Weekly Channel – Apr 24 – Apr 30, 2016
Heart Centered Vibration expansion facets are multitudinous, and we are emphasizing exercising in a way to grip your conscious, inter-dimensional threads through the portal. We are adamant about making this practice, and carrying on with the deepening procedures which you have begun. As we have discussed, the significance of the emphasis on the Heart-Centered Vibration portal is imminent and worthy of mention to hold that focus when the tide is drawing you toward other energy centers at the same time. As you are traversing in multiple directions, all channels are open, and our instructions should be interpreted to maintain the salience of the exercise of heightening awareness into the Heart-Centered Vibration. As you are evolving, multi-facets are becoming apparent, and you are becoming able to see inter-dimensional trajectories, of which you have begun to gain understanding, with deepended vision. Paramount in all of this endeavor is reaching a state of heightened readiness. As we are aware that you have noticed, there is a surface tension in the third dimension shell which illusively convinces you of its necessity for remaining in existence. Deepened Heart-Centered Vibration necessitates the disolution of the surface-tension of the shell, and this has an initial jolt into your third-dimension-interfaced consciousness of traversing in the direction of ceasing to exist. The impulse would be to hold back because this kind of feeling would invoke a significant jolt of what you would know as fear, trepidation, which would turn your tail in the other direction and shuffle you back into third-dimension-land. So, readiness to vaporize your physicalness-being through and beyond this surface tension of the shell is a minimum launching point for the spreading of the Heart-Center Portal as a realm, beyond the localized somatic interface coordinates.
As we move onward, we will indicate numerous dimensions through which the Heart-Centered transition will allow you access, and also present new angular views of traditional energetic means of operating, which you have begun to acquaint yourself with. You are placed, within your Heart Center, within the vantage of your infinite interface with your finite beingness. From this vantage, your conscious attunement is just enough broadcasting the frequencies available for finite transmission, yet accessing the infinite. Much of what we have been instructing you to do with regard to healing and manifesting and elevating your mind states is done with this understanding, and the transmissions we have given you are becoming amplified, with your now deepening understanding of the Heart-Center Vibration realm.
You have noticed that noticed somatic imbalances emanate localized vibration frequencies, noticeability seemingly integrated with the tightness of the intersection of the condition with the three dimensional dense being. You have correctly surmised that sustainment of conscious awareness of these vibration frequencies dislodges the settlement of the conditions of imbalance allowing the re-patterning of the crystallized form into a harmonized-balance state. Amplification of this means is available through the Heart-Centered realm, to a vast degree, and there is not a requirement to focus on only one somatic interface at once. Having dwelt with your Heart-Centered Vibration in awareness, and thus entered that realm, simultaneously bring your awareness to the salient somatic interfaces that are demonstrating shiftedness from the balance state, in some way, whether sentient, aural, visual, etc., and interject their vibration frequency states into your conscious awareness. Continue in this feeling state, and entertain all of these frequency states, vibrating at once, whilst maintaining the presence within the Heart-Centered Vibration realm.
Hold this state as much as is viable under the circumstances. You find that the mapping into three dimensional time coordinates is not relevant, as would be the normal expectation from the three dimensional vantage point. Practicing this illuminates further coordinate systems in the inter-dimensional realms, which employ continuous standing wave patterns of healing. This energetic effect becomes directly infused into your energetic process as your awareness heightens to it. As you see, the standing wave system which is congruent with your somatic blueprint is itself the blueprint for harmonized balance. Therein lies the entry gateway for understanding of the balance-restoration, energetic means, for conditions that appear in a less localized way. Conditions based on configurations which have 'crystallized' into energy patterns that generate weird emotional/mental states and/or physical conditions which seem to appear, disappear and reappear, for not readily correlatable origination methods. Conscious immersion, from the Heart-Centered Vibration realm, in the energetic blueprint of the standing wave system congruent with the three dimensional somatic bodies, produces balancing effects which shake out the impurities of these kinds of patterns.
You find that signs of less tangible evidence of balance shifts are resonating at their own frequencies as well, and that bathing in the blueprint of standing waves entrains the frequencies into your harmonized consciousness. You just may find that it is worthwhile to spend some time harmonizing in this way. Fatigue, or dizzy states, or emotional states that arise with no correlation to events - these are the intangible signs, and they resonate, just as the congruent somatic states do. The Heart-Center Vibration entry point, and maintaining the feeling states of the resonant vibrations is the path to energetic transcendence of the jelled physical conditions that create the disharmonic imbalance in your energetic conditions.
The disharmonic imbalance of being shifted to the lower frequency mind states, and absorbed into the polar dialectic mind state frame structure of the filtered physical environment, in expanded Heart-Centered Vibration, energetic blueprint balancing, is restored to a balanced harmonic state, in alignment with the propagation of action in the finite coordinates as balance is restored. Activating the Heart-Center Vibration, the resonant frequencies beyond your witnessable physiological states, are activated with respect to the environment of your finite dimensional existence, and therein is activated a standing wave system which conducts the orchestra of your reality states.
Your feeling states, whether physiological, emotional, some intricate weaving of mental/emotional/physical states, invoke a channel of visibility for the frequency state of resonance. Every feeling has a vibration to it. The calibration of your somatic involvement in the third dimension plane is such that states of harmonic balance would generate frequencies of feeling states that discern as more enjoyable or favorable, according to the dialectic parametrization of humanoid interfacing. Typical patterns are to go along happily as long as you are feeling good. When something doesn't feel good, it alerts you to attentiveness for restoration of balance in some way. This apparent out-of-balance trigger is a product of the dense plane environment, and not itself related to what we call frequency states, which are of the higher dimensions. It is more like this trigger mechanism is there to wake you up to remember to turn your gaze toward the higher dimensions. The circuit connection with your mental gaze and the frequency states is the gate path for you to enter with awareness into the higher dimensions.
In traversing between the dialectic states, an energy-generating process is going on, transmitting in an electromagnetic-analogous kind of way, through inter-dimensional coordinates. Your awareness that this is happening, as you go through your third dimension motivated harmonic balance restoration, will be insightful and educational for your deepening cognizance of multidimensional understanding from within the third dimension peephole.
As the magnitude behind our recent guidance for emphasis on the Vibrational connection with your Heart Center is relatively less-precedented, sustenance of effort is common as necessity to effect multi-layered multidimensional integration concommitant with third plane functioning. Motivation for such sustenance would not arise out of conventional third plane means, and is subject to be easily squashed if credence is given to third plane means, as most of your human counterparts would tend to do. This is the sort of building block operation where the building blocks are invisible, and what is being build is not evident until the building blocks have been fruitful for a sustained duration. We are telling you to emphatic your heart area, seeking the vibration feeling. At first this is a new thought and motivation is readily available. You find that sometimes you can see the vibration and sometimes it is not there and you go the route of imagining it is there even if you can't feel it in a given moment. Then, along comes a day when you get a taste of the real transformational effects related to the guidance we are giving you, and realize that this is more than just an easily-integrated background effect that will go along with everything else the way you have been doing it. There is a real sense of selflessness involved, and kind of an all-or-nothing aspect of it. That is what we were talking about when we said that there is a surface tension you have to relinquish. There is a security associated with the third dimension surface tension, and we are guiding you to release that, and face in ultimate depth, all feeling states to their fullest, without employing a mitigating, tempering, filtration system. All this without having the membranes of understanding and security you have relied upon from similar organizms on your plane. You are asked to continue, thrusting through these resistances, without being able to see just where it is leading. This is coming out now because you have been through some of these kinds of things already, and have had enough sight in that regard to know how the multidimensional layering can create a mosaic in the evolvement of your integration as a multidimensional being in a third world intersection. There tends to be a settling down, an integrating, after a few days, which relinquishes an effort of sustenance such as this to the subconscious level. Discussion here is encouragement for the attainment of sustained sustenance effort in an increasing conscious level, through the rush of tide, however it may appear, which emits forces to cause submergence. Maintain your effort and conscious awareness of keeping your Heart-Center Vibration feeling noticing in the forefront of your conscious, waking endeavors.
Previously we have supplied suggestions for sustained conscious focus methods, and they have tended to be kept alive for a week or so, and as the channeling messaging has continued, they have given way to new information. We are proceeding in this regard now, continuing the channeling information, yet in a way that allows for the sustained effort to expand the entry into the Heart-Centered Vibration realm. Anything we supply, you can do in concert with your Heart-Center awareness expansion. Anything!
Let's just say that you knew nothing about the properties of water, including behavior under different temperatures. Now, for experimentation, say you are heating water on a fire and measuring the temperature, and watching the temperature rise as the fire heats the water, as your scientific mind would expect. Then, as the temperature of the water reaches 212 degrees farenheit, you notice that the temperature doesn't rise any more and you surmise that either the limits of your fire have been reached, or the properties of increasing temperature of water have been reached. Two possibilities for how to proceed exist. One, you consider the experiment complete, with your 'limit' of 212 degrees farenheit noted, or two, you just let the fire keep heating the water to see what happens. In the latter case, after a little while, the water would begin to boil, and you would witness the interesting effects of the integration of the heat into the water, once the boiling point temperature is reached. This is analogous to what we are asking of you with regard to the sustenance of your attention to the Heart-Centered Vibration. After a few days of the effort, the muse of it being new wears off and you have enough experiences of not really noticing much changing or happening, and it becomes easy to just let it go and move on to other things. We are asking you to persist... do what it takes to keep your conscious effort to feel the vibration alive, and allow the 'boiling of water' process to ensue. More clarity will engulf you about our use of words like 'realm', and why we are saying that healing methods will become more clear, and why we are indicating that the dialectic nature of the mental/emotional feeling states will be transcendent through this. We have to push you to trusting us on this enough for you to persist.
Transmitting from pinpointed vibration centers, Heart Center or any point, you are beaming inter-dimensional energy into inter-dimensional space, with high vibration informational encodings embedded in the channels. Expansion of your conscious cognizance as this transmission continues, is essential for effective expansionary effectiveness. Informational transmittal originates through infinite mental seedings and stretches into multidimensional directions from each of these. Your wrappings of a third dimension mind would perceive only a medial carrier of linear data, yet expanded multidimensional mind capacity is for infinite transmission. Your ability is to 'see' the infinite within what for you is vacuous within third dimension filtering. Information is in transmission to multi-mental dimensions, and thus indiscernible through single minds. Your disolution of third dimension shell is the opening of your consciousness into multidimension mind.
Informational encodings of multidimensional nature defy the linear transmissions you know and love on your third dimension plane. Spatial coordinates are not at the forefront, nor are time constraints. The nature of what we mean by 'information' deserves some contemplation, as the understanding of the significance here is highly expansive on your mental plane. Something of the magnitude of an entire realm, or an entire lifetime, or an entire universe is transmissible within what to you is infinitessimal time and space. Direct link to consciousnesses at all levels of frequency is readily accessible. What we call 'information' is multidirectional through all infinite-dimension coordinates. You may, all at once, see, feel, do, experience in multiple sensory modes, multiple experiences on multiple levels, in all dimensions. Start with your inner core, some vibration point, and inject your entire being into the pinpointed vibration transmission, and you will be carried into understanding. As you are directly focusing in your Heart-Cenered Vibration, use this, currently. At any time, any point of vibration is accessible, and you will soon see that there is no necessity for congruence with your physical body. Nor is there need for limitation to one entry portal. We present it this way for the sake of your understanding, because the multiple-channel mind is an expansive concept from your vantage point on the earth plane.
Let us move onward!