Weekly Channel – Jan 31 – Feb 6, 2016
Energy seeds are infinitely surrounding and within you. You may simultaneously focus on all of these at one time, infusing the seeds with your desires, and your highest intentions. These transmissions permeate all that surrounds your reality experience, and you are the master. Your higher power is always directing how the reality experience maps into the coordinates of your conscious attention. It is variable to the degree which your consciousness is aware. If you are in a reactive mode, you are less aware, and are feeling subject to the victim of circumstances syndrome. If you are consciously trying to generate the world that you wish to experience, then so you will. It is a must-do effort, to be able to generate the energy that creates the world you desire. Through the infinte energy seeds, you can project the energetic results more easily. It is because the magnitude of the energy is multiplied by the multitudes of energy seeds. This enables a power generation that can overcome the transient effects of the dense plane.
Your internal amplitude, energetically, can be increased, through these multitudes of energy cells, to raise your energetic significance to a level that deems the dense plane drama insignificant. In this way, you have no reason or need to be subject to reactive mechanisms on the dense world plane. When your energetic amplitude is increased, your mental projections direct the manifestations. When the energetic amplitude is in the background, the energy of manifestation is going on auto mode, and you are getting the results of a complicated randomness of patterns that are in effect for multiple reasons in multiple ways. Your direct focus to raise your power amplitude changes your means of generating what is happening in you, through you, and around you.
The impulsive reaction is to alleviate weightiness with weightiness. The weightiness and ensuing trough of feelings you can feel will alleviate with projections of inner light. The infinite pores of light-seeds amplify the magnitude of your mental light projection. This should become more habitual, to combat the weighty feelings that plague you in the physical dimension.
Step one to raising to a high frequency, when you find that you are surrounded by density, is to feel and see a light bubble, within the timeless, spaceless center of infinite time and space. This both moves and expands, both consciously and subconsciously. You both guide and allow this light bubble to grow and integrate with your consciousness. This light bubble is one bubble, and infinite light seeds, all at once.
Let us move onward!