Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #48

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Dec 7 – Dec 10, 2016

So, given all of the to-do about what seems to be external, such as the worlds, the people, the other life forms, in midst of all the talk we have been doing about internally elevating perspective to energy channels inter-dimensionally, there seems a natural wonder as to how involvement in the 'outer' can be approached productively.  How can energy originating through your own volition be flown in ways which are supportive and helpful to outer worlds of finite intersection?
Much of the answer to this question is seamlessly answered through the guidance we have been giving, in the relationship with your inner light and interaction with your creative energy cycles.  The disruption from the focus on the 'outer' comes from giving credence to the 'outer' itself.  We realize the complex intricacies of interactions consciousness to consciousness, which integrate with your emotio-mental states and thus define experiential realizations of your finite existence.  And thus, cognizance of seaming intentions of resonance with your elevation to higher mind states as your inspiration which is fed through your observations of the 'outer' is relevant for your protracted expansion into finite dimension planes.
When you find that your sensory, physio/emotio/psycho, stimuli are triggered in concordance with the observing faculties you employ as your life-form experience continues, remind, remember yourself into cognizance of the inter-spatial inter-dimensional realization of your conscious existence, and allow the knowing in this way to integrate into your sensory-stimuli adventure so as to bring your entire perspective into focus with your inter-dimensional self.  This entails loosening the hooks which amplify the significance of the observations and the resultant sensory stimuli, and allowing the inter-dimensional energy channels to assume integration in your entire unfoldment of experience.  From thus, your inspiration for communication, for action, for interaction with the ostensible 'outer', arises, and you proceed according to this inspiration.
There is, there are infinite, energetic web connections among your inter-dimensional being expression of creation and all of the created, the appearance of other beings and life forms.  Times when your motivations seem to be clashing with the reflection of the outer world, you can bring the energetic web into your conscious realization and allow this to lighten, to expand and become influential.  This allows your sight to see the motivations from virtual angles which gains the understanding for perspective on what may at first appear to be a clash.  This can allow you to experience understanding in real, inter-dimensional, time, rather than to reflect upon hindsight along the linear time axis.
What to do while waiting?  This is a common trip-up for you.  You get some confidence about the direction you want to move, and you initiate the energetic creation vectors in infinite-dimensional space, and give a pulse of intention in the right direction.  Now, along comes some reflection of precipitated past, which defies the prospective outlook for the inspired intention, and spins a vortex of energy into you that deflates the creation pulse you initiated, and your inspired confidence becomes a vapor trail in your wake, giving way to your immersion back into third dimension vibration.  We are seeking communication with you to maintain the energy amplitude to continue to produce the creation manifestations which arise during these times of inspiration, which occur when your presence on earth is shining through with your inner light.  To continue, through the sweep of dense vibration waves which transit through your intersected finite subset of existence.
This is how your transition is helpful, to realize that it is a continuous endeavor to be aware of the subtle energy channels, at all phases of your existence.  The scenario we are describing, where you get pulled back into the three dimension reality vibration, happens because even when you get some understanding of the incorporeal nature of your presence, and the inter-dimensionality of it all, and how your manifestation of finite reality follows easily from non-physical energetic integration with mental volition, your primary impulse, initially, is to think of this paradigm shift as being of use for the 'big things', like major healing and manifestation of the elevated significance in the process of living a physical life.  This creates the time-points along the temporal axis where you are looking for the 'big things' to happen and for your newly understood means of engaging in your own reality to bring them to you.  This is still, fundamentally, linear-minded, finite dimension thinking, and this is why you are being pulled back into the finite dimension energy frequencies.
Hence, our communications of late are bringing forth encouragement for persistence in developing mastery into your sustained awareness of the subtlest levels of energetic dimensional channels.  This is wisdom enroute to discovering that the 'big things' in the finite dimensions are really not big things inter-dimensionally.  The light of a tiny flashlight is a big deal in the middle of a dark forest on a moonless night.  However in the midst of a big sunny day, that flashlight is not very noticeable.  So it is with your 'big things' in finite dimension land in relevance to the interspersing, inter-dimensional energy of your inherent constitution.  In sucking yourself back into the finite frequencies' vibraions, you are analogous to blocking out the entire energy of the sun so that you can see your precious flashlight's light.
We understand how attached you get to your finite world manifestations.  An artist appreciates their painting or drawing, yet wouldn't it seem to be somewhat errant for the artist to solely focus on one painting as though this painting is a substitute for their existence?  Again, your finite dimension prominent attentiveness is akin to the artist who does this.  So, this attachment must be loosened, as it is binding you to a bondage which entraps you within your own creations.  It is letting your mechanisms for creation, your ability to filter out the inter-dimensionality light, so that you can notice them, become the rulers of your reality that is the problem.  Being in that form of existence, your positioning is such that to shift into expansion into inter-dimensional consciousness feels as though you are giving up something in which you have invested a great deal of energy.  This is merely the perspective of the finite linear mind.
Speaking of mind, it is the mental realm which is within your realm of accessibility from within your finite being dimension realm, that is of a level of non-physicality sufficient to be free of the imposition of boundaried constraints imposed by belief in the absolutitude of that which has already been precipitated through your own creations, which themselves traversed through coordinates intersecting the dwellings of your own mental realm itself.  This is significantly worth understanding to a level of some depth.
You, many, most, a whole bunch of you humans, are accustomed to the mental being a hindrance to what you see as your world of reality.  This appears so because the memory of the mental realm and its connection with the source of your creation of your world itself is subdued as among the dimensional channels not to be immediately needed upon your arrival as a being on your planet.  There is intersection between the mental realm and what the finitely-oriented being would find useful - memory in order to function in the planetary environment; being able to figure out things to meet survival needs or desirous needs; planning order to function; wondering to seek understanding...  However, if the primary of what is noticed is the finite world and the five to six sensors that are involved in functioning therein, then the mental and its limitless speed can become an apparent hindrance to finitely-oriented goals.  For instance, the mind can think of numerous things that 'need' to be done within a day infinitely fast, whereas it could involve many days and many things appearing out of your sphere of influence that must occur for all of them to be done.  This di-pole effect of mental and physical operation has the emotional body squished in-between and such becomes the dumping ground for the energetic fallout of this di-polare situation.  The result is usually something like angst or depression or diversion or denial, or escape through some 'addictive' phenomena.
Aware of the sandpaper effect of your mental vastness interacting with your carved out subset of infinite reality which you know to be your 'world', we have been indicating for you to immerse your mental focus into sentient experiential understanding of the palpable awareness of the vibrating energetic states at fundamental core of your beingness.  We have spoken already that in doing so, you are opening the channels of inter-dimensionality beyond those dense ones that are obviously needed to exist in a dense world.  We have spoken already that one of the 'dense ones' is the temporal axis which you dearly are familiar with as your concept of time.  Further, we are now speaking that in doing so, you are filling this gap between finite perception and your mental realm, which is a gateway into your realization of your infinite existence.  If, when the contrasting impositions between your inner Truth and your finite world excursion become apparent, you will direct, open your flow of comprehension of awareness to be patiently aware of the sentient energetic vibration and all of its encompassing power, the worlds' merging is allowed into your comprehensible perception of understanding of your present state of conditions, and the emotional squish which got your attention is set on a course to relieve itself of the sensorial interruption of your paradisaical journey along the finite surface.
So, when you get some feeling of being anxious or fearful or overwhelmed, take a peek and you will invariably find that there is some distraction from your wholeness in encompassing your consciousness with the totality of your existentiality accessible through the gateway of your mental realm, and that something that you perceive as an intrusion of the mind is happening.  Upon noticing this, you only need to make the slight adjustment to remember to notice the palpableness of the feeling states of the energetic vibration in unison with everything else that is going on.  No time period is involved in this.  We are talking about the infinite here, and time is a finite dimension tool.  So make this adjustment and continue forth and allow your emotio/mental interaction to shift according to your direction of will in thus way.  This can be quite soothing, and we hope will give you more motivation to make your energetic vibration swimming practice a regular endeavor in your journey.