Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #50

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Dec 12 – Dec 15, 2016

Somatically, your nominal perception is of individuation, nerve receptors integrated into the bodily coordinates with which your mental conscious state seeks identification.  Such is the nature of life in the vehicle of the organic composure, yet such perception is from a particular angle, and belies the unification of your energetic consciousness with all of your encounteries.  Your capability of projecting waves of harmonic resonance with the entire finite dimension creation in which you dwell, and thus to manifest according to your harmonic will, is subject to refraction due to your individuated angle view, which is ingloriously implanted into your basis for psyche as the assumption into human form takes place.
Your inherent capability is for you to voluntarily directly emanate wave forms directly outward from the 'center' of consciousness of your being, and effect the harmonic resonance of all that is created in your cross-section of finite dimension endeavor.  Initially, you are likely to be motivated to think of this, once you even get a sense that it is a capability for you, when your individuated state is contrasting with the correlation of coordinates with which you are cross-sectioning.  This being the case, generating waves of harmonic resonance in intention beyond the scope or your individuated perception is highly capable of having a surface tension effect on the boundary between your somatic being and the 'outward' precipitated environment.  The organic being effect would at first appear to be some kinds of somatic symptoms - headache, dizzyness, fainting spells, nausea, indigestion, etc.  This, as you are trained, alarm you to immediately prioritize thes somaticisms into your attentive states, and boom! - out goes the projection of harmonic frequency waves from your agenda of volitional activities.
Now we are going to encourage your development of independence of your volitional intentions from the boundary effects which invoke apparent symptomatic effects, so that you may persist and observe the realization of your true involvement in your creation experience.
These boundary effects are subjugated into you through involution, which is the energetic phenomenon which forms the basis for ostensible individuation of life forms.  These energy forms help to define your finite plane's shape and yours within it.  That is all, and that is as far as it need be.  You needn't become enslaved to the involution itself.  However, you must deliberately extend your awareness beyond it.  So, know yourself of the boundary effects and begin to notice that they are there and see them for what they are.  Succumbing to their resistance is, like this example.  Nothing is keeping you from being able to fly.  Gravity and all, is purposed through involution, and serves a finite dimension function.  Nothing is preventing you from flying.  You have even gotten yourselves to the trouble of building machines that can fly, yet it still is ingrained in your conscious that flying is not an option for you.  Knowing that your entire environment is created in inter-dimensional space through your conscious intention, flying is simply a matter of extending your consciousness along dimensional axes that intersect flying trajectories.  Yet, your, being subjugated to your involutionary state, reaction upon departing from the ground would likely be "Hey! I am flying!  This can't be!" and you would come crashing back down.  Such is the belief of the impermeability of the boundaries, and such is your belief that in emanating waveforms into your entire finite dimension creation, the physical effects you first feel are arising through some internal somatic imbalance rather than from boundary effects.  This is the first, biggest thing to get over, at the onset of this transformational method of operating in your world.
We shall give you some exercises you can play to help you to develop sight into seeing and feeling the boundary effects and to gain strength so as to extend your conscious endeavors through and beyond them, rather than to see them as enclosures within which you must maintain your operations.
Bring your awareness to the resonant central energy pulse of your being.  This flashes quickly into awareness through envisionment of light emanating from your inter-dimensional center.  Take some moment to feel your entrainment of consciousness with your pulsing energy.  Now, beyond feeling this energy as 'just happening', notice the ability for your conscious intent to pulse in dimensions of will.  Bring your focus to your finite dimension perceived boundaries, at the same time as maintaining your inter-dimensional awareness.  Allow perception to include the pulsing of your harmonic energy through and beyond the boundaries of your energetic, finite state, being, and allow this pulse to emerge at its own frequency.  Observe, notice, the sensory states signals coming to you as your energy pulse extends beyond your perceived physical boundaries.  Use your will to withstand the urge to retract, upon the sense of unknown or discomfortable sensory reactions.  As you continue and gain the adept ability to direct your energetic state, your own somatic states can easily be directly affected through your directed will of projecting your harmonic energy waves.  Play this for a while, and keep building your awareness and knowledge of understanding of your sensory states as boundary conditions, affected by surface tension and energy passing across the medium of your understood being boundaries in the physical environment.
Your inclination is to protect your life form, and this is by design, for persistence of life in organic form.  Inter-dimensionally, your life has no end, and the softening of boundaries between your perceived life form and inter-dimensional space has the sense of your organic life ending.  Thus, the sensory discomfort is perceived as a threat to your life, and that is why you recoil when your energy transmission extends into your environmental space in finite dimension.  Take your own pace and deliberately get to know the feeling of the difference, and to understand your organic life from the extended inter-dimensional view.
As your feelings mature beyond the tendency to recoil at the signs of somatic discomfort, the discomforts themselves attain their perspective places - you get to where you don't see them as discomforts because you understand the process of energy extending from your inner being into your created finite dimension reality.  At this point, you become familiar with being able to directly pulse into your reality states and thus directly influence what is happening in your life and the world around you.  You must let go of some of your 'other-oriented' human beliefs such as that you may be being 'selfish' for getting your own way.  You are incapable of changing what is being created in the reality state of creation of some ostensible 'other' being.  If people show up in your created reality and appear to be inconvenienced, from the angle of the consciousness occupying their being, that is what they are creating, however conscious of that they may be.  You are not freeing their consciousness from the constraints they themselves create by trying to create your reality in a way that serves them.
Whatever are the effects of weightiness of physical dimensions, effective is your wave transmission arising from reaching into inner coordinates of inter-dimensional space.  For your interaction, for you, this translates into how you use your mind.  The physical and emotional are mixed into the realm's endeavors and directly navigating with them is tantamount to elevating the dimensions of the finite realm into 'sole' status.  If you take the angle of that view for a sec, you can see that your means of reaching from a state of weightiness is by powerfully concentrating directively mental energy.  Nominally, for humans, when the conditions of the physical plane get 'difficult' for you, the reactive approach is to smack up against the conditions and try to change things somehow.  The mental realm tends to be left to scatter in however the unbridled mental state will go on its own.
It is just when you feel 'difficulted by the physical plane' that the effectiveness of your mental plane energy, being at your direct availability, in contrast to the already-precipitated with which you are trying to struggle, has powerful effects which are not immediately obvious to most of you.  Your training, enroute to becoming masterful, is to understand all of this, and to enlist the mental direction independently of your autonomic responses which govern your spurious actions.  As we are guiding you in this message, using your mental realm, energetic, integration of force with your coordinated physio/emotional being, generating pulse waves of energy, originating from the source of your consciousness-being in harmonic frequency with your natural source energy, to intend forward creation of whatever crosses your finite plane intersection with inter-dimensional space, effects this sort of training, which imprints in your being the understanding that your mental energetic interaction is the effective force in what is yet to be arisen in your reality states.
This, along with ongoing remembrance to feel the energetic state, the vibration feeling being the sentient integration of the purely non-physical energetic state of all, with the perceived physical state of your finite dimensions.  Feeling and feeling this will bring the realness of the mental realm into understanding of its prominence in your creative production.
We realize that continuously spending your mental focus on pulsing waves and sentient energetic vibration perception is somewhat of an abstract request for you to be making amid the intense drama of a physical plane life.  However, there is no indication of time involved here.  Our suggestions are along the lines of remembering all of this when you can.  Instead of letting the mental energy just scatter, when you are feeling weighed down, or emotionally off, or depressed, or challenged, or uncertain, anything where your state of mind is attributable to precipitated conditions, remember to bring the role of the mental realm in and use these ideas we are giving you.  When you find yourself with time on your hands and are wondering how to focus, remember these things, and properly direct yourself along the path to mastery, using your mental plane in this way.
Accompaniment of your energetic source in conscious traversal through and beyond the outler limits of your inner being has effects which become real, noticeable upon experiential realization.  Somewhat unfamiliar, your identification with your bodily coordinates is not confined as your usual involuted state would nominally having you feel.  There could be some security issues, as the expansive feeling would be something for adjustment.  However, having gone through the surface tension and begun to realize this point, some other perspectives are available.  Most notably, your physical being, with which you have for so long been identifying, is now viewable in a form of precipitated energy, with the identification factor removed.  This, my friends, relieves much of the road block you have been facing in your own self healing factors.