Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #42

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Nov 11 – Nov 14, 2016

Your heartbeat is a cyclic.  It is a means for perception, of integrating the infinite with the finiltely-scoped life.  The pulsing, the opposing states, of the beating, strike energetic frequency which correlates with life in organic form.  This is the basis, and the emanations from there are of assumption of multitudes of dialectic forms.  In the linear form, environment, this can be encapsulated, as your structure of three dimensions can absorb understanding of the two-state.
Allowing the further dimensions to dawn, you may follow the beating of the heart into the infinite states, with each of infinite dimensions moving independently.  The finite mind does not know how to grasp all of this at once, yet starting with what the mind can grasp, you can follow into feeling of the infinite, energetic beating heart.
Why do this?
Your command of physicality receives power through this.  The fundamentality of the beating of the heart strikes the chords of physicalness and at the same time leads to the gateway of the infinite energetic core, which composes the keys to the secret of creative precipitation in physical dense land.  If you could approach your situations which call for shift in correlation with your precipitated alongside your conscious desires, the merging of the basis for physicality with the energetic stream occurs.
Your mental constructs may be able to conceptualize the infinite dimension axes vibrating at independent states, yet the connection with the dense of which your life of organic existence is formed is made through the pulsating of the dialectic states of physical life, the heartbeat, the breath.
Wholeness is achieved through pulsating into current states the ingredients needed through dimensional energetic vessels which lie latently among the prominent contents of the precipitated environment.  So, here is what you do when you are calling for change, enhancement beyond what is currently occurring.  Whatever is happening in the physical situation, pinpoint your attention to your inner dialecticism, as the heartbeat.  Give your focus here, and feel what is being felt and be of an observing nature.  Subtlize your attentive states and allow the dimensional expansion of the pulsing of the heartbeat.  Bring the consciousness product of result of your desiring state for the rising of your feeling/mind states to be of resonance with your inter-dimensional inner being.  Bring the consciousness product into resonance with the infinitely-dimensional heartbeating energetic pulses.  Gently allow the ostensibly dormant energetic dimensions, each with their pulsing beat, to come to life in unison with the heartbeat of the physical.  Watch, as your integration of mental/emotional/physical states continues to change.
Key to your attaining your desired result in doing this is to relinquish attention to what is obvious that must be let go and left to dissipate.  Your inspired energetic interaction must be attentive to the change you wish to bring into your state of existence.  So, if something is happening which drives a resonance of discomfort for you, see it as only a call for change, and leave it as such, moving into your heartbeat, and the inter-dimensional expansion which will ensue into your chord of resonance with your expanded being and its wishes.  More inter-dimensional attention, and less attention to how the physical details play out, breeds more success in this approach.
You may have noticed that some of the autonomic mechanisms in your physicality readily prep you for attentive expansion from a basis of your energetic heartbeat.  When your survival is threatened, or some strong emotional states occur because of dire circumstance, your heartbeat speeds up and pulses strongly for you to notice it.  Your breath can become hyper, or irregular, calling your attention to it.  This, if you will relax about the finite plane dictates, readily sets you up for a starting point in your dialectic autonomic physiology, and your consciousness can readily step in and bring the energetic heartbeat pulsing for shifting your configuration of reality into alignment with your core states.  In such dire situations, it may of course be somewhat difficult to maintain the poise to relax and allow the faint veins of energetic dimension to raise the tempo of their pulsating so as to become ingredients in the physically manifested, yet the prominent heartbeat, and dialectic states, can be a big reminder in such situations if you can be noticeable to it.
You may also be considering how to go about all of this when things are moving so fast that the reactionary states are fleeting, or numerous in occurrence.  If you will enter such situations of busy-ness with conscious awareness, and take the time to allow relaxation into conscious awareness of the inter-dimensional heartbeat pulsing states when you are able, as you approach these situations, and also when you have some down time to focus at the purely energetic level of your being, then your carrier frequency of going through the dense dynamic situations will be resonating in accord with your intentions, and you will see no need to try to keep pace with the fast moving elements of the dense environment.
When you are higher-dimensionally meditatively attending to your energetic vibration of the energy cells which comprise your existence, the connective circuit wires to your finite dimension reality reach availability for you through your noticing of the physical heartbeat as a sub-harmonic state within the massively vast array of energetic vibrations you are feeling through becoming consciously absorbed into.
You may be wondering how to charge your energetic state in the midst of the dense world and its apparent randomness, particularly while interacting with beings who inhabit consciousness engines of varying degree of awareness and have evidently independent will to act in ways which feel to cause destructive interference with your resonating frequency generation.  The secret to power is for you to give your stream of conscious attention to your inner energetic generation, rather than on the external outwardness of random cross section.  This may take some training, but if it can become habitual, you will see the difference, and the effects will be either less destructive interference, or such interfering wavelengths will be of such low amplitude that they will transiently dissipate from being effectual in your reality.  Become convinced of this enough to make it a practice.  You can multitask, you can be attentive to your inner energy-generating power even in the midst of anything that is going on which appears to be destructively affecting your states.  There is not the linearly-minded undivided attention required.  The connection is made, and you simply must notice it once in a while, dwell on it when you can, expand it, but know that it is there, and most importantly, know that it is how your results are effected, rather than in some responsive, reactionary way to outer circumstances.
When you know you are ready and it is time for a "out with the old, in with the new" operation, one thing we have taught you already is the Alchemy Resonance Meditation, in which your vibration streams into your inner being and into your high temperature inner core, to alchemize all that currently exists in your precipitated reality states.  In this, embrace the momentary abysmal sensations, and allow all that is passing to be fed into the energetic re-creation pool.  Needn't dwell on the abyss however.  Linearity is only real in a finite dimension world which necessitates linear parametrizations.  You are not bounded by a time-ordered rule, and the "in with the new" needn't wait for the out with the old to finish processing.  The abysmal state is what gets so many of you tripped up when you find yourselves confronted with that letting go stage of things.  However, the cyclic is generating in all stages of the cycles all of the time.  So, feel free to concommitantly feed the alchemy smelting pot and alongside it generate the energy of what is being created anew.  This is how it is happening, and only a matter of you to become aware of it.
To "in with the new" bring your inner light state, your core resonance frequency into focus, and with however sensical you are in the moment with regard to the new, whether in direct correlation of the void wake trails being left by the old, or otherwise, inflate energy channels of the most relevant dimension which will bring this new generation into reality.  This, while extricating the released precipitation from the cross section of the shell of your organic being.
You activate the mental energy in all which ways you choose, bringing to life all kinds of multiple channels of releasing and multiple channels of activating the new.  In releasing patterns that have become encrusted as part of your organic configuration, there sometimes arise mental connections which connect with the patterns, so as to keep activated the conditions.  Your mission is to notice those thoughts of mental energy and to redirect them in directions to dissipate, rather than to feed your inner energetic state.  So, if you have recurring resentment for something you feel is injustice to you in the past, your releasing of the 'old' would be slowed through indulging in the resentment energy.  If you are feeling strongly emotional, perhaps resentment may serve as a relief briefly, temporarily, but you tend to place it in a locked way so as to think it will continue to be an avail for bringing relief, whereas your readiness for raising frequency to higher mind states would be served well through the freeing of the bond of resentment energy.  So, you must keep this in mind, and be the master of your mental processes in ways that enliven the directions you have orchestrated.