Weekly Channel – Mar 6 – Mar 12, 2016
Your understanding of 'mass' in the physical environment is itself shaped according to the physical environment. You associate 'mass' with 'density' and density with what is considered physical. This is a very extreme simplification. The concept of physical is itself misleading. We realize how you utilize these concepts to mechanize the motorized developments in your world, but expanding your awareness and understanding into the infinite dimensions necessarily must entail expansion of these concepts into the higher dimensions. Just as we have recently discussed the expansion of the concept of color into a multidumensional energy filtering, which we have termed eshaping, we now bring to the forefront the topic of mass. You must begin to understand how the concept of mass integrates into the concept of light. In your world light is massless. In the multidimensional realm, the extension of what mass means in the physical world entertains this parameter associated with light, and to simply classify light as massless would be clipping out a huge portion of the picture.
For integration, beginning at the mental level, of multidimensional awareness into your physical existence, being in light will become a natural focus for you, and mentally projecting variations in parameters such as amplitude and frequency will become more natural to your existence than something like scratching your head now is. You will soon discover that there is a feeling about light, a volume that defines the dimensionality in which light is infused into the current coordinates. This volume of light is the multidimensional extension of the concept of mass. When you initiate a vector in the mental plane for infusing more light, for instance, in your immediate third dimension coordinates, the 'mass' of light is increased in the mental plane, and the volume, presence of light, the significance of light and the influence within your immediate coordinates is realized. Your division of awareness of light in the multidimensional arena from the ostensible rigidity of the dense will become less stark, and you will see more and more that the physical components such as visually seeing light will become more operational.
On occasion, in response to queries about how to ameliorate the harsh effects evident from the filtered viewpoint on the physical plane, we have responded to focus on light, go to the light, bring in the light source. In expansion of this, increase the volume or mass of light, of the multidimensional energy which is driven by your higher will intention. To refer to the extension of mass in the multidimensional energetic space, let us use the term emass. So we could say something like amass emass, to indicate infusing multidimensional energy into some configuration of finite dimension coordinates, for some purpose. Light, as we refer in these conversations, is a means of us referencing pure energy. We, as we have explained before, really are referring to a much more general energetic concept than the physically visible light that you are used to seeing, but there is an intersection that in some ways does reflect change in the visible spectrum, and integrating your physical vision with your mental understanding of the emass of light will be a powerful combination for effecting creation in the realm of your finite coordinates. When power is amplified, so must be the purity of your intention. If your cause is polluted, the effect will be greatly filtered. And... motivation based purely upon physical plane parameters is a high degree of pollution.
Intentional will based purely on reactive emotions is a degree of pollution. Your clarity, purity directly correlates with your higher mind states, the high frequency vibrations. Simply do not choose to impulsively direct your energetic precipitations based on your conclusions from lower frequency mind states. Your direction of will from those kinds of states must be exclusively toward purifying your states, and away from the direction of manipulating the precipitations in the physical plane world. It can appear counter to your natural flow to do this, but training your mind and energy-direction will change the feeling of your natural flow. When you encounter lower energy mind states, your attention should immediately be toward increasing the mass of light, the emass, infusing your present coordinates. This is the purpose of those states, to remind you to raise your emass. This amplifies your frequency and power level, and directly takes you to a realm of higher mind states. It keeps you focused in this, and takes you out of the mechanism of creating precipitations based on your lower vibration states. When your vibration raises to a higher level, your creation takes the natural flow toward precipitation, and here you are accepting the creations from a realm of appreciation and that rather than scrutiny and judgement.
As we have been guiding you to understand that energetic engagement is everything, and the physical precipitation is a consequence, this elevates you to understanding that there is only need to entertain your attention within the higher energy realms, and enjoy the precipated consequences as they arise. This can, at times, raise the question for you of how to go about shifting from an apparent lock in to the precipitated events which appear to be driving your energetic configuration, and shift to understanding of the consequential nature of the precipitation. You become more attuned to recognizing this trap when it occurs. Your feeling/mental states contrast sharply, and you become wise to the reversal of perception that is involved here. Once this is realized, you know immediately in principle what to do. You shift your focus to the higher energy states, the light world, the inter-dimensional realms. To effect more direct, massively powerful shift in this way, your emass volume can be increased through your mental engagement. Your focus on light, internally, through any method, whether a single point source, multitudes of intertwining threads, permeating beams, etc., is increased in emass through your intentional amplitude increase of volume. You can feel the vibrational shift instantly as you create this focus. This will necessarily be accompanied by the needed scope of clarity within your being, because if this is not so, your focus would not remain in tact for sufficient magnitude to effect this shift in energy within your being. If you come up short in this way, your frustration will make it evident what happened, and your effort will be resynchronized to go it again. Eventually your understanding of the significance of your inner clarity and authenticity will permeate your efforts, and you will fully realize the energetic realms as the 'main event' rather than the drama of the earth plane.
One particular method which you may find useful, is simply to feel a light source from the innermost depth of your being, and amplify the light - see, feel the light beaming from within your depths outward. This amplifies your emass right within the coordinates of what you would call 'now'. As the power increases, so too the effectiveness of your directed intention. If you will keep your directed effort toward being a generator, rather than a receptor of precipitated effects, then you will be free. This must be retained consciously, and not revert to a subconscious pattern. This will take sustainded entrainment of your mind, and that is the challenging prospect for humans, because you are accustomed to diverting things to subconscious background for the sake of compartmentalizing those which are subject to constraints of the physical dimension. Here we are not working within the constraints of the physical dimension, yet are teaching you how to operate with those constraints lifted. This necessarily entails a continuous conscious engagement. You simply have to remember all of the time to be doing this!
It may from time to time be useful for you to allow passage through channels of knowledge information which will feed you paths through what you would view as impassive situations within the dimensional coordinates of a focused configuration. The significant opening in this regard is the realization of the finite and the containment of your impassive parameters within the finite dimensions. Opening through energy channels of extended dimensions allows the parameters which are free of the finite dimension constraints to assimilate within the configuration of current attention thus allow the solutions to traverse along parametrized paths of alternate dimensions which are free from the binding constraints creating the impasses. Energy centers which are congruent with somatic coordinates along the channels of your organic vehicle provide immediate access to such inter-dimensional energy channels. You must, however, remember to extend your conscious engagement beyond the dimensions of the finite configuration within which the constraints are defined. As the parametrized paths are energetically traversed, your mental process will directly interact with the energetic parameters, eshaping and adjusting emass, as appropriate to integrate into the configuration that is arising in your momentum, producing the effective results accordingly.
If you pay close attention, your vision of your world and your experiences within it can be sought from a higher level perspective, effectively giving you a 'bird's eye view' of all that is occurring. This enables you to be both detached and involved at the same time. You enter this vision from inward, rather than going upward from whatever you are experiencing. If you are well skilled in knowing how to do this, it can be very handy when you wish to skip along without getting caught up in a lot of the drama that is occurring on the planet. You never have to get caught up in that drama. Most of you either want to do that, or don't realize that it is not necessary. To gain the 'overview' perspective, draw your attention inward to your inner light source, and feel your perception, consciousness, expanding outward. Continue on with your focus here, rather on the minute details of the physical plane.
Let us move onward!