Weekly Channel – Feb 7 – Feb 13, 2016
Singularities occur in the physical dimension because of perceiving the physical dimension as the extent of the reality. Therefore, an event that causes consternation appears of a magnitude that is immense. This heightens the sensory effects, and makes it appear that the events of the physical dimension are the end game. This in turn leads to extensive concern and attention to the ostensible end game effects, which creates subtle forces that propagate beyond the physical dimension and are reflected back into the physical dimension experience. This creates what we call singularities, or reality states that are of a scope that appears that a dead end path is reached, through which the only option is one of difficulty or pain. This singularity effect must be in perspective, because the finite dimensions, although appearing massive when viewed from a filtered point, are but a very small subdimensional framework in which a projected reality is created. It is very simple to relieve the effects of these singularities by bringing your multidimensional focus into your conscious attention at all times. These things that seem so immense and so daunting become trivial, like no more than an itch that you can scratch. You will literally do yourself more and more good to think about and focus on and feel the light, the subtle, the vibration – to continue and continue to extend your consciousness beyond the three dimensions, even while going about your business of driving around, eating and drinking, sleeping, recreation and work, dealing with other sentient beings. Your mind is yours to direct in focus. The infinite is infinite. The three dimension is finite. Your attentiveness to the infinite directs the finite to be in its rightful perspective. You just must remember to do this.
How do you know whether or not you are doing this? Your intention to it means you are doing it. You can see, hear, feel, use any of your sensory interfaces through the finite planes as gateway points and allow your intention to blend with the infinite, multidimensional planes to flow its energy through these gateway points, and allow your sensory receptors to operate into expansive multidimensional place, taking your senses into realms way beyond those familiar in the third dimension.
Throughout the physical plane, you are moving forth from your own inner-generated frequency vibration. Directed outward focus creates the perception of multiple, interfering frequencies, which can be overwhelming, particularly when you begin to become more attuned to the subtle energies. You could feel like you are being bombarded from all different directions with frequencies that make the prospect daunting of being able to be and exist in the frequency of your desire. This can lead to the desire to be isolated and alone. However, the latter is not needed. You must continue to maintain your focus on the frequency of your desire. This is most important. When you are habitually gravitating to lower vibrations, then the Universe will accommodate this vibration with the understanding that you are vibrating what you are desiring. Your directed focus of effort toward the vibration of your desire is essential. Secondly, your distraction from the focus on your energy of desire is eliminated by increasing your power level. You are always responsible. You may have developed the habits of seeking energy transfer from outside of your source. This is a mere distraction of the reflections from the plane of creation known as the physical dimension. You must continue to hammer home the point that your inner energy frequency is your responsibility, and this should become habitual – but consciously habitual. You should make a point of giving attention to your own inner energy frequency, and allow your inner power to increase as you go along. You should not take the reflection as any indication of how well you are doing. Your inner feelings should be your guide, always. Honesty, clarity and purity of focus are musts. Cloudiness in these areas lead to distortions in your energy vibration. These kinds of distortions no longer have any place in your existence. Become aware when they show up, and allow your inner power and energy vibration to clear them. They will. Swiftly!
Honesty and clarity are simpler than most people think. They are the normal state, and it takes effort to cloud things up. If you feel any cloudiness creeping in (out of habit probably), just realizing this and allowing the vibration of clarity to emerge is enough. Your path is always governed by the path of most clarity. If anything on the drama plane appears otherwise it is because you have created the drama, and are serving some purpose, whether to amuse yourself or just habitual effects that are rooted in lower conscious states. You needn’t govern your existence through lower conscious states any longer. By ‘cloudiness creeping in’ we really mean anything that tugs your energy vibration in a direction other than that which you desire.
As you are flying through interdimensional space, you are occasionally touching the third dimension, and intersecting with its relevant frequencies. Your consciousness directs the frequency of operation, and the denseness of the third plane jars you into consuming that frequency with your conscious attention which has the effect of bringing your median frequency into resonance with the third plane and all of the ensuing effects of the frequency there. However, just as a light source directs the frequency of light, even when operating amidst a state of darkness, your consciousness frequency may, and should, continue to operate according to your conscious direction, throughout your intersection with the third plane. Your power level determines the extent to which you feel the contrast. A bright powerful light source would overcome the darkness with light, and the light would become the main observable effect. A small spark would be a brief light source and be overcome by the darkness and the physical effects conjoined with the darkness.
Power and clarity are intertwined. Clarity is like the purity of the glass, or medium through which the powerful light source shines. A blotch on the surface is magnified and distorting to the transmission of the pure light energy. On the other hand, clarity, as it is allowed to prevalence, removes the hindrances to allowing the frequency vibration and power level to rise to the natural state of high frequency and high power, within the multidimensional space and within which the third dimension plane is a mere blip.
The impulsive tendency is to directly perform some directed action to increase frequency and power, just as the impulsive tendency to fill a balloon with air is to infuse air through the opening in the balloon. However, shifting the air pressure on the outer surface of the balloon would have the same effect and allow the surface to expand and draw air into the balloon. In the same way, directed focus on inner clarity shifts the pressures that are suppressing the rising of your frequency and power, and thus allows them to expand. Unlike the physical dilemma imposed by the objective of trying to figure out how to reduce the air pressure around a balloon’s surface whilst continuing to make air at a higher pressure available for entering the balloon’s opening, Directed focus on inner clarity is a natural and simple means for increasing your frequency and power, rather than to try to directly overcome the effects of the physical dimension that are operating at a frequency and power so miniman that they appear stagnant.
So, as we are directing you, and we have indicated much of this before, your inner light is your source, your power center. The shifting aspect of changing your operation in the way we are suggesting is that the motivation must be driven internally. If you are using the physical plane drama, or effects, as a means of motivation, then you are plugging your channels into that frequency. Your path to inner clarity entails maintaining focus on your inner light and allowing the brightness to shine on its own. In case of momentary distractions from the physical dimension, your focus should immediately return to your inner clarity. The term, the concept, of clarity is a vast realm. In the physical dimension, you are used to clarity being defined by observation of its opposite – cloudiness or obscurity. However, we use the term inner light. The concept of light is, multidimensionally, vast also, and is coincident with the vast realm of clarity. You are hereby advised to meditate on these concepts, and be educated on their understanding through realization within, throughout the multidimensional realms.
Your meditating on these concepts will help to lead you to a key component of your existence which you have been seeking – how to quickly remember and to dispense with the low vibration effects of the physical environment. Just as when a light switch is turned on, the light immediately appears in the room, when the inner switch to the realm of inner clarity and inner light is invoked, the power and frequency levels of your resonant state within the multidimensional space pervade your conscious being and become the dominant forces in all of your existential experience in that very moment. Your meditation on inner clarity and inner light will swiftly guide you to the vastness of this power. Allowing, observing, letting the multidimensional mind kick in. Remind the three dimensional mind that it is a watcher, rather than a director, and allow yourself to be overcome with the rapture and awe states of inner clarity!
Let us move onward!