Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #46

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Dec 3 – Dec 4, 2016


Persist, persist... the physical plane can compel you into seeing no gaps in the enclosure of the results of that definition of world and the psycho-emotional states which it engenders.  Set your attention to feeling tactfully, the vibration state and persist with this.  As we have discussed in our recent discussions about mastery, it is this persistence which makes the difference.  It is maintaining the attention when the tide seems to be pulling the other way from all possible directions.  This is how the emotional-mental-physical of the finite plane is all glued together.  The light of the infinite is obfuscated from view, and unless propelled from internally within yourself, the defined world of the finite becomes the apparent all.  It does take its own course, even whilst your attention allows the inflation of the channels of inter-dimensional space which are thus obfuscated.
You sometimes find that there seems to be a mental state that permeates your being's intersection with finite space for a sustained period of time, which feels insoluble.  The mood of gloom, the state of anxiety, fear, repression, injustice... these can seem to seep into your pores of transcendence of the physical state, and your only course of action seems to be to deal with it the best you can and allow it to move forward along the time axis, and hope that better feelings will come in.  These are the times where your will is critical in raising your engagement in your reality to the higher frequency vibration.  Such encounters as with Angelic beings and higher frequency consciuousnesses seem distant when you are in that state, and the path to eliminate this distance is through the infinite vibration energy channels which course through your finite plane intersection with consciousness energy and physicality.
It is a simple shift of will, to consciously focus your tactile state to the abstract energy channels, yet you may have to do this hundreds of times in the better part of a day when the finite planes are challenging your energy frequency state.  It is worth it!
One of the trip-ups at times like that is that you feel that you somehow must make a decision or take action, and you don't know what to do, and you feel isolated in that regard.  As we just mentioned, higher frequency consciousnesses are always within and about you, yet they seem distant when the channels of higher dimensional energy are closed off.  Sentient feel of the pure energy vibration opens these channels, and the guidance of the infinite is immediately available.  So, with regard to decisions and actions, if it is not already obvious to you, open these channels and the guidance will come.  Even if the time is short, no matter about that, the guidance will adjust.  The time is only a perception in the finite dimensions.  Energy moves infinitely fast, as does the high frequency guidance.
Now, alignment of the guidance with your intended higher frequency direction, sought whilst ostensibly being buried in lower frequency vibration, may be of concern to you.  However, in having sought to sensorily allow merging of your attentiveness with the wholeness of the energetic source, you are allowing your intended will toward higher vibration feeling states integrate with the stream that is generating what you are creating.  Even if your feeling states, in the physical plane, are still feeling of lower vibration, your merging with higher frequency consciousnesses is aligning with your high vibration intentions, and your upgrade in feeling states will ensue as progression along the unidirectional time axis progresses.
Besides coming to reaching decisions and/or finding your way to taking action, you can integrate the energy channels of higher frequency consciousnesses in your state of affairs at any time in this way, so as to shift the conditions in which you are currently immersed.  When your 'mood conditions' seem to be a factor of things that are 'just happening to you', without you being faced with a decision state or something that you are called upon to do, invoke the sentient immersion of your entire consciousness being into the energetic pattern permeating your coordinates, and allow the states of precipitation, particularly in the emotional and mental realms, to be absorbed into their rightful representation among the energetic vibrations.  Let this do its work.  This is invoking the Angelic energies and higher consciousness vibrations.  This is how you 'ask' for help.
Of particular note in this regard is when you are faced with healing conditions based on some stated conditions causing disbalance in the intersection of your consciousness with finite plane coordinates, with which you identify.  This is a particularly significant case of having the sense that something is 'just happening to you' which screws up your expression of plans for how to enjoy your existence.
You can here directly interact with the energetic vibration cells, as the integration of these cells into precipitated somaticism occurs.  This means that if you have specific conditions that have been in place for a long time or which seem to be particularly hard to turn around, or which persist, you can open the channels of inter-dimensional energetic paths and receive insight for specific, tailored energy channeling toward those conditions.  This can be insightful to take the healing effects into precipitated integration directly, beyond the methods of following the creation cyclic energy patterns into reconstitution of precipitated energetic being.
Here is a guidance outline for a process you can follow for this.  Begin with emphasis on the singularities of the conditions for healing focus - whether symptomatic in the sense of discomfort or visual effects, whether it is through cognizance of intention for needed healing, whether the conditions are some nebulous occurrance which are not correlated with somatic coordinates - get a conscious enwrapment of what your destination in healing entails.  With this focus in mind, dawn the awareness of the inter-dimensional channels, energetically vibrating in congruence with your situational focus.  Feel this vibration in sentience.  Now, peripherally, awarely notice some congruence of energy/mass appearing gathered in counter-balance to the condition upon which your focus is maintained.  This is the integrated-with-precipitated, energetic representation of the momentum, the 'underlying causes' of the effect which gives the weight that allows persistence through the flow of high vibration energetic healing states.  This, to focus upon, brings the healing power into your engagement with the conditions with which you are working.
Now, to effect the energetic healing in these 'underlying' states of momentum, bring your attention to your core inner energetic light.  We say core and inner, but this protracts in all directions and dimensions.  We use this reference because it is associated with 'you' and the 'you' that you associate with in finite dimensions has spatial understanding to you.  The point here is that this inner core energetic light is representative of your harmonizing energy, and it is in entrainment with this energy that healing is effected.  This, we have discussed in relation to effecting energetic healing in direct relation to symptomatic conditions, yet now, we are showing an indoor method for directly working with the 'underlying' momentum causal effects.
Some awareness is needed, because this is powerful, and there can be a history of intricacy of emotional/mental states which invest in the construction of these underlying causes.  Energetically healing in this way can have the effect of vaporizing all of this, which is what it takes to heal.  However, if you have built your life around this intricacy, then be prepared for some sudden changes!  Allow such changes.  These are coming to a point because your motivation for healing has come to a point - thus you are ready for the changes, however much of a roller coaster it feels to you.
The, let's say energy shadow, of the underlying momentum effects we are talking about is always a factor when the harmonic state of the precipitated organic in which you have invested interest becomes balanced in a way that is inconvenient for you.  In the ongoing flow of developing shifts and changes according to environment, your raising of vibrational healing state can be effected with not too much notice being given to this shadow.  Yet, when the conditions become densely impacted, this attentiveness is a part of effective healing.  You will notice that this shadow is changing as your healing progresses, and although vastly indescribable, your perception will directly insight you into the effects of your healing, as well as your path in changing as the shadow effect is entrained with your harmonic frequency.  Have courage.  You get used to the feel of the effects of this kind of healing and these kinds of longer term effects become less integrated into the being you become.
Your adept ability at all of this is developed and enhanced through assimilation of guidance we have been given you, enroute to mastery of energetic understanding of your being-state.  Your persistence in immersion of your sentient awareness into your fundamental energetic, inter-dimensional, channels permeating throughout your being and your extent of perceptive creation, heightens your ability to seamlessly shift your perception from observation of the resultant energetic creation, precipitated outcome, and into the NOW of energy source creation.  It is from this vast Eye view that you be directly in effect with the healing states of your finite dimensional concerns, and thus awarely integrate acute awareness of inter-dimensional space into your experiential being-state.
Use these healing methods at will.  Use this again and again.  If you are dealing with something that seems persistent, it is really just a matter of momentum, and persistence on your part will meet this face to face.  This is an energetic undertaking and it is critical to realize that in our reference to persistence, we do mean inter-dimensionally, rather than to lament the finite dimension outcomes.  Those are merely messengers to bring you to a plarform from which to inspire change, which is what healing is, really!