Weekly Channel – June 8 – June 14, 2014
When the vast energy is realized from the physical perspective, the effects are harsh. How can we reconcile this?
The vast energy is what is. The physical existence is an extention of the energy, and is only a precipitation. Any perception of harshness is part of this precipitation, and must be overcome as being non-reality.
Is this possible while maintaining an existence in the physical world, and acting and behaving and dwelling in the world of the senses?
Yes. You can learn. You can have your focus on the vast energy all of the time, and all of the existence of the physical world is available. It is when you have lost the perception of the vast energy that there appears to be a contrast with the physical reality which appears to be the ultimate reality at that time. You must persist with intention of manifesting the union with the infinte, throughout all physical experience. All you must do is remember this, and keep doing it. It is the way it is, so it is just a matter of seeing it.
How can we cross the threshold beyond the perception of the harshness? This appears to us as an obstacle to turn us back.
You must see your emotions as a state that is concommitant with the precipitation that we call the physical realm. Only from the confinement of this realm is this an obstacle. To step beyond that, you must become aware continuously that your being is extended of the infinite, vast energy. You are as birds who have forgotten that they can fly. Believing to be obstructed by a mountain, they feel trapped. Upon realizing that flight is available to them, they are free to fly above and beyond the mountain. You are feeling trapped because you believe that the physical realm, perceived through the senses, is it, and that feelings of pain, emotionally or physically, are the guideposts to turn away in other directions from the union with the infinite vast energetic. If you walk into and through the fire, you realize that you are impervious to the fire.
So, we should hold the course, and make the priority be the union with the infinte energy, rather than to run in a direction that feels better in the moment?
Yes, this is the only way beyond feeling trapped as a victim of circumstances in the physical realm.
The emotions and the physical senses have a ‘heaviness’ about them in the physical realm. Union with the infinite, from that vantage point, is attainable only through the subtle perception at the mental level, merging with the physical senses into union. How is it possible for us to keep focus on this throughout the drama and intensity of the physical reality?
Just do it. It is your mind. It is your choice what to think about. It is your, and only your, choice how to direct your attention. If you persist, then your reality will become vast. This will gather in intensity, but so will the perception of the magnitude of the harshness. Such is the nature of the merging of physical reality with the numinous.
What is a way to give us a handle for leverage, in the midst of the physical activities, to restore focus to the infinite, vast energy?
You can remind yourself as often as you can think of it. When you notice that your perception has become engrossed in the dense realms, shift immediately to remember the infinite vast energy. There is no need for strenuous effort to feel anything or think anything. That is what is real. The only thing missing is your full awareness. This is how you expand your awareness. Just the slightes memory in the midst of what you call ‘drama’ is enough. You can use words as reminders, mantras, in effect. In another message, I have already given the mantra ‘Infinite’. ‘Energy’ is an effective mantra as well. Repeat it when you think of it, and allow your life to change. Anytime your physical or emotional state appears to be challenged by the results of the dense precipitation, trigger the focus to bring in the awareness and use some of these mantras as a guide to hold a thread of connection with the infinite. It is vastly more than a thread, but feels like a thread to you in the midst of the dense.
What about in the times of ‘non-drama’, or where the drama is internal and conjured by the mind? How can we maintain focus and enhance our connection of awareness with the infinite vast energy during those times?
There you can feel at the sensory level, and use the senses to leverage your awareness so as to maintain focus despite the mental activity. If you feel that you lose touch with the senses, you can do something like take a breath that is out of synch, or deeper or shallower than necessary, so as to provoke awareness of the sensory level. The mind will take you into a realm where the senses are lost, but you can use these methods to restore your focus. So do this, and as your perception of the sensory level becomes keen, there is a slight opening between the world of precipitation and the world of the infinite, and you can slip into that world and stay there as long as you can. As time goes on this world will feel natural to you and will be part of your awareness for most of the time, even while you are in the midst of activity.
Can we effect physical healing in this way?
Yes, the allowing of energy flow that is necessary for physical healing is accessible from the gateway between the world of physical and the world of infinite. It is better to focus your efforts on perceiving this opening first, rather than to be caught up in trying to effect healing all of the time, because if you are not adept at slipping into this world, the process of attempting to heal becomes an observation of that which needs healing, which serves as a reinforcing effect rather than a healing effect.
How is it best to focus while transitioning from waking to sleeping state, in order to merge with the vast infinite?
Use your sensations to focus yourself into awareness of the non-physicalness of your body. Use the same techniques to maintain your awareness on the sensory. The sensory can be any of the senses, but the simplest to start with is the tactile because the vibration can be felt most readily, and there are almost always effects going on that can be noticed. The breathing is always happening and there is always change going on there. Spend your attention this way and allow sleep to course through you as it flows. If you wake during the night, do this…
What guidance do you have for maintaining a high frequency whilst in the midst of a physical world with ostensibly separate other beings?
Maintain awareness and focus within your inner self, no matter what they are doing. They are projections, precipitations, within the reality that you are experiencing, and they are not driving the creation process in which your experience is manifesting. As distracting as they may appear, do not allow them to distract you from your inner focus. Focus on your own sensory experiences, and their interaction with your reality will adjust accordingly, and they will become less of a distraction, just as the physical realm will become less of a distraction once you have become accustomed to maintaining focus on the vast infinite at all times.
Anything else to convey at this moment?
The sensory perceptions are all vibrations. You can feel vibrations with the tactile senses most readily, yet as you become more attuned, the sense of sound, smell and color will be known as vibrations rather than according to the mental associations you are used to using to identify them. This is something to contemplate and to begin to shift into paying close attention to. If you can perceive the sight and sound as vibration, you can more easily slip between the world of the physical and the infinite, and you can become master of the sensory interaction. Much is at your disposal at this point. Contemplate this, and allow this to integrate into your being.
Let us move onward.