Weekly Channel – Apr 17 – Apr 23, 2016
Imagination is a vast, flowing, infinite stream of energy. When you 'direct' your imagination, you are applying a filtering system that interacts the infinite stream of energy with your perceptive coordinates of intersection with your dimensional existence attuned to the conscious will of your directed consciousness. In this light, it follows that imaginative creation is a process of riding the infinite stream through a manifesting coordinate mechanism. The perception of time in finite space is among the coordinates, and the determination of the time-specific coordinates through which imaginitive creations appear is regulated through the rate of energy flow through the manifestation mechanism. Allowing the energy to flow in higher abundance results in swifter engagement of the time coordinates. Your clarity of intention is of magnitude in relation to the rate of which the energy is allowed to flow into the manifestation mechanism. Distortion of intention arises through mixing the finite planes residue into the imaginative energy process. This is why reactive motivation to already-manifested creativity narrows the filter through which the energy can flow to so narrow a tube that it appears to move very very slow, or not at all, and your conscious anticipation is left in a wanting position. The discrete results of the proposition of manifestation are thus so limited that expectation of coordinates all coming together for the wanted anticipation are divergent or the rate of convergence can be extremely slow. The results you are imagining to create, first should be chiseled free of the crust of expectation based on conditions in the finite plane. Secondly, anticipation should be congruent with energetic flow, and the essential place of the most exaltation is for the anticipation to be congruent with the energy flow itself. This is a good reason why we have so much directed you directly to energize, vibrationally, light-expansionally, through the Heart Center, and become the energy stream, leaving behind your perception of a finite being observer, who is taking stock of finite plane phenomena.
Expectation of specific parameter values along the coordinate axes is a filtering process, and the flow of the energetic stream is thus regulated. The source of fulfillment you seek through directed energy flow is the energy stream itself, and the expectation for specific parameter values along the coordinate axes arises out of consternation based on events of the finite dimensions. The time axis is one of the big ones. Directing energy expansion to occur at a precise time on a specific date is allowing a narrow peep of light of energy to bring this into reality. Directing for a specific date allows much more flow of energy. Allowing the entire time axis to be free of expectation allows ever more flow of energy.
Among like beings, there propagates states of convergence of energy filters based on experiences, which results in the outlook for possible expectancies of individual beings to be severely limited through the ensuing filters. It takes will and strength to shift from the encompassing blueprint of beliefs created as a result of social interaction with other like beings into your own belief system derived from what you feel is fitting for your conscious propagation. Strength and will is attainable, and we advise you undertake the endeavor to proceed in this way. Some advisable methods for helping you to gain momentum in this way can be produced. Much is to be gained through time you spend quieting yourself internally to the point of feeling the vibration states within your Heart Chakra, and the subtleties in the variations. This is analogous to the conscious noticing of your breathing states. While the autonomic breathing process is ongoing as part of your organic life, if your conscious attention span focuses on the breath, much more is noticed, and there is vast transmission of knowledge as a result. Similarly with the energetic vibration of the Heart Chakra Center, and its variation of states. Be present in this way, within yourself, and prepare to direct your expectancies from your center, rather than in response to the projected expectations arising out of your social environment.
Cultivating awareness of your Heart Center vibration establishes a direct link with your conscious will, and you will develop an immediate response system with the alignment of how you are reacting, proceeding, with your conscious attentive Heart vibration. Resultant effects will bring you into immediate awareness when you subconsciously wander into areas that are out of alignment with your desires of resonance with your Heart. This is a mechanism you are familiar with on a physical level that develops in most of you. Your nerve reactions respond this way. If you are going about your physical business and not paying close attention, and suddenly you touch a hot surface or a sharp object, you immediately gain conscious awareness and your conscious focus shifts to the matter at hand. This feature, for you organic earth beings, comes installed as part of your somatic basic package. The awareness of your Heart vibration, along with the interaction triggered by your drifting into areas which waver from your inner will's desires, is not installed to operate automatically. It is cultivated through your development of subtle awareness of your Heart Center vibration.
Before we have discussed phases of high intensity emotions, such as fear and sadness and grief and anger, and facing the high energy, and entering into the vibration. We understand that the nominal situation differes from those peaks of easily identifiable mind states. In the course of your diluded perception that you are an isolated being among other isolated beings, you are bombarded with opinions and reactions and actions, which result in a quickly varying emotional soup of a vibration that may not readily translate into high-energy mind states for you. You may wonder how to wind your way through all of this with some hope that you are not going to be forever consumed by this emotional soup. Work with what we have been saying here, to entrain your conscious being with your Heart Chakra vibration, and your instantaneous perception of the vibration states will sharpen, so that what was previously too subtle to be able to feel, will eventually become noticeable, readily. It would serve you well to give some attentiveness to this development for a sustained effort. As your perception of the subtle heightens, so too will your ability to perceive the subtle vibrations whilst amid the effects of the emotional soup. This would go against the normal current of three dimensional existence. It would be akin to, while on a boat being tossed about in a violent storm that generates huge waves that threaten the ability of the boat to stay afloat, paying attention to the subtle effects of your preathing patterns. However, if you had done some previous effort to be attuned to the subtle effects of your breathing patterns, your awareness of your breath would be more accessible, even in such an extreme situation.
So, as your perception of your Heart Chakra vibration heightens, your 'hearing' becomes attuned to this vibration, and you should be going about your journey within the effective configuration that generates whatever the emotional soup would produce, and instead of swimming helplessly in the soup, elevating your mind states through entering the chords of your Heart Vibration. There is an expression that some of you use, "don't take it to heart", which arises when some effect of the emotional soup takes its toll to the point of being noticeable with other consciousnesses. If you take your consciousness to Heart, your energetic projection emanates from there, and there is no potential for the appearance that the external would be taken into the heart.
In your exercising for attentive feeling/focus in the Heart Vibration Center, there will inevitably be other vibration centers that are noticeable, such as the throat chakra. Allow these feelings presence, and continue to center-stage your development of the attentiveness to the Heart Center. Even if the other vibrations feel more prominent, you can maintain their awareness in more of a peripheral way. Gateways are on the threshold of opening for you in the projection of your consciousness into the subtle awareness of your Heart Center Vibration. As information travels along electromagnetic oscillations, application of the effective reception and projection possible through your Heart Center Vibrations is unlimited, and your opening to these realms will be open to the extent that your imaginative energy is allowed to propagate. There is a paradigm realm that is opening here, and many processes of your organic existence will take a new turn as you more deeply penetrate your energy essence. This is why we are emphasizing your valiance in exploring this undertaking.
An example is when trying to make a decision, and contemplating one choice or another. Attunement to your Heart Vibration Center accesses you to vectors of direction of energy flow as thoughts of one choice or another are consciously entertained. This Heart-Centered contemplation directly vibrates into inspirational energy to guide your procession forward in regard to being faced with the decision choices.
Feeling states, as you are accustomed to the innate programming of a dialectic response mechanism to feeling states, encompass a new paradigm as you enter the mind states through your Heart-Centered Consciousness. In contrast to the recognized response of wanting to turn sadness into happiness, entering through your Heart Vision, you see the sadness itself through a multidimensional vision, and all facets of the sadness, and multitudes of attributes that are not known from the facet of seeing sadness as an obstacle in your never-ending three dimensional effort of happiness pursuit.
Inter-dimensional integration will diffuse the bi-polar nature of the existence you are developing on the third plane. There are inevitable paradigm shifts that are a part of this, and the ensuing challenges that arise from shifting in this way amidst environments that are not are notable, yet worth facing, nonetheless. Your preference has been to entertain a world of opposites - hot,cold, happy,sad - and to conform to a bias toward one or the other, based on preferences and circumstances. The dialectic nature of your world arises out of the finite-dimensionalness of your world, rather than the Truth of your energetic infiniteness. Prioritizing awareness of the Truth of your energetic infiniteness solves the dilemma of the dialecticity of your perception of reality-propagation. Paradigm shifts occurrences are of a nature that entails interacting with the bi-polar entities in awareness incorporating inter-dimensional perception.
Gripping your conscious focus in ways that enhance the Heart Centered Vibration direct you into the transcendental realm of unification of the dialectic poles, energetically filling the void which appears to separate such opposing elements of your existence. Your accustomed procedure of motivating through an agenda of shifting away from bad feeling states toward gooder feeling states is irrelevant when, through Heart-Centered Vibration feeling the states perceived as bad reaches a massive, vast reverberating vibrational condition that obliterates the opposing concepts of good and bad themselves.
This is why we are talking about cultivating deeper relationship with Heart Center Vibration. Keep at this.
We know you are finding other centers vibrating strongly when you set out to notice the Heart Center, yet have instructed you to keep your focus on the Heart Center at this time. The intention is to heighten your awareness in the Heart area, and you will eventually see that the other energy centers are connected and you can extend into the vibrations for various intentions, as you will, from the Heart as a kind of central focus point. There is multilayered purpose to the instructions we are giving, and that is why we have suggested to temper the temptation to give total awareness to the energy center that is speaking the most loudly at a particular time. As guidance arrives for involving the peripheral energy centers in the course of your conscious existence, by all means do. When you can, try to enter through the Hear Center first, and implement the vibration states of the Heart Center. We are mentioning this to guide toward the limitation of distraction by the prominent vibration states noticed internally.
Let us move onward!