Weekly Channel – Feb 28 – Mar 5, 2016
Just as parallel lines converge in infinite space, when there is a contrast apparent from the physical world perspective, in energetic space, the contrasting poles will merge. Bring your wishes into energetic space, and construct the blueprint there. Allow the contrasting poles to merge and the physical space will adhere to the energetic blueprint that is created. Your mind is the creator, and this is all that is needed.
Your perception filter can be adjusted so as to shape the energetic porous flow to match your mental realm of construction. Your mental energy applied in this way defies the constraints that are apparent and often believed from the physical plane. Just as you align a polarized light filter in the way that allows the light through. Your mental energy adjusts the energetic space filter to bring the energy in to create your mental constructions. It is all about where your attention lies.
A challenge most of you find is that existing in a physical body on the physical plane is difficult to do without immersing your conscious self amidst the 'stuff' of the physical plane, and miring all of the mental states along with it. This leads to the errant perception that your consciousness states are directly coupled with the 'stuff' of the physical plane. Really that is not what is going on. The physical plane and all that goes along with it is generated, continuously, as a precipitation projected from within the infinite energy dimensions. This too is where the projection of your mental/consciousness states are generated. In order to view the three dimensional world, you can choose to filter the physicalness of it into your viewing mechanism. However, there is nothing that requires you to filter your consciousness states and hence your emotional configuration into being coupled with the three dimensional filter. Realizing this, you can see that dwelling in the infinite energy dimensions becomes the means for generating your outcomes on the physical dimensions. Engaging in the infinite from within a three dimensional body becomes the challenge for you. A continuous stream of infinite energy would seem daunting at first if in a given moment you are simply looking for a new car, or a fix to a leaky roof. However, this is not to be approached as a list of changes within the physical plane 'stuff'. Whilst going about the business in the physical plane, you notice the 'stuff' and you notice the changes you seek to bring about. This is about as far as it needs to go. If you are making a practice of streaming the infinite energy through your consciousness on a regular basis, these things that you notice will feed into the energy stream, and the 'stuff' will be take care of.
The quest then becomes how to assure that you are on a path to engage in the infinite energy stream on a regular basis, rather than to be driven by the precipitated parameters of the physical world. Use all means at your disposal - the senses you know in the physical plane and extensions of them. Use vision to envision light; use hearing to reach into the higher realms and feel the vibrations of the Angelic chords; use sentience to purely feel the vibrationary nature of your physical being; use cognizance to know what we are conveying here, and remember this whilst going about all that occupies your animate being in the third dimension. From this point, there are sensory receptors which are not commonly known or understood on your plane, as they are more subtle and are not needed to survive an organic being which depends on physical parameters. Attuning to your vibration states gains you access to these dimensions and the associated sensory receptors. Make these practices more prominent than the reactionary methods which you have been trained to use for survival in the physical being environment.
One of the ways this can be particularly challenging with you earth beings is when you are dealing with the dynamics involving other beings. You are seduced into the energetic stream of the consciousness of the 'other' because the 'other' is a being of the same species. This allows your laziness to creep in and defer to the conscious stream of the like being. When you can interact with beings of like nature in your world and keep your stream focus on the infinite energetic dimensions, then you will know that you are having a shift into the deeper understanding that transcends the usual physical world existence.
The filtered, conscious interactions of 'other' beings can twine and constrict, like tentacles, around the energetic breath that allows your emotional states to gravitate to higher energy realms. This may have the appearance to you of something like being motivated by the perception of what other people think, fear of being judged, etc. We assure you that this too, as much as it seems a set of rules by which the game is played on the physical plane, is merely a means of being ruled by the precipitated events rather than by the energetic stream. It is simply a configuration which you have chosen to use to challenge yourselves.
If you need to release patterns that have crystallized into place in the form of beliefs or sub/un-conscious energy manipulations, you, as you become aware that there is something of that nature, eshape the filter so as to create an opening, and mentally, with your conscious energy stream, project the particle which is clogging the clarity of your mental/emotional realm through, and out of the configuration of your conscious existence. There is no need to disect the drama of what it is about. Release it and abound in the increased clarity.
As individuated being, your sense of consciousness is as a mapping to the three dimensional being, as an ostensibly separate entity. There is much discussion about your psychological concept of ego which points you to this. You must realize that this is yet another simplification that arises out of filtering your existence into a three dimensional world. Consciousness is vast and without bound. Your projection of the confinement of consciousness into compartments, although understandably a tool that is sometimes needed to communicate on the physical plane, leads you to errant understanding when taken literally. Know that this kind of thinking is a metaphor, and allow your understanding to expand way, way beyond this. Your attachment of personalities and human-like characteristics to the kinds of energies which you call Angelic, and even your all-encompassing concept which you call God, may lead you to a path of explaining some concepts, but it also leads you to a path of disagreement, as though there is some absolute definition of the manifestation of Angelic energy in some interface with the physical world, or some absolute definition of God that can be captured in a human mind. Vast means vast, and it means grasping from within a three dimensional filter is a misleading endeavor. With this knowledge, you will learn to proceed, rather than defining consciousness concepts outside of your concept of compartmentalized being, with understanding that consciousness, in its vastness, is arising and flowing through you at all times. Pursuing this knowledge will lead you to understanding of the ostensible boundaries of separation as the illusion that they really are.
If you consider this, you will realize that at any moment, available to you is the extension of higher consciousness. In the physical environment, you are used to doing things by brute force, but this would be the opposite. You need to learn to release the boundaries that are creating the appearance of separation, and allow the higher consciousness to be present. At first entry point to this, it feels and appears that this is in conflict with your compartmentalized concept of consciousness, represented by your ego. Some developing of a shift in understanding may be needed to soften the crust around this concept, and this could be a significant part of the journey for an earthling.
Insight here is emerging to increase understanding as to why striving for results, manifestations, in the physical plane is more successful when the objective energetically engages from the vast realm of creation energy and completely ignores the physical plane objective beyond the first injection of the objective itself. Doing it the way you are mostly used to doing it is similar to trying to create a fish by concentrating on one scale of an existing fish.
It may be apparent to you that your species is reaching a threshold where integration into mass consciousness will require fundamental understanding of shifting energetically between physical and non-physical states. This is just what we are talking about when we indicate how manifestation is blocked by your obstructive physical plane only thinking. Your science and technology is reaching a point where physical dimensions of the energetic devices are influenced by the energetic states of the sub-atomic particles you have defined to empirically explain the phenomena in the worlds around you. You have progressed to shift from electromagnetic energy to sound and light and data, as in your radio and television and computer wireless capabilities. There is a bow wave of consciousness shift that will either need to occur, or your science could enter a plateau period where some of the next steps appear to be impossible. For eshaping to be consciously integrated into the mass consciousness, there must also be a level of clarity of mass consciousness. This means that communication reaches a depth of intuitive level where dishonesty is not possible. You are far from this now! There would be a complete upheaval in your world in numerous ways - politically, economically, socially... Concepts such as war would take on a completely different tone and purpose. Rather than to blow each other up over disagreements over land, government or whose concept of God is the correct one, you would learn to see the energetic imprints of imbalance, and consciously amass energy toward restoration of balance. The idea of shifting from a physical state to a pure energetic state would be a natural phenomenon for all beings. There are numerous implications for some of the obstructions over which you struggle, such as survival and sustainability. Your technology will enter a completely new realm. Building machines that could transmit themselves at rates beyond the sound barrier was a big deal at the time. We are now talking about what you would at first likely see as the "light barrier". The interference of your electronic devices by what you call 'cosmic particles' is really a wake up call. Most of you see this as another nuisance for your engineering to solve, and indeed you will find ways to bend around some of these obstacles. However, that this is happening should be waking up the brightest of your engineers and scientists to the realization that the boundaries of the physical plane are being reached.
Your most adept spiritual leaders have been telling you for millenia how to attain inner clarity. Now it is time for all of you to really listen to them, instead of arguing amongst yourselves about which one is right. They are all right! There are many facets to spiritual clarity. Interfacing multiple dimensions with the third dimension will necessarily appear to have an infinite range of angles from which to view the Truth. It is really time to get beyond the clinging to the third dimension precipitation that you have been doing for so long. En masse! Ironically, it could be the technological boundaries that provide the leverage for motivation for most of you to finally start heeding what your spiritual adepts have been teaching you for a very long time. To extend your tech capabilities beyond the physical boundaries now being reached, you will need to master the conversion of massless energy to mass energy, and back again. This capability will necessarily entail a massive understanding at the mental level of extension beyond the third dimension plane into the higher dimensions. This shift necessarily will entail a clarity of consciousness on a massive level. The mass human consciousness has been taking a long time to get around to this on its own, but the frustration of a technological plateau will be a motivating factor, and will inevitably find its way to this realization about the necessity for authenticity.
Let us move onward!