Weekly Channel – May 1 – May 7, 2016
We continue this week with emphasis on the sustainance of consciousness pinpointed at the centrum of the Vibrational Center of the Heart. Conscious intent in the third dimension tends to fade as the newness of something wears off, and your focus will shift to other things, or to becoming dissipated within the third dimension precipitation. As we have been guiding, this is time for you to maintain your effort to keep the focus in the Heart Center, as a regular pastime and practice. Do not be deterred by the mental objects that arise which cast doubt on the viability of the effort. Third dimension customs can try to creep in, such as latching onto some kind of criteria that establishes relative success or failure of the effort. You may be tempted to feel that you are doing this correctly if you notice the vibration in a strong way, or if your concentration is one-pointed and sustained. These times of such experiences are valuable, but it is utmost to remember that the result and some measurement of it are not the main event here. It is the sustained intention of your conscious will to pay attention to that center, and proceed with all else in accordance with it. You could be distracted if some time period goes by where you get 'busy' with your third dimension life and think little of the Heart Center Vibration, or not at all. This may be a discouragement from continuing with the effort. Also not a viable path. Time coordinates are irrelevant in the fifth dimension and beyond, and the sustainance of the effort, as we are emphatically guiding you to do, does not depend on the amount of volume of third dimension distractions between concentrated points. Keep doing it. Remember this, as we progress with the message here, and all else we talk about.
Intelligence, in multidimensional land is to be understood in a multidimensional way. Your comprehension of intelligence in third dimension land is laced with third dimension parameters. Somehow, you have found your way to the linear measurement of relative intelligence, and have used the shortness of intervals of time coordinates as one of these key parameters. This is dilusive engagement, and it is time for you to extend your comprehension to the inter-dimensional understanding of intelligence, and its effect on consciousness evolution.
Multidimensional knowledge and understanding is infinite and readily accessible. From the third dimension, finite, viewpoint, accessibility appears limited, and this is because of the finiteness with accompanying filtering. Appearing intelligence in finite dimensions is a creation of perception within finite dimensions. Inter-dimensional knowledge of a less-than-usual filtered state is perceived as more advanced within finite dimensions. The linearity of finite dimensions appears defied through adept funneling of inter-dimensional knowledge, and this is seen as a more advanced intelligence. With the dissolution of finite dimension filters, the concept of intelligence is equate to clarity, and the need for comparison and measuring does not make any sense. It is merely a perception of what is.
As we speak to you, in the finite dimensional realms, of threading and reaching in multiple directions simultaneously, accessing coordinate directions of independent direction all at once, we speak of natural, obvious mental entertainment from the viewpoint of the unlimited realms. Doing this from within the three dimensions, or finite dimensions of significant filtering need, appears as what is perceived as higher intelligence. Yet, within multidimensions, this is as natural as breathing in your physical world, and there is no 'ego' that claims importance for perceiving the energetic divulgence. Much of what is considered intelligence in finite dimension worlds comes throug adept communication methods which convey into the funneled filters of linearity, the multifaceted threading of energy retrieved through higher dimensions.
Traversing the mental coordinate planes in threads of multiple directions, all at once, would have no obvious merit and not have a purposeful feel for a finite dimension mind. Thus, there is little or no reason for many of you to do this, and you tend to go on in awe when you see glimpsed from those who do. But, truly, the veils can be lifted for anyone, and the clarity of the infinite is readily impenetrable. Preoccupation with perception of intelligence within finite dimensions is itself a filter for intelligence itself. Because perception of intelligence entails the linearity of perception of linear minds, intersecting from different angles of perception. The intersection of already limited minds is further limited because of the intersection. Thus, the intelligence you hear about in the third dimension that is agreed upon by multiple finite dimension minds as being intelligence, is extremely limited, and not intelligence at all. True genius in your world, you can be assured, you will not hear about through multiple threads of linear minds.
Thus, entertaining multidimensional knowledge, intelligence, is an endeavor of consciousness, rather than a means of interaction with finite dimension beings, and direct communication in linear form is subject to the filtering effects of energetic infiniteness, just as is essential for the third dimension to precipitate as it is. For infinite knowledge to be absorbed, the endeavor must be of unified consciousness, rather than the undertaking to communicate with other linear minds. For those of you who are boosting yourselves with attaining heights of perceived intelligence, the prospect of absorbing true intelligence would appear quite lonely and of no appeal at all. For those who truly endeavor to absorb infinite knowledge the undertaking is of expansive energetic proportions for a unified consciousness being.
Anything that elicits strong mind states in you is itself a gateway to vast realms of understanding. As your progression with integration of Heart-Centered Vibration awareness will lead you, thinning your denseness and slipping through into transcendence of the surface tension of these mind states places your expansive conscious awareness into huge realms of awareness and understanding, accompanying visionary, Great Sensory, fascinations of beyond the physical world that you know. Some experience with this realization, and your relationship with the mind states from which you have been recoiling for so many years, and even lifetimes, changes immensely. You can now only imagine what it would be like to see some configuration in the physical plane in which great fear or terror or deep frustration is present as an undertaking of vast knowledge, just waiting for you to step through the gateway into the realm of invitation.
From an impulse you have in the course of finite-existence events, rather than to follow the ball of yarn string of seeking out the precipitated result, get your consciousness, in multi-dimensional awareness, into the impulse itself, and feel its vibrational essence, and intersect this into the Heart-Center Vibration, and proceed, carry on with your life. We do realize that doing this way is quite different from the busying yourself with the drama of 'life on the planet', yet this is the path to directly bring you to the energetic state you are deeply seeking. From the Heart-Centered Vibration, there is a centrifuge which shakes off the refuse such as greed, jealousy, ego, and brings forth the center of your vibration state from the infinite dimensions. You sometimes refer to people as having no heart or a black heart. These people are no different in principle. They have just set out to filter the infinite dimensions and give priority to the three - and are doing a really good job of it! Were they to immerse into their Heart-Center Vibration, the apparent blackness covering their perceived heart would be shaken free and their vibration states would align with the infinite.
Intelligence, gathering, reaching into the infinite becomes a matter of clarity, and awareness, rather than a linear transmission of data. Opening into this understanding, your interaction with a finite existence is better served as a means of reflection. The linear path of what other people would see as intelligence, you find is merely a means of filtering. Intersecting the views of multiple people you find is even further filtering, and can result in absolutely no intelligence at all, if you have enough differing views. If you absorb the intelligence of the infinite energetic, you interact with the finite intersection in a reflective way, and allow what had once been your ego motivation to dissolve in the procedure. Radiate, vibrate into the fabric of your intersective world, and allow the energy transmission to progress. Let what other beings' consciousnesses come up with take their course, and give attention to what your consciousness will intends. Allow the rest to shake off of the centrifuge as irrelevant.
Standing waves we have talked about before, as energetic congruence with some finite dimensional intersection. Your somatic organism is one such finite intersection. Your energetic, pure energy, transmission in this way can proceed in concert with your dense dimensional awareness, in which your density interprets vibration as a fluctuation of matter. In this regard, your ability and sensory perceptive acuity will proceed to perceive the standing waves in the sentient vibration way as well. If you pay attention to this, you will see what we are talking about. In unison with the pure energetic standing waves, which, from the vantage of the dense magnate, would appear to be very subtle, the sentient standing waves would be powerfully a means for transmission into propagation within finite dimension intersection coordinates. The using of the term 'standing waves' belies the dynamicity of the operation. Variation in frequency and amplitude, as well as the propagation of such along the boundary of definition, in concert with intended will, has the transmission transitory effect of defiance of nominally accepted finite dimension behavior of precipitation. You will soon find that your acute awareness of the conditions of your somatic state is essential as part of involving yourself in some of these operations we tell you, because these can alter the frequency of your somatic shell parameters, and if awareness is marginal, peripheral, or less than that, the appearance to you could be as though something is erratlcally awry and that extinction of your sentient organism is imminent! This could easily dissuade you from being involved in subsuming the power of these techniques. Maybe, if there is any concern about this, you can start by playing more slowly, and get the feel of it all, and notice the contrasting situations. In multidimensional space the division between healing and dissolution is nonexistent. Healing to you is changing of energy in multidimensional space. Dissolution to you is changing of energy in multidimensional space. For you there is a stark contrast between those two, in your dialectic existence. For the Universe, it is energy transmitting, shifting, changing, as always. Thus, in introducing multidimensional concepts in integration with your somatic intersection of finite dimension, attunement to the effects which strike contrast with your dialectic nature would be advisable for a smoother ride through finite dimension space.
Projection, transmission, incorporating the conceptualizations originating within your seeds of consciousness may seem unnatural to you, and somewhat open ended, which would inhibit your motivation to do so from within a finite world. This is because your feeling states are your means of orienting your understanding of being alive within the finite world dimensions. Reception of energy drives feeling states in readily cognizable ways. Transmission of energy has not any direct feedback into your finitely-organized subset of infinite consciousness. It is this involutive nature of your feeling-state interplay with your organic livelihood which turns you into reactors, passive receptors of energy, processing what involutes into your perceived finite boundaries of an ostensibly individuated being. We have suggested the multiple possibilities for encoding transmissions among the great array of means of energy transmissions, yet there has probably been a kind of blank stare from your consciousness in this regard, because your involutary nature would not recognize any purpose to this. Projecting outward would not directly relate to feelings that you could sense in a three dimensional sentient way. To you this would be like painting with paint and a paint brush, but not any canvas or object for transmission of paint from the brush.
What then? Well, your nature in your finite world is replete with dialecticity, is it not? If your nature is of involution with feeling states projected within your sentient being, there would seem to make sense for there to be an adjoining extractive subject of feeling states relative to transmissive energy. How is it that this extra-feeling, having no interaction with your involutionary receptors, would direct motivation for transmission from you? There is expansion beyond the realm of the finite dimensions required to understand the answer to this question. Your interaction with feeling states is inherently dependent on the involution of the energy of your being required to create the finite intersection. The intersective creation of the infinite with the finite planes, in effect, generates feeling states when cross-intersected with the involutary energetic tension that defines your organic shape. Transmissive energy reaching into higher dimensions releases these boundary conditions, and hence you do not feel the feeling-state-feedback. A factor also is that transmissive energy which is restricted to finite dimensions is done in a way to conform to finite dimension boundaries, parameters. To the transmitter, this translates into what you call effort. To you, it appears to take some work to generate transmissive energy in this way. Infinite dimensions have no such boundaries, and thus transmission equates to radiation. You don't see the sun in the sky having to go to great lengths to radiate all of that light and heat, do you? It just does. Your being, in its inner infiniteness, just does radiate infinite energy. Your consciousness specifies the frequency and the encoding parameters transmitted along the energy waves. The interaction with your finite world is your feeling states, now going in the transmission direction, and radiating. Your motivation for conscious radiation comes from higher frequency mind states. If you are going around with lower frequency mindstates, you are automatically radiating them to some extend, but the power of it is impotent. The nature of those mind states does not motivate for transmission into the higher dimensions, and this would not be possible anyway. Consciousness would not entertain those kinds of mind states, as they arise out of lack of consciousness. Yet, when you are in a deep state of Love, your motivation for radiation comes from the feeling itself. It is obvious for your consciousness that such feeling states do not belong to, and do not make sense to be confined only to, ostensibly individuated beings or consciousnesses. Radiation is natural, just as it is natural for the sun to radiate instead of somehow try to confine all of that light and heat to be within the boundaries of its denseness.
Higher mind states, more natural transition into radiation mode. Lower mind states, less motivation for transmission other than linear execution. Now, we have spoken to you about dialectic opposing poles, such as feeling states, energetically effecting transmission into multidimensional space akin to electromagnetic transmission, through the opposition poles of magnets in motion. The physical anolog of which we speak is dialed in to physical parameters such as speed, motion, time. The multidimensional transmission of which we speak, is as would appear to you, stationary transmission of radiation. In this way, your motivation to radiate, transmit energetically, as higher mind states reach, is not oppository, separate, from your transmutation between mind states. The means for transmission, radiating is to consciously, on the mental plane, direct the dialectic mind state into presence. The radiation naturally flows, and the higher mind state dominates the date encoding process for the transmission, as motivation is itself congruent with the radiation process. So, if you are feeling lousy, bring the counterpart mind state of higher energy into your mental focus, and allow the radiating process to pull your consciousness accordingly. If you are not feeling much of anything, or it is going up and down, or you aren't sure, you do the same thing, bringing a bright light source into mental focus. This creates a pole for energy transmission generation, and your frequency will pull you into motivation into radiation.
Now, as your progression into awareness within the centrum Heart-Centered Vibration progresses, and as we have directed to you that experiential coordinates of your feeling states in unison with your Heart-Centered Vibration leads to the transcendence of the dialecticity of the mind states, integration of this insight we are providing here should become assimilated as you move onward. Although maybe somewhat simplistic, dialectics uniting form a whole, completion. Migrating through the conscious Heart Centrum, completion emanates, permeates your entire consciousness being. You see this as you do it.
Reflection is a method to be used when confronted with contrasting circumstances between the energetic and physical, surface-tension, situations. Such as when you are burdened somatically, yet inclined to perform through it, and keep the focused somatic dealings on the horizon. Or, feeling fatigued, yet having miles ahead in your day or current task. The remedies for these things are known, but you may still wish to progress within the challenging contrast. Here is what you can do. We say reflection. Your conscious intelligence is a giant mirror, directing the metaphysical energy through permeation into the physical plane. Your conscious awareness of the reflection of this mirror as you proceed through your activity will shift the course of your experience. The weight of the burden is evident of its energetic properties and the physical burden's perspective is displayed accordingly. The Consciousness Mirror is both a vision of the Light and a transmission of the Light. Both of these have immense available effect for your needs in these situations, and many others. This is why we speak of reflection in this topic. Your conscious entertainment shall be greatly gratified through contemplation of this mirror power, and we invite you to do so. Subtleties abound, of the interplay with your consciousness, and the inter-frequency exchange that such a mental interface will play. You are encouraged to invest such concepts as your physical concept of color, and inject into the Consciousness Mirror, and allow the boundaries of surface tension with the third dimension to loosen. See that color, which on the physical plane is seen as a biproduct of 'real' physical matter, or light, is a substantial vibratory entity which is more 'real' than what you think of as real in the third dimension.
Use of our terms like mirror and reflection belies the significance of such terms with regard to inter-dimensional space. Reflection has both passive and active facets, and the extension of the mirror is shaped into multidimensional coordinates, with live attributes. Allow your imagination to guide much more so than your insertion of the metaphors we are using related to physical world concepts. So you see, rather than struggling with the third dimension intersection to do an about-face on something like fatigue, you bring in the Consciousness Mirror as you progress through your activity, and move onward in new ways, with new insights, with new concepts, exploring new realms. Your consciousness is now dawning... feeling the power in this leverage for both interacting multidimension energetically in finite dimensions and for dissolution of the boundary tension which heightens the filtering effect of coordinate life of finiteness.
We have spoken in reference to dissolving the boundary of surface tension that defines your shape in three dimensional existence. Exercising in this way takes some courage because for a finite dimension being, the operation of releasing that tension is also what happens when transition out of physical life occurs, and you may not early recognize the difference between this and physical death, which from the physical vantage point is a big deal. You automatically do this dissolution when you sleep and go into the dream world, but that part of it occurs usually after your physical mechanisms have released their span of control. With some adept awareness, you will learn to unlatch these physical control mechanisms, and proceed with the releasing of the boundary tension. You can play around with this when you are going to sleep as well. In your perception of time, there is a small band between waking and sleeping where the unlatching of the physical mechanisms takes place. If you proceed to the direction of sleep state and know that this is happening, it will sharpen your detection of the subtleties of this occurrence, and help you to gain courage to proceed amidst the feelings that arise in autonomic response to what the physical organism recognizes as the signs of impending doom.
Let us move onward!