Weekly Channel – Apr 10 – Apr 16, 2016
Reach into your third eye, ajna, area and envision a stream of golden light that extends outward, expanding in breadth, brightness and dimension. Your 'forsaken' feelings that arise from the ostensible separateness that you encompass in your being on the third plane turn you inward seeking and seeking to find relief. The dense precipitations are compelling when your filtering effects have succeeded in expanding your inner shadiness so as to eliminate all but the faintest perception of the infinite light. Ajna light stream connection, as we are describing, is a direct path to comfort in this realm. However good a job you are doing of convincing yourself that the circumstances you are dealing with are real and significant, you can find warmth this way. Allow the circumstances to dissolve into the periphery of your perceptive coordinates. Feel the light, as warmth, spreading throughout your great expansive beingness, extending inwardly and outwardly, in dimensions along all perceivable paths. The warmth frequency carries you into a new realm, where the fundamental frequency is composed of the reassurance of the feelings of warmth through which your interest is first captured, entering from the physical plane.
If you have some feeling in the emotional plane, of discomfort, such as anxiety or fear or trepidation, peripherally it may appear to be localized in your body, and when you look closer so as to get into the vibration of it, you find that it moves and expands and does not compress into coordinates that are congruent with physical plane somatic coordinates. This, from the filtered physical vantage, may appear to be slippery and evasive, but from the multidimensional vantage, you are being led into coordinates purposefully. If you will, allow your mind to expand and open to this journey.
Release the confines of entrapment of your mind in three-dimensional, linear, space. Such a feeling as anxiety or fear, when you focus on the coordinates of the body, and it takes off in multiple directions, is not dissipating, is not evading you. It is multiply taking you along trajectories in inifinite space. When you are noticing this effect, and your expectation is to grasp it all within third dimension coordinates, your result could be of the nature of frustration. However, you are being beckoned to know that you are capable of following, simultaneously, all trajectories into infinite dimensions. Something that tugs at your heart strings, at your emotional level, and does this, is a carrier, a multidimensional carrier frequency, transmitting you toward multitudinous knowledge. Open your ajna area and condition your expansion in unison with your mentally threaded transmission through all threads of inter-dimensional space. Open your ajna chakra and receive, summoning elevated consciousness energy, 'knowing', in infinite directions, in infinite frequencies. This is where feelings such as anxiety, which first show up vibrating in areas of congruence with your physical dimension body, are beckoning you to expand your conscious knowledge into receiving. Allowing the boundaries of confinement to dissolve, and courageously stepping through the tension of fear of the boundariless state, is the direction in which you are being summoned, through such feelings in your emotional states. Some of these feelings may have been repetitious throughout your life. Assuredly, they never tire. Perhaps knowing the transmissions of knowledge to which they are seeking to lead you will help you to gain a new perspective on reacting by telling them to go away. They are teaching you to learn how to transcend your attachment to the physical phenomena being at center stage in your conscious existence.
Gaining some understanding of all of this, you can do the same thing with physically vibrating feelings that tug at you, such as pain. The slopes are narrower and more slippery to navigate in this way, however. The vibrations that seem to arise out of the dense body itself take more adept bending of the mental view to grasp their traversion into inter-dimensional space. Your habitual distraction of the physical environment has to be negotiated more skillfully in this way because of the level of integration of such feelings with the physical states themselves. This is the path, and you should now begin to explore this area when such feelings arise. The emotional is less integrated with the dense plane and more readily translatable into the infinite spatial transmissions, and hence lends itself readily to your understanding of those types of feelings as gateways into the infinite. Try it the next time you have a throbbing elbow or something, and use your journey along the emotional expansion into the inter-dimensional coordinates as a role model for doing such through the physical. See what you find, in doing that...
As we have been guiding you, involution of the feelings from which you are inclined to retreat leads to a path of expansion, and transcendence. If the feeling vibrations remain congruent with body coordinates, it may be simpler for you to concentrate and expand the vibration to reverberate throughout your expanded being. You have noticed though that the coordinates of the feeling vibration are not guaranteed to remain congruent with localized body coordinates, and that has left you perplexed as to finding a way to focus your concentration toward this involution process. As we are instructing here, the apparent scattering of the feeling states is, although it may appear an evasive maneuver orchestrated by the feeling states themselves, is really taking your multi-channeled mental avenues along dimensional trajectories. Conscious traversal of these trajectories defies confinement to within the third dimension, and this is really part of the idea - to expand your consciousness. You are so used to trying to push away feelings such as anxiety that it probably has not occurred to you, at least for a very long time, that the anxiety feeling itself is there to lead you into expansion. Breathe, allow, experience! Be courageous, and allow your mental avenues to all expand simultaneously, led by the very feeling states that you have been struggling to eliminate for so long.
We realize that your means to which you have entrained for interlacing your lifeform existence with muladhara chakra energy parametrizes colors of comfort and refuge. These are your signals that muladhara is acknowledging survival. A significant shift is needed for you to allow your expansion to move beyond the confines of the base third dimension survival parameters. This is all totally natural outside of your organic being inhabitation, but the intent here is to heighten your awareness from within the scope of the wakeful organic being inhabitation. Some infused energy into muladhara will help you to expand in this way. You are beyond the basics of survival on the planet now. Envision and feel a sharp deep light effect emanating from the muladhara area and expand the vibration feeling into multisensory awareness. This will lead you...
Now you see that your 'root' is only on the surface connected with your organic planet. Inter-dimensionally, your 'root' infiltrates throughout the entire Universal dimensional coordinate spaces. You also can now see that the energy feed into and through your ajna energy center energizes the activation in the muladhara. It would serve you well to spend some time in this dimensional meditation, integrating this effectiveness into your conscious being.
On comfort and power...
You have been going back and forth, like a critter scrambling about on planetary soil, seeking refuge and comfort, again and again. Thinking that there is some absolute time and place where you will be guaranteed to find a comfort zone that permanently does it for you. As we have indicated in the root chakra exercise/meditation above, your 'root' is throughout the inter-dimensional Universe, rather than buried in planetary density. Your aspects of 'comfort' are faceted from the skewed perspectives of the physical environment, and your repeated quests and subsequent frustrations in trying to find a reliable comfort zone that sustains time coordinates, intersected with three dimensional density coordinates, occur because the skewed view does not hold. You can find a comfort zone that intersects a point in this four dimensional system, yet even if the spatial, 3d plane appears reliable, the time coordinate keeps moving and the 3d coordinates must also change at some rate. The effect is that you cannot find a way to crystallize your emotional state into a four dimensional coordinate system to assure that you will always feel some comfort that you are seeking. So, why keep trying this? Our suggestion, one of our suggestions is, when you get that impulse to find that comfort zone, go to this muladhara energy connection we are talking about, up above in this message. The 'rooting' effect of inter-dimensional expansion through your root chakra as a portal appears to be an effector of opposite effect, from the outskirts. The surface tension of fear of the expansion feels, from the finite dimension limitation view, to be a dissolution of the being itself which seeks comfort. Yet, your consciousness is driving the being, and your consciousness attains a deep level of comfort from inter-dimensional expansion, which no fear-engendering situation on the finite planes can affect.
At the same time, we are talking about internal power, because this is a method for merging the infinite dimension planes with the finite, and functioning at a level that 'roots' you into the inter-dimensional expansion. Many of you call yourselves 'empaths' or some such thing, because you are sensitive to stimuli that is external to your organic shell. You are getting this way because you have sensed enough of the light, expansive, existence, yet are plugging in to the finite filter to the point where it is the tail wagging the dog of your emotional state. In the muladhara/ajna energy connection we have brought into topic here, you are tapping two poles that are congruent with places on your organic dimension body. Manipura, between these, is congruent with the solar plexus area, and directly circuits to your power level and its intersection with the finite dimensions. It is infinite, but it is the direct circuit with the facet of power as an energetic effect in the finite dimensions. Your mental mission here is to continue to develop the energetic connection from ajna to muladhara and the inter-dimensional expansion through the muladhara portal. As the energy vibration elevates, channel this into a super-bright energetic light in the manipura chakra area. This will loosen your hooks into the coordinates that effect your feelings of being subject to influx of unwanted energy due to the 'empathic' effects. Your sensitivity will continue, and in fact be heightened because you will no longer have this empathic recoil effect. Your thinness of cushion between your finite dimension being-interface and the effects of the environment and the 'other' beings becomes under your direction, rather than a perceived external phenomenon under which you feel you have no influence.
As you energize manipura, you may at first find a responsiveness amplification that would require some adjustment. If your interaction with physical plane phenoms would be driven impulsively by some emotional state or response mechanism fielded in a less-conscious medium, the result would not necessarily align with your bigger intent, and you might find yourself being careful in how you entertain your involvement from that point forward. This is why we frequently mention that clarity of consciousness and authenticity are becoming increasingly meaningful for you. Power level increase can make you wish to engage your consciousness more effectively.
With the energizing of ajna-muladhara, feeding brightly into manipura, you will gain a sense of how this power level increase feels. You then have the ability to feed this energetic nozzling into other facets of your conscious deliberation, such as healing. As we discussed a few messages ago, energizing the vibration of your chest and throat to engage healing mechanisms, feeding the power of the manipura energy into this sequence would have an amplification effect, which is a subject of your conscious intention with amplified effects. Healing is more effective as a multidimensional involvement rather than a symptomatic reversal sought from the dense plane platform.
Your heart center, infused with energy in this, similar, way, will enliven your feeling states inter-dimensionally, and simultaneously have a cushioning effect in the dense environment. You see the intrusion of the dense parameters as a hindrance to being completely focused with the extension of your consciousness-being throughout the dimensional spaces, and activating the energy through your heart center is your means of assuring that the cushioning effect compensates for this potential perception of intrusion, and allows your inter-dimensional focused to be extended in all dimensions in all ways, and eliminating the disproportionate imbalance caused by the denseness distraction.
At times, you may not have a specific agenda, or meditative sequence you are trying to follow. Notice and see what is vibrating most prominently. Enter the multidimensional, threaded trajectories of the vibration states, and expand your consciousness in this way. Whichever energy center, or centers are active. However the vibration states map into coordinates that parallel three dimension coordinates of the dimensional body. Lead in, in this way. Having an intended channel for transmission, begin with the area that is vibrating most prominently, and direct energy vectors in which way you choose. Your effective manifestations will enhance your intented projections in this way.
To 'know' whatever you are feeling, as we guide above, where the vibration is at the time, and where it moves, canoes you through a vast array of inter-dimensional knowledge, and thereby escapes you from the crust of three-dimensional shell within which you habitually attempt to hide.
Let us move onward!