Inter-Dimensional Channel – Dec 10 – Dec 12, 2016
Somehow your motivational philosophy is influenced at times by reflection from observation of consciousness. Suppose you suddenly discover that you can easily leap into the air, eight feet off the ground, and do so. Now, if you are the only one who realizes it, observes it, and who is present the first time you do it, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Do you immediately think about who you can go to tell about it and probably demonstrate this rare feat among your species? Most nominal humans would want to share the experience. If you are the only one who knows it, then it really isn't such a big deal. You can just shrug and move onward. However, if you become the spectacle for other beings who are witnessing something that most nobody is capable of doing, then the whole topic becomes of interest and has some excitement, not to mention sets you apart as an individuated being.
We bring this up not so much to prepare you for how to consciously proceed should you suddenly discover that you can jump eight feet off the ground. We bring this up because of the degree that it is common for you, in humanity, to use the observations and opinions as the sole motivation for your energetic undertakings. Would someone strive so hard to perfect an athletic skill if there were not some competition for demonstrating superiority? This is a dense world motivating factor and we are talking about this for just that reason - the amount of energy you are putting into things for dense world purposes, and solely out of dense world motivations. Even if you succeed and become the best possible in something, where comparison to others is the motivating factor, what then? What do you do for an encore?
Now, we realize that such involvements are part of the worldly way of living, and are not suggesting merely to disassociate from all motivating endeavors which would involve conscious notice from other beings. Contrarily, we are suggesting to take the motivational energy, launch with it and expand with it. If pleasing or impressing others is your sole motivation, then your destination path is empty, both in the journey and the achievement. Even if all goes as planned, your developing process is driving by something external from your own harmonic waves, and the end result is counting on a reaction which, even if achieved, is not going to influence your own energetic state for more than a brief moment of satisfaction. What we are suggesting is to be internally driven as in alignment with your energetic harmonic waves, and use the 'others' factor in motivation as a dimension for enhancement.
So, if you can jump eight feet off the ground and enjoy doing it, then have at it! If engaging others in the experience adds to it, then intersect the dimension into the experience that entails having others observe, and expand even more. But, if jumping off the ground eight feet doesn't do anything for you, even if you can do it, then why involve yourself in that? If it isn't harmonizing with your resonant frequency, then there is some third dimension parameter at play which is entrapping you into doing something you don't even get inspired to do on your own.
Besides the observation from others factor, you have other motivating factors in the world, which impel you to strive for something, with ups and downs and struggle in the process, and at the end come out with some achievement that you find of value in the dense world. Completing school or some certification is an example of something like this. If you will establish the connection in your inner resonance being with this goal at the onset, and along the path, knowing that there is persistence needed to reach the goal, you can continue to operate in alignment with your energetic center, and thereby know that the persistence is in harmonic nature with your resonance frequency.
So, when something grabs you and you know there is desire there, for something you want to do, to achieve, and you know that it entails some duration in the dense plane with dense-type resistance parameters along the way, we are inspiring you to accept this desire, and take a step and focus yourself in relation to your inter-dimensional self, and feel inwardly for resonance with this desire and your harmonic inner energetic center. Give this resonance a chance to come forth, and if there is entrainment between the desire and your harmonic nature, your inspiration to proceed will come forth. If not, then your desire state will shift in some way. Proceed on such a lengthy, inspired journey only when you feel that there is entrainment between the desire state and your harmonic energetic state. Have the courage to allow the goals to shift and to let go of what is not resonating. Goals that are not resonating with your energetic nature are coming from somewhere external, and ultimately will not serve you well, even if accomplished according to initial plan.
If you have something you like to do, you know already, and your imminent experience would be enhanced in some way by achievement, yet you understand that achievement in itself is an empty motivation, then you should gather your preparation and energetically fill yourself with vibration state and endeavor to proceed with sentience in this state. The achievement dimension is an external time/space coordinate point, and your harmonic approach simply consists of mentally observing this point of coordinates and envisioning intersection of that point, maintaining entire awareness of your energetic state throughout. Then you know that whatever is right for your energetic experience is happening, and your perception of achievement aligns with your directed intersecting point, however it looks from the 'other' point of view in the external world.
In your trajectory through finite space, one of the repetitive themes is for you to suddenly, lost in the midst of 'finite forgetfulness', find that you are caught up in a finite frequency vortex and getting a big dose of not liking how you are feeling in the moment. Directionally, our guidance enlightens you in a way toward inter-dimensional energetic opening into integration with your experiential situation. Most simplistically, light is the answer. This is the easiest way for the Truths of what we speak to be accessible from a closed-off finite coordinate state. We too realize that in these moments, which define 'anti-peak' experiences for you, the shift to the light is still leaving you wanting in comfort for relief in that moment. Knowing and trusting the directional path is an integral effect in knowing how to proceed, yet there is still something in you which desires to, from the physical launching point, 'do' something to inspire action, to turn the amplitude of your energetic state, which instills desire for change, into a direct path to higher frequency mind states.
You do have the avenues to directly involve your volition in combination with your desire for change, in combination with your current amplitude of low frequency dense energy, to influence your shift in reality state. The tricky part is that you are interfacing the dense with the subtle, and the endeavor inherits a delicacy of approach which must be mastered. You must simultaneously be aware that you are arising from a dense state in finite dimension and instantaneously transmuting all of the dense physical/emotional/mental frequency state into the energetic form assumable into higher dimension energy frequencies. This requires a time-defying patience and understanding. With this understanding, you turn your high amplitude level of energy, whatever its frequency state, into the infinite inter-dimensional channels, and 'know' that the absorption into shifting phase with the embrace of your current reality state takes place without your direct manipulation and without consideration of your time-dependent volition. This is allowing, but it is allowing you also to turn your current negativity into a processing mill to reach you into the relief of inter-dimensional space.
All the while the physical drama of pull into physio/emotio states of the dense plane relevant frequencies continues, but your directed mission is to maintain your inter-dimensional will despite the pull of that riptide. This is where your persistence, enroute to mastery, is employed.
We are encapsulating this discussion as in terms of one phase of experience, kind of a discrete thing, yet your involvement in conscious evolution of your soul experience is continuous, and you are passing though varying levels of influence through your dense environment along with awareness of your level of mind state frequency, which is how you register the quality of your conscious experience at a given time. Thus thinking, your employment of the endeavors we are talking here can be attributed into consistency of your deliberate unfoldment of your life journey. You must view the interjection of your ongoing desire for frequency shift as an impulse integrated into electromagnetic-like waves of energy coarsing through you, your consciousness, your finite experience, and your realization of inter-dimensional reality. Your mental pulse heartbeats your volitional intention, to frequency-shift you, into the 'electromagnetic waves' of definition of your infinite experiential intersection with your finiteness.
Combining, in interfacing, the denseness with the subtlety of the inter-dimensional, you effect this in envisionment through directing the concentrated stream of your dense energetic amplitude into spreading in thinness to suffice infusion into the vast army of energetic cells vibrating in unison with your experiential consciousness. This must entail diffusion of the denseness to a sufficiency for integration into your pure energetic state, and thus transmutation into the situational creation of your inter-dimensional reality states. Hence, one reason for our harping so much on your attention to your energetic vibrating states.
From there you ease the transition from your sharpened reaction state through sentience in this process of integration. Your feeling states are the central nervous system terminal for the merging of your realities as experienced through a finite being's perch. You are progressing from a conglomeration in which your feeling states have drifted off track from your harmonizing energy, and shifting into abstractly, massively feeling your energy vibrating as your desire state arising from your experiential coordinates is integrated, en masse, brings immediate shift from the feeling state that your immediate reaction was simply to discard, if you could somehow find a way. Such is the way - integration into inter-dimensional energetic space!