Weekly Channel – Apr 3 – Apr 9, 2016
There are the thought streams and emotional states which interweave to create the continuous mental/emotional/physical piping into your third dimension interface with your infinite being, that you, in summation, refer to as moods. You categorize good moods and bad moods, and in the extremes, these are identifyable and obvious. However, what about everything in between? What about those times when there seems to be an underlying feeling, sadness, fear, gloominess, in the background that defines the space within which your third dimension interface is being orchestrated? It would seem that for your pleasure and enjoyment on your earthly ride, you would be interested in elevating the frequency of the waveforms that are created and feed into the mechanism of your feeling-being that you summate as your resultant moods. The moods are kind of like the background color of a painting. The figures in the painting are most salient, yet the background is always there, influencing them in some way. Of further note, from your observations, is that elevating the background frequency in which you engage your interface increases the contrast with the frequencies of the medium through which your physical plane experiences travel. There is a strength factor here, in maintaining the elevated frequency and continuing through the medium. For the nominal human configuration, this takes the effect of frequently being faced with stark emotional challenges, the kind from which you regularly seek to find retreat. Now we are leading into a realm where you can gain strength to frequence at a high level and resilient the effects of the infiltration of the frequency contrast with the medium of physical plane interface.
One thing for you to do is to believe in its effects enough to direct your consciousness to vibrational interaction of effecting higher frequency basis. Make this a mental pastime. This would have the most profound effects if you would interact with your mental plane interface in this way independent of being prompted by some physical plane trigger that calls the stark contrast to your attention. Reacting to the stark contrast is feeding the chasm of the stark contrast itself. This intrigue is akin to waiting until you have a scratch on your arm to give any thought to having healthy skin, and attending to the scratch on the arm and not thinking about having healthy skin again until you get another blemish in some way. You can direct your life like that, and at this stage of your cumulative existence, most of you are doing just that. However, to sustainably elevate your basis frequency, proactively directing your elevation states must be enhanced.
As you direct your basis frequency to rise, inevitably the starkness of the contrast will reveal itself at times, and your temptation is to be drawn into the mental thread of seeing your contrasting states as externally driven. This is an old habit that can change. The contrasting conditions are not discrete, absolute conditions, and this is one of the first things to integrate differently into your consciousness. Being not discrete or absolute means that change and transition are always occurring, and your mental interface should directly make use of this knowledge. Even as the contrasting situations are poking into your moods, engage your mental plane energy so as to effect waveforms of energetic transmission, the frequencies of which you directly coordinate. These frequencies which you coordinate, first harmonize with the fundamental frequencies of the physical plane conditions, yet at much higher frequency. As you move forth into the ongoing physical plane events, continue to consciously direct these waveforms, and intensify the amplitudes of the high frequency components, and thereby stretch the physical plane starkness into the higher frequency wave carriers.
Your means for elevating your basis frequency deserves some consideration, as this is a natural occurrence, given unencumbered environment, yet you are all so accustomed to encumbered environment, that the perceived norm is creating the appearance that elevated basis frequency is not a natural occurrence. Thus, some training of the mind is in order. Your basis frequency would entrain with the infinite, except that there be some means for holding it downward. You are so enthralled with the earth plane and the density concept that you have plugged yourselves into the belief that it is necessary to entrain your basis frequency with the dense range of vibrations just to be able to walk around and inhabit an organic system in that environment. Your approach that is typical among you dense-plane dwellers is one that you have found to be functional, yet being functional in the dense environment can easily expand to infinite dimensions. What can be trapping for most of you is that if the dense world is a prerequisite, then your perception has a starting point of thinking that anything of increase in value in some way, such as expanding your basis frequency, is thought to require a burdensome effort originating from within the dense plane environment. Having your circuits wired for this sort of interaction, it is of paradigm-shift magnitude to re-pattern your energy circuits to realize that attaining what you seek is really an opposite approach - effortless allowing of your frequency to rise to its natural state. Think about a basketball that is at the bottom of the lake, full of air. As most of you know, the summation of the pressure state of the basketball would be lower than the pressure state at the bottom of the lake, and the physical properties are such that forces would allow the basketball to rise to the surface of the lake, lest there be something holding the basketball down at the bottom. Your belief that stringent effort is needed to get something that you find desirable is your force holding the basketball at the bottom of the lake. Your first and most important step in learning how to readily raise your basis frequency is to train your mental plane interface to understand that unhooking your physical plane filters is all that is needed. The frequency will rise on its own, just as the basketball, once encumbrances are removed, will gravitate directly to the top of the lake.
So, there is the realizing that it is you and your beliefs, and your means of entertaining your existence's intersection with three dimensional space, that is keeping you entrained at a frequency within the nominal dense-plane range, which is the first step and a big one. Realizing entails both the assimilating of the concept, and the integrating of it into enough depth that it becomes part of the driving force to motivate your interactions with the menal plane. The experiential factors involved in the phrase "unhooking the physical plane filters" may involve a non-linear trajectory for many of you. Your experiential interface to this process would likely be of a nature that would repetitively involve forgetting and getting tripped up by the dense plane 'loudness' getting most of your attention, and then remembering, simply because of negative mind states returning and reminding you that your objective is to allow your frequency basis to rise. This would re-focus you for the moment and reconnect to your mental plane. Numerous repetitions of this would eventually lead to higher responsivenes internal to your realization, as physical plane phenomena poke into your inner-infinite-energetic bubble, as you would see it. It is this sort of non-linear trajectory that leads to us repeatedly reminding you that persistence is often the component of relevance in the success of applications of methods for shifting your paradigmatic acceleration.
You are dissolved. Knowing and feeling that yourself is dissolved, your attachment to the physical plane and its ensuing hooks, is not needed, and is not natural, and is not possible. Your natural state is dissolved. The alternative perception is feigned, for the physical world stage show. Yet, to understand your state of dissolution is a high reaching achievement for you. How could this be? It is your tuning knobs, your adjustments, which are set to let in physical plane measurement parameters only, which causes this to be.
As a fine, soothing, meditative state method, feel yourself to the realization that you are dissolved. Unleash the tuning knobs of the physical, and just see the Truth, in your inner being. This, in itself, will be an enjoyable pastime, and will attune you to the realization, and for pragmatic, practical situations, you will find that it is handy to be able to tune back and forth, and extend your perception through the full range of your experiential reality. Densation adjustments, i.e. healing, can effectively be transmitted through conversion into the state of dissolution, and re-configuring the dense construction in alignment to new coordinates. Think about unraveling and re-weaving threaded tapestries. Do this sort of thing at a molecular/energetic basis. Do this effortfully/lessly and your adept ability will expand accordingly.
Infinite dimension, inter-dimensional space is such that one source, within some finite dimension definition, can appear zero dimensional, pinpointed, yet itself be of multitudes of dimensions. Knowing this, you can do things like envision light sources within your three dimensional, finite, surrounding, and access streams of higher dimensional energy. You can see stars all around you, and feed yourself sustainance from them, with mental plane creation being the opening gateway for your conscious being. Try this.
Times when you feel 'powerless' or low powered, you are enthralled with third dimension hooks, and infinite means are readily available for ameliorating this situation. The least effective approach is to to directly employ third dimension parameters toward this goal, yet that is the usual responsive reaction, and it is not compulsory to feel your way to the methods that would be the most effective. Use the multiple star method we talked about above. The dissolving method. Do one of these and at the same time, divorce your mind from the signatory events that are suggesting the power factor, and occupy yourself in another way. Allow some of what you perceive as 'time' to pass, and the restoration of your energetic space will ensue. To feel some sense of powerlessness, yet proceed in a means of rendering yourself into nothingness or rendering the crystallized world around you into meaninglessness, seems to be the opposite of the direction you would want to go, but it is just the means to remedy the feeling of powerlessness, because such feelings arise out of the seduction of the crystallized form, which is itself void of power.
Vibration is an expression we use often, as this is understood in a dense sense, and interfaces infinitely between the dense and the infinite. This provides convenient knowledge transmission through language, as the use of this word and the accompanying concepts parallel the intention of expression to a satisfying degree in the direction of knowledge expansion, inter-dimensionally. As the assumption of physical-plane understanding of vibration and its related feelings and concepts is a given, allow us to extend into discussion to convey the inter-dimensional understanding of what we express using the term vibration.
As you feel light in a physical way, light, as electromagnetic energy, as you physicians understand it, ceases not to be electromagnetic energy when the frequency extends beyond the spectrum that is attainable through the nerves of the physical eyes of the organic beings. The extension of the concept of light to electromagnetic waves has allow your minds to grasp this extension, and the term 'light' is usually reserved for the physically observable effects of electromagnetic energy, the type of energy is understood beyond the physically perceivable spectrum. Extending your understanding of vibration into inter-dimensional realms beyond the sentient lends itself to understanding of the extension of the concept of light energy to which you have found your way. The 'mechanics' of vibration are somewhat palpable when constrained to the physical, yet resemble more the nature of electromagnetic energy in extended space.
When you feel vibration, in a physical way, you notice some variation, change in feeling, over a surface area of your body. This is some kind of oscillation, or product of oscillations of different frequencies. If you extend your mind through the physical boundary and into the subtler realm of consciousness, the varying, oscillating, surface phenomenon threads into the subtle, with extensive super-sensory parametrization. Extensions of all of your usual sensual understandings reach into the realms to which the oscillating energy of the vibration carry your conscious attention. Your thinking, thought forms are thus infused into vibration components in inter-dimensional space, and their degree of manifestation in the subjective three dimensional projection is a residual effect of this. Your basis frequency, mood-state, is a carrier for the vibration emissions of thought forms, and thus your basis frequency state determines the common denominator for the level of achievement, vibration-wise, which your manifestations will engender. If you are interested in producing a correlation between your projected manifestations within which the environment you are fosucing in finite dimensions and high-energy mind states, then it would be of interest to maintain a practice of noticing and deliberately elevating your basis frequency state.
Your practical habit of taking the finite dimension environment as the roof of your experience and seeing no purpose in extending beyond it leads you to absorb whatever is in the moment being delivered in finite dimensions, and your responsive vibration to it, as the fundamental level of your basis frequency. In your three dimensional world of organic beings, this subjects you to the wills of ostensibly separate consciousnesses, and their levels of vibrational projection. Not necessary to live this way!!!
Choose within to lock your conscious beam into the high energy frequency and allow your consciousness to project outward from that point. We speak of high energy frequency, yet the physical parametrization of what you know as frequencies is not part of the consciousness needed, and is really not discernable in that way. To you this is of the form of brightness, or elevated sentience, or uplifting mind states. Allow these to permeate your conscious expansion, as water naturally, effortlessly is absorbed into a sponge.
You may wonder how you can become, as the norm, a projector of your inner frequency basis, rather than an absorbing screen which entrains to the surrounding dense frequency? An analogy may help you find your way to the path for this. Sugar, sweetness, treates and such get a lot of attention on your plane. How come? Because they are pleasurable, they are enjoyable. These things grab your attention because they taste good, and give you a good feeling state. You are motivated to prepare such foods because you know this brings pleasure, for yourself or for others. Your concept of what sugar does for your taste buds, and the motivating factors that result, can now stretch into your multidimensional conscious-ness being and its inter-dimensional palate. The inner, high vibration, basis frequency, is a source of such immense inter-dimensional pleasure, that it is indescribable in speech, and non transferrable through communication methods that base upon ostensibly external, separated consciousnesses. If you were to forget that sugar tastes sweet and that you like the sweetness taste, then you would not seek to repeat the consumption of sugar the way you do. Yet your memory, in the organic form, is capable of remembering this, and hence sweet treats are a regular pastime in your social environments. Now, with regard to the immense inter-dimensional pleasure generated through your projection of your inner high-vibration frequency state, your organic being's memory does not naturally remember this, and assumes that the types of parameters which apply in the dense world would have to be navigated to take you there, even when some memory crosses the conscious state. You now may invite yourself to raise your adept level with regard to threading your third dimensional experiential coordinates, inter-dimensionally, impressing memory parameters which intersect your organic memory capacity to trigger motivation to direct your conscious focus toward the inner high-vibration frequency basis, and project this from your innermost being as your experiential precipitation with the finite environment unfolds. Your inter-dimensional memory is very capable of interlacing with your dense coordinates to trigger your pleasure-mechanisms so as to wake you into remembering to focus your conscious state in this way. Work this, with this intention, and allow your conscious being and inter-dimensional being to converge, with this kind of 'sugar'.
Inviting your inter-dimensional memory extension to weave in a functional way with your finite dimension memory mechanism is paramount to it happening. You can effect and amplify this effect in numerous ways, and your creative endeavors in this regard should be unbounded. You can concommitantly consciously attend to your inner vision of high vibration brightness, goodness of feeling, and create a multisensory envisionment of the weaving of these into your memory mechanism system. Goodness of feeling can follow a trajectory that directly infuses into the high energy, inner state. The high energy inner state can follow a trajectory that infuses into higher mind states. The intention to impress the inter-dimensional memory, as this is being noticed, into the three dimensional organic memory, has the desired effect to help you remember the sweetness of your conscious attentiveness to your high inner vibration.
All phenomenon which you witness in the physical environment are, as you are, of the infinite, and as such are gateways to the infinite. Trees, flowers, creatures, rocks, air, clouds... All of these thread directly into the infinite, inter-dimensional space.
Let us move onward!