Weekly Channel – June 22 – June 28, 2014
Although the earth plane is dense and relatively slowly moving, it is nonetheless fast pace when dealing with other humans, while trying to be focused on the vibration state, and thereby engage in the multidimensional awareness while simulltaneously existing in the world. What can you provide as guidance for reconciling this?
The ‘dealing with other humans’ is like the main event in a sporting event, and that is not a time when you should be primarily concerned with being solely focused on the vibration state of things. Those times are relatively short, and it is like there is much preparation, and that is when you are on stage performing. When you are on stage, you do not worry about setting up the props, and rehearsing. You focus on the moment, and go with it.
Ok, however, I find that following difficult interactions with humans, I tend to keep feeling that energy and thinking about it, and have trouble focusing and concentrating on the vibration.
The energy of the dense interaction is sluggish, and remains in place, this is true.
Is there anything I can do to make the transition more effectively?
There are multiple facets to this. For one, you can use concentration to stream your energy into focus on the vibration of your nature, once you have the opportunity to do so. This can work in any situation, but you have to persevere, and may have to reset your energetic focus a number of times. Another thing is that you can repattern your energy so that your tendency to ruminate on the human interactions with you is less.
Is there an effective method for repatterning this energy?
Yes, when you sleep, there is great opportunity for shifting at the fundamental level.
How can I initiate this kind of action to take place while I sleep?
First, use the same cleansing action we talked about earlier. Use the energetic, luminous, liquid light waterfall to cleanse you before you actually drift to sleep. If you keep trying this, you will become more skilled at doing this. Freeing your spirit from the dense interaction prior to actually entering the sleep realm will have profound effects, and this will lead to repatterning your energy, so that your human interactions will be seen for what they are rather than major dramas of your life. The judgements and criticisms of humans are irrelevant, really. Furthermore, it is actually very beneficial, as exercise, to focus your concentration as we discussed above. This develops a skill that enables you to bring your awareness into the multidimensional while immersed in the densest of the dense. As you become adept at this, you will be able to do that even during the most intense interactions. So, it is worth making the effort.
Let us move onward!
On this day, how might I effect interactions with other beings, particularly humans, that are high energy, yet harmonious and enjoyable?
You are dwelling on the astral plane all of the time! Your interactions that are less than harmonious are only perceived on the physical plane. If you will place your attention on the astral plane only, then you have no means of dwelling on the tension and disharmony. This is the simple way to explain it, yet we understand that ‘placing attention only on the astral plane’ is a stretch from where you normally interact while awake and moving about on the physical plane, so we must find words to lead you into that dimension in addition to this stating of the method. Your eyes can be the gateway. You know how it is to look directly at something and see it in a physical way, and yet at the same time, you can see ‘peripherally’. This is somewhat of a misnomer, because the term peripheral is used because that is the way humans normally engage in their subtle vision, through which the energetic is perceived. Humans notice this in the peripheral because the forward vision is so consciously focused on the physical, that the subtle is not noticed. If the conscious mind is engaged to perceive the subtle, then this ‘peripheral’ method can be activated at any time. Thus you may consciously focus on this visionary method whilst engaging in the physical dimensions, and thereby consume your connection with the astral world. In the midst of any, any physical challenge, you may do this, and connect yourself with the web of continuity that is, from your physical perspective, more subtle, and thus is relevant to the interactions that are more harmonious.
One challenge that you continuously face relates to your perception of time. This is the product of the dense, and the filtering of the energetic reality to perceive through only the dense. The concept of time places the constraint on the perception of result when methods such as we are describing here are employed. The result of this is, for instance, you interact with other humans or another human in a way that feels to you disharmonious on the physical plane, and you remember what we are suggesting here, to perceive through the subtle vision, and you feel as though you are half imagining it, and half ‘doing’ it, and you then think “ok, now what?”. This is the bridge that appears to be a gap between the effect you are seeking and the the current state you are feeling. There is a delay in the realm of what you call time, and it is what you consciously engage in while in that realm that can make all the difference. If you take inventory on what has changed, then you can conclude early on that nothing has changed, and move on to some other semi-conscious interaction. Yet, if you are aware that you are engaging a world in which the perception of time is not needed, and merging with a world of time, then you can consciously effect an engagement in the transcendence of time, and allow the effects of the astral perception to assume their role. And for a moment let us refer back to the comment made – you may feel that you are half imagining and half doing. This is an important comment, because there is much diminishing of the imagination on the physical plane. In fact, in your society it is often discouraged or is dismissed as associated with the non-real. This is not true. Remember that when you are perceiving the more subtle from the dense, the feeling is not of density, and to you it would feel more like the softness of thought or imagining. So, try to get this through your thick soup of physicalness – “if you are imagining it, you ARE doing it!”.
How might I engage in more satisfying interpersonal relationships?
As you interact with other beings on the subtler astral plane, your attraction brings those who are on the same vibe, you might say the same frequency, although the concept of vibration is much more involved than simply a vibrational frequency. You are engaging in a ‘vibration of consciousness’ and it is those who inhabit the female human bodies at the same consciousness vibration which you are emitting, which will be the ones with whom there is a mutual interest. Thus, others will not be interesting to you, and you not much to them. Yet, the ones with whom you vibrate, those are the ones who will cross your path. So, again, the secret to interactions that are satisfying on the dense human level, those are entered through the subtler astral level. Therefore, your mission at this moment is to spend this day reminding yourself as much as possible to engage your interaction with your physical reality through the astral perception. This will shift your physical reality tremendously. Much of what you are accustomed to being the source of fear will not have any role in your reality, because the fear is only in existence in the physical world. The discomforts, the pain and suffering – these are not possible at the astral level.
There is further discussion here, because you have no doubt heard of spirits and beings who are trapped, or attached to the physical dimension even after losing the life of their physical bodies. Although translating into human terms is limiting when talking about this, much of this is about these consciousnesses feeling regret for missed opportunity whilst in the physical realm. For ones who engage the astral whilst in the physical realm, this is not going to happen, because it is through this kind of engagement that the appreciation for the opportunity afforded by a physical body life is possible, and the enjoyment of the physical body can be more fully realized. So, move forth into this day, with this mission in mind.
Let us move onward!