Inter-Dimensional Channel – Nov 23 – Nov 27, 2016
Elevate the inter-dimensional amplitude. Constricting to the frequency of the dense plane is a matter of choice, and there is not anything fundamental to your existence which is calling for that. It is simply a matter of that being an easier way to survive and navigate among the activities of that conformation realm.
You think about this, you remember to think about this. The mental realm is how you interface the numinous with the mundane, and the feeling states follow. You must learn to trust your mental connection with the numinous. It can be difficult, we realize, when you are surrounded by frequency shifts into the lower vibrations, to keep your mental focus on the inter-dimensional frequencies. This is how you raise the amplitude, nonetheless.
Healing of situations with the physical body and physical environment, and such, really are entailing releasing restrictions to keep things in a non-healed state, rather than a forceful effect of changing some things that are inevitably in place. Knowing this, and seeing all as energetic, rather than physically fixed, you can see that healing is a matter of energy flow, allowing the natural state to flow. It really takes some doing to get things into and keep things in a non-healed state. Some of you are so good at doing that it seems to be the norm, but this is because the amplitudes of the inter-dimensional channels which illuminate the energetic nature of all have been allowed to diminish to the point where the physical appears to be all that is relevant. Elevating the inter-dimensional amplitudes brings you into direct focus with the energetic essence of all, and there is much that opens the door to you when this happens. What we are saying here about healing is one indication of how differently things are from the nominal thinking among the human world, as we are illuminating with the inter-dimensional understanding. Knowing, feeling the vibration states even whilst densely assimilating the forces of life into a finitely defined world, the Truth of your energetic nature is evident. You have nothing to stand in the way of going about the business of the finite world, interacting with your consciousness experiential unfoldment non-obvious to the other individuated consciousnesses. Get the feel of the energetic flow, and the attachments you have to the precipitated condensation which defines the world in which your organic being lives are not such anymore.
This is applicapble indeed to your own physical being, which is of utmost challenge when it comes to releasing the attachment precipitatively, because your nerve endings, which navigate your finite world experience interface to the precipitated. Thus, the challenge of self healing. Divorcing your experiential nerve endings sensory perceptions from your immersion in the ambience of energetic vibration of the cells of your Source Energy, and bringing your focus to allowing the energy to folow - this is the self-healing path. Paying attention to the pain, and directly trying to navigate according to the pain and any symptomatic result's sensory indication directly de-ampifies the inter-dimensional energetic channels other than the minimal for physical finite existence to go on. We strongly indicate for you to release your attention from strictly that which is minimal for the finite, and elevate the amplitudes of the others, so that the energy flow is allowed. This accomplished, to a sufficient degree, and healing of thy self is easy.
Realizing that it is a slippery slope to gain mental leverage to pay attention to the energy channels that are dormant, while negotiating the sensory impulses of triggering imbalances in the somatic coordinates, this is why we encourage just for the heck of it to give your effort to conscious sentience of the energetic flow, and the elevating of the amplitude of inter-dimensional energy channels, and get the feel of this vibration and its intersection with the physical sentience of 'feeling good', so that it becomes readily easily accessible to you during the more challenging situations. As you gather some momentum in this way, you get the feel of it, and you become ready to defy the nominal expectations in your human environment about how steep a climb it is to somatic healing, and how inevitable degeneration of the physical is along the time-coordinate axis. None of this is valid with the inter-dimensional channels open. Only from the view that the physical is the pinnacle of existence, does this appear to be true.
You have therapy methods which integrate the cognizance of this knowledge. Your methods which astutely recognize that imbalance in somatic states is inherently precipitated by energy channel obstructions in the three dimensional surface of the body, such as accupressure, which strategically diagnose the likely roots of the flow obstructions and directly apply physical force to assure opening of the energy channels, these pave the way for the energetic flow toward harmonic balance in the physical/emotional/mental integration of bodies, toward being in healed states. This being thus, this is not to be considered an entirely new concept for you.
Inter-dimensionally, we are indicating healing in dimensions inclusive of, yet not limited to the finite dimensions familiar in your life-form existence. Our interest is in massively communicating freedom from obstruction in energy flow, inter-dimensionally, and needn't be wary of diagnosing minute obstructions and their causes. These undertakings of limitation may interest the finite mind, yet there is not any practical reason for analogously developing such paralleling.
Healing, inter-dimensionally, is congruent with the meaning of the understanding of flowing of energy, inhibition free. The somatic conditions and their healing in the finite environment are but a microscopic view of the understanding of energy flow and healing in the inter-dimensional planes. This is part of why it is difficult for you to find your way to energy flow and the ease of allowing healing states to emerge. The emphasis becomes upon the conditions, and such emphasis relates to propagating the conditions, yet the healing to be sought is defined by a state free of the conditions. From our view, this is nonsensical, perverse thinking, yet we understand, because such linearly minded thinking arises from the view of making the finitely required dimensions the only ones of significance.
With such understanding, there is a shifted paradigmatic understanding of what we mean by healing, and how the conscious will of a energy-pole being would approach the realization of conditions which call for concentrated understanding of energy focus in regard to releasing obstruction from flow of energy.
If you will interject conscious will into intending for perception of the subtleties of wave forms constituting the energetic precipitation which is congruent with the consciousness awareness of your being-state, you see that there is a carrier frequency in play as a defining of the energetic basis for your current state of coordinates. As the resonant frequency of your creation-generating being strikes the chord of essence of purity of your being in purely energetic form, the resonating effect of your current-state carrier frequency with your resonant chord reverberates higher, the freer is your being's coordinate intersection's energy flow. Thus your perception of need for freeing of energy flow is constituted in response to your perception of need for intensifying the resonance of your carrier frequency with your inner harmonic resonance energy.
We do assure that you can be assured such resonance improvement is needed when you experience any of the finite dimension configurations which you are used to associating with the call for healing, such as somatic nerve ending alarms or emotional discomfort triggerings. Yet, we are elevating your understanding beyond relying on these stimuli for inspiration to propagate your consciousness into methods to unobstruct energy flow. It is useful to understand this nonetheless because we are asking you to discern the fundamental recognition of energetic frequencies in their pure form, and understand the resonance state of relation among them. This is a subtlety which entails some adeptness for a physical being, and having a physicality for example to relate what is happening on a wider dimensional level can be helpful.
So too can it be helpful when such conditions arise, and your emergence into venture for healing states originates in the finite coordinates, for you to understand that such conditions are manifestations of irresonance between your current configuration carrier frequency and your unique harmonic resonance state for your conscious being. This can be a waker upper in the stupor of physical existence, and remind your consciousness to set the course to inter-dimensional energetic flow restoration.
Now, about the perception of the carrier frequency and its resonance with your harmonic energy frequency, and how about the process for freeing the energy flow obstructions?
You have to do this enough to get the feel of it, and use what we are describing to lead you into the state of feeling of it. Your inner mirror is the coalescing point for the inter-dimensional channels in intersection with the deliberation of the conscious which drives your perception of yourself as a being. Immerse your conscious state, be, in your inner mirror, and look through the looking glass. By 'look', we mean feel light. Feel the feel of the light traversing through the looking glass of the inner mirror. This is the feel of the carrier frequency. Now, holding the feel of the carrier frequency, bring your focus to the peripheral sense of your expanded consciousness, that which persists independently of your perception of yourself as an individual isolation. From this awareness, sense, through all inter-dimensional pores, your feel of inner light, radiating from infinite source, through your being. This is your harmonic resonance energy. Now, when there is resonance of your carrier frequency with your harmonic resonance energy, there is indistinguishable perception as these are observed concomitantly. If there is not any contrast, then you are aware that the carrier frequency is vibrating in resonance with your fundamental frequency, and healing states are propagating forward in harmony. If there is disonance perceived, then you hold the carrier frequency in the midst of the harmonic resonance, and allow its entrainment to evolve, so as to bring the carrier frequency in resonance with your fundamental energy. This is healing! You can feel this, you can train your perception to be attuned to the this subtle. You get the feel of it. When you feel resonance, you are good to go, and proceed with your motion forward in the coordinates with which you are propagating your consciousness, and be not concerned with the precipitated feedback your sensory receptors are receiving. It is the energetic resonance states which define your healing states, and the residual effects are transient. Now move...