a vast realm of multidimensional experiential understanding. The varied subtleties of application of consciousness awareness toward feeling and perceiving the essence of the Heart Centered Vibration represent your breath in this metaphor, and the metaphor insights you into the delicacy of the feel to bring you to the level of effort that initiates your frequency connection with awareness in the inter-dimensional realms. Just as the creation of bubbles is of salient importance for you as a bubble blower, connecting the chords of higher dimensional frequency is of salient importance for you as an infinite being skirting through an organic life intersecting a finite dimension creation. Once you have experienced the blowing of bubbles, you know the subtle variations that are needed in order to do so, even if a particular dipping of the hoop into the soap is not successful. So it is with your high frequency connection, when you feel like 'the world' is getting in the way of your spiritual enlightenment. You can still be aware and reminded that you know how to make the connection, even if in the present moment you are not feeling the full experiential awareness of the multi-threaded dimensional world through which the Heart Center Vibration gateway leads your consciousness spirit. When the stillness and dexterity is available, apply the subtlety of conscious alignment with the fine tooth adjustments of subtle effort, to reach that touch with the Heart Centered Vibration realm. In times of less stillness and dexterity, the mental chord is available, and your deliberate connection with this knowing, understanding of how the subtlety of conscious application applies, and how your immediate three dimensional intersection relates to it, propagates the deepening process of your strengthening of these high frequency thread connections. Thus, connecting in mental thought to your Heart Center Vibration, even when you are not feeling the subtleties, and when you feel like you are too busy and caught up in physical plane drama to apply the delicate effort to make the connection, even when you do not perceive the subtleties of the Heart Center Vibration amidst the loudness of physicalness, is having a profound effect on your continuation of sustained threaded multidimensional high frequency connectedness. So, at such times, have faith, and persist!
If you would reconsider your reactive, recoil effect you are having with regard to physical plane drama, intruding upon your organic bubble of inhabitation, such as friction, fatigue, nerve responses of an irritating nature, doorways and gateways are available, which we would like to introduce at this time. In your survival mechanism environment, you are pre-programmed with sensors that allow for the propagation of the organic life form, at least long enough for there to be some consciousness involvement in the experience. For this reason, you are accustomed to doing things like fleeing from danger, and recoiling from pain. Your nerves serve as the interface to trigger you to these responses. You seek rest and/or sleep when you feel fatigue. You seek food when you feel hungry, liquid when you feel thirst. These are the basic mechanisms that develop in even the least conscious of your beings. Your consciousness, however, if involved deliberately, need not succumb to the autonomic responses that are pre-programmed into your organic system. At such times as would provoke these 'flight' responses, a conscious reversal of programmed response so as to infuse your organism with circuit connection of the multidimensional energetic threading, as is evidently created through your entry into the realm brought to you by your Heart Center, will lead you to quite a uniquely different experience from the perceived expectation from which you are programmed to think elicits the recoil effect. There is an ineffability to the depth of this interaction and the experiential feel to it, yet we encourage your exploration of this. Pretty much, when you feel yourself struggling or fighting internally with something that interfaces with the parameters of your physicalness, give some conscious attention to employing the functionality we are describing here, and see how that leads you.
Reflect on the Inner Mirror, as you enter your Heart Center Vibration realm regularly. The analog of mirror is a lead-in, yet in multidimensionality the reach of this mechanism is ineffable. Transmission as well as reception, with live inter-dimensional consciousness, oneness with the mirror as well as polarly connecting with the mirror, all these things will become more familiar to you. The Inner Mirror is a Light Source, as well as a receiver of light, a transducer, transformer. Your energy threads of connection will become more familiar to you, as you continue to evolve your inner relationship in this way.
Let us move onward!