Inter-Dimensional Channel – Dec 5 – Dec 6, 2016
Your tendency is to think of space as a projection of the number of finite dimensions that defines your physicality, yet this is not the way it really is. Everything is everywhere, at everytime, in every place, all at once. You are anywhere and everywhere, always. In a mind of linear thinking, which is accustomarily trained for finite dimension navigation, we realize that this does not encapsulate in a way that leads to logical progression, yet we are compelling the need for understanding, because of the limiting the thinking is for you to be projecting your linearity of finite dimension into all spatial directions, which really are protracted with infinite coordinates.
We encourage meditative thought about this, because this is a path to the lifting of the limitingness of three dimensional mind, and with the lifting of this limitingness comes lifting of ostensible constraints apportioned to physicality which you extend into energeticality by association, and there is not a fundamental truth to this association. It is just an assumption that comes along with the installed mind of humanity, and is propagated through human evolvement. The basic functions of lives progressing into deaths does not need this knowledge, yet we are teaching this to you because your momentum has carried you to seek beyond such limitations.
It is the sensors, the physical stimulations interacting with the organic composure of the finite being, as well as the emotional receptors, which serve to stimulate your finite-ality via mental connections and inter-beingnessm, which keep you at the habit of turning your attention to finite only-ness. To fully immerge into what we are describing here, to realize full inter-dimensional space availability and totally ignore the finite dimensions, would, could have the kind of result that would appear to others in the finite world as though you are mentally lost. This is because full access to inter-dimensional space would not on its own lend you any purpose to pay attention to the finite world. Hence your sensors and emotions. The thing is, your basic tendency is to elevate these to prominence and sole importance in your existence, and that is not needed in order to survive in the finite planes. Inter-dimensional knowledge can be integrated into your finite existence to help you to create, to help you to gain perspective on the sensory and emotional challenging slopes, to enhance your life experience and to attain realization of concommitant existence in finite plane world and inter-dimensional space. We guide you in this way...
In training you become ready to go to the inter-dimensional space first. This is the key. For instance, when you are going along and minding your own business, swimming in your own thoughts and out and about, when suddenly there is a huge bang sound. Almost inevitably the autonomic response is to turn your head and to see what it is. Is it a threat? Is it some anomaly in someone else's existence? Whether the reason is for input to direct you to action toward protecting your continued organic existence, or sheer curiosity, it is the first response that is built into the finite being. If you will practice noticing this continuing autonomic response to ALL finite dimenson sensor stimuli, your training will begin. Perhaps a loud bang is too big a step to begin, but with the smaller things, like reacting to other people. If you are walking along someone outside of your acquaintance and they speed up, do you find yourself automatically speeding up, or do you remain inwardly focused? Pay attention and when you catch yourself in 'autonomic mode', withdraw the energetic hooks of finiteness immediately and bring your attention immediately to the vibrations of energetic channels of inter-dimensional space, and remember and know and feel that all of the infinite dimensions are present concommitantly along with the finite conditions that are grabbing the attention of your physio/emotional sensors. This, with persistence, will be training you for your releasing of the finitely-instilled autonomia, and to permeate your awareness with inter-dimensionia.
If you will notice, trajectories of emotional energy are set off lots of times by mental bursts which infuse integration into your state of being such as to engender some kinds of emotional states. Inceptual reaction is to absorb massive attention into the energetic trajectory of the emotional, and so starts a sequence of absorption into the emotional configuration and the associated mental bubbles centered around the finite world and its concerns. If you will notice these emotional trajectories, especially at their onset, and suspend your tendency to massively absorb your conscious attentiveness into them, and instead inter-dimensionally channel your conscious attentiveness, then you yes can still see the path of the emotional trajectory, and yes the emotional and mental intertwining is still there, yet however your go-forward focus is different, because you are now remembering their perspective, and your energetic inter-dimensional focus is guiding your immersion into your reality state and thus what is to ensue from there. It can really be an eye opener when you start doing this because it is really a dawning experience when you figure out that you are not a victim of your mental/emotional interplay, and it is just a matter of how you choose to consciously interact and react. You really do have a choice in how all of your feeling states and physical precipitation states in your finitely-created world arise and develop. Habitual response mechanisms can be changed, and as we have been talking to you about persistence and mastery, this is what it takes, and such why it is seemingly so infrequently occurring among the human being realm.
If you have something particularly gripping, which seems to really dig the hooks deeply into your emotional state, take your will to high frequency level, and offer to entrainment with your inter-dimensional being whatever the apparition and its menace into your mood-swinging being. In offering to entrainment, as we speak, we are directing guidance to invoke conscious awareness, upon leading into realizing that the emotional state is on an energy stream of influence in some reactionary way, to some 'apparition' - some configuration of finite dimension experiences which trigger emotional states in you, conscious awareness that this is happening and that the seeming inevitability of your emotional path is confined only to the finite planes. Upon this realization, your attention is then easily expanded beyond the linear effect of the finite planes and you are allowed to thus expand your awareness perspective to encompass all of the inter-dimensional channels beyond those only needed for finite existence. With this expansion comes perspective on the source of the emotional energy burst, and however gripping it is, however significant it seems from the finite perspective, you can see this as a product of finite precipitation, and hold this apparition in your stream of harmonic source energetic flow, inner light, and allow this apparition to entrain into the frequency which emanates with your source being. In this, the entire experience shifts and your experiential result is in flow with your source energy. Now, we speak of this as though it is one time, one thing, but season all of this with what we have been saying about persistence and mastery. Your persistence in noticing your energetic vibration state feeds this. Your persistence in unhooking from the grab of the emotional energy, reactive, stream feeds this. For some gripping incident, there may be many rounds of emotional response, realization of finiteness, and holding apparitions in entrainment. When you find yourself in a state of grief based on attachments to finite plane results, the emotional energy charge can occur again and again, over some long period of time, and you must approach it in the inter-dimensional way every time. This is why persistence is needed. As mastery evolves, this gets more natural for you.
There are ways, you can practice, things you can make a part of your life to weave a tapestry of inter-dimensional mastery. As we have been pointing, your focus of attention, when all things are settled in terms of attracting your attention and distracting you, can be toward sentient feeling of your being, vibrationally, rather than to randomly allow thought bursts and the related emotional twining to occupy your mental space. This, persistedly, will guide you on a deepening path of inter-dimensional existence.
You have a major source of distraction from other beings of like species. They can be persuasive and prod you to think a certain way and do things and look at things the way they do, and to pull you into their energy stream and entrain with their frequency. This is somewhat the norm on your planet, but you don't have to plug your nerve ending circuits into their entrainment. It can take some will and awareness, and unhooking from the autonomic, just as with the release of the pull tendency into the emotional trajectory originating from mental bursts, but with remembering and continuing to choose to interact through allowing the subtle channels of inter-dimensional energy into your existence, your interactions with others are carried with the independence of your inner harmonic frequency, rather than their finite dimension reactive frequency.
So, you can practice when you are in public, around people. Raise your awareness to your inner being, inner vibration and the extension of inter-dimensional channel cells of energy, whilst intermingling, and continue with this awareness. At first it may seem that such an approach would be distracting and isolating from enabling you to interact with people, but you will see that this does not obliterate the finite dimension channels. It expands from the view that the finite dimension channels are the only ones that count. So, everything is at your disposal. Others may not perceive you as aligned with their entrainment, and yes, so it is. This is the idea!