Inter-Dimensional Channel – Nov 1 – Nov 8, 2016
It may appear that the avenue for expansion from the physical starting point must go through the physical, yet this appearance is presumptive of the view through the physical only. Such instillation of this kind of boundary instills a leverage which separates your consciousness from realization of experiential beingness through your mental being. It is as though you are walking and encounter a wall and, though there is easy pathway around the wall, you stop yourself and hesitate being unable to walk through or over the wall.
Inter-Dimensionally, limitations of spatial, or any form of finite, coordinates are not. Your direct path to expanded consciousness is within you, unlimitedly expansive. You must relinquish your tendency to view expansion as being a one-pointed source from within you and only being able to expand outward, omnidirectionally. This view is a representation of expansion, but the spatial implications and their accompanying limitations are to be released from imposing hindrances. The shell of ostensible finite plane surface intersection is a projection from your infinite self, rather than a definition of scope of existence for your self.
Your inclination to move outward from your energetic center, core, implies that the physical dimension shell is right, smack, in the way, and that reverberates you right into thinking and believing that the shell of surface tension of finite dimension is an obstacle for your energy. This forgets that the surface tension of finite dimension is itself energy, and of just a form that precipitates into what your infinite self is creating. If you can know this as your directed response to assert awareness as a mental being, accessing the infinite light of all times, is proceeding, your freedom of consciential extension is granted.
Our use of the expression "inner" suggests some division that is defined by the shell of the organic being, and this is not our intention in using the term. For the purpose of directing consciousness in a way which would reveal the omnidirectional energetic nature of your alive being, we use terms such as "inner light", or "focus inwardly". This is more to compensate for your humanitary habits of using three dimensional space as a symbolic model for attaching some directional significance to the extension of your consciousness. Anything like this is a limiting factor in realizationally experientially consciously extending.
You may notice that you feed dimension threads of energy into a not-elastic form of shield, which you summatively express as "unknown". In venturing along the transmittal trajectories of finite dimension space, your realm of understanding is shaped for the catering to the relatively prominent sensory parameters, and your emphasis is on propagation of the life of the organic body, which condescends your array of knowledge severely. Being of an accustomed nature to proceeding this way, the vast realms of understanding of knowledge readily available to you appear to be non-existent. You thus have a black hole of an obstacle which you call the unknown, and which represents a gap in your conscientially required energetic cognizance.
This is a big obstacle for the nominal being in your finite land. For you to proceed with expanding your conscious involvement in your own existence as we are guiding you, allowing the energetic vessels from all of inter-dimensional space must be the procedure. If you are closing off vessels because of fear of the unknown or because of unknown information which you feel is necessary, then you are placing a shell between your energetic source harmonic energy and your precipitated creations emanating from your energetic core being.
You may now be wondering what you can do about this.
Considering the way, from a strictly finite dimension view, the encumbrance of the unknown becomes an encumbrance, it follows a parametrized course which you perceive as being of benefit with your desired outcome if you are granted with the knowingness. Right? So, as we have been teaching you, your coordination of some outcome with your desired state is reflected with the constructs which are in resonance with your frequency state.
Thus, if you feel you are bumping against the wall of the unknown, and you have sensory receptors, such as fear, which readily remind you, then knowing that knowing is dimensionally integrated with you, and that your desired outcome is that which is in resonance with your harmonic frequency, then you, rather than to go chasing after the unknown, bring which is needed to be known into intersection with your precipitation, ongoing, by striking the chord of your resonant frequency and allowing the energy channels of that which appears to be unknown to elevate into direct influence of your present state. The energetic forces which drive you forward then are aligned with the knowing of the unknown which, not knowingly present hold you in suspension, and place you in a state of moving forward according to the path of the knowing of the unknown. You are in this way freed of having to be a know it all.
You are instead letting the unknown know its way into your consciousness and produce the effect of your intention in seeking to know.
So, in many cases you won't really have any need to care about what the known state of the hindering unknown was, as your resonant result is strikingly energizing your reality states, but in case you do, now that you are opening the channels of cognizant dimension to integrate with your state-generating energetic process, you can allow the knowledge to seep into your being and the key word here is to allow. If you do this, then it will surface in three dimension situations as appropriate. If you try to manipulate your inter-dimensional energy channels for the sake of gaining knowledge to feed your thee dimensional linear ego-driven mind, then you are being fooled into just another form of creating the barrier of the unknown. If the integration of knowledge with your spirit is appropriate, this emerges as wisdom, which seldom, if ever, correlates with a strictly three dimensional linearly-minded ego-driven agenda.
You, then, can, upon encountering the unknown, release your linearly-minded mental claws from the grip of the finite web of entanglement, and strike the chord of your inner harmonic energy core, and allow the knowingness to vibrate its way into resonance, and your path forward will be energetically vibrating within you. Your trust and willingness to follow your inner guidance will be your key to shifting into doing this.
Your apparent shell of organic being is translucent and transparent to light source emanating from a state of infinite power from any, every spatially imperceptible energetic cell, innumerable, yet we reference in an enumerated way for the scope to lead your linear-minded understanding into grasping realization of integration of infinitely powerful light with your conscious perception of existence. Leading in this way, you may assume the transparency of your finite plane requirements and at any time and space pointed coordinates, drink the light in, in vast power.
Dissolution of the ostensible shell between your infinite consciousness and your world of finite plane externalism de-boundarizes the encapsulation of your created states which strike a contrast between your resonant harmonic energetic core and what you are living at the given moment. So, rather than striking the chord of your inner harmonic frequency vibration, you become your inner energetic core and emanate your resonant frequency of source energy. This, by allowing and seeping in Light from all inter-dimensional infiniteness.
Now when we say 'shell', there is imagery which implies a physicalness, yet we are speaking to limitless levels of subtlety in your energetic precipitations. Thus, your emotional sensory receptor control center assumes the attributes of transparency in this way. We are saying here that whilst in the midst of consterning mental states, shifting your consciousness to focus on the assumption of energetic light in omniversal transmission opens the transparency dimensional channels for permeation of your conscious being, with a hinderless propagation through the perceived emotional/mental boundaries.
Our assertion is that when you find yourself all entangled in finite plane related injections of uncomfortableness, your consciousness direction vectors are to serve your intention toward alleviation of the uncomfortableness in a more directed powerful way through attending your eye of infinite consciousness to awareness of Light seeming into your being-portal from infinitely-enumerated sources. When and if you get around to noticing your feeling states again, after shifting in this way, you are likely to find that your feeling states have improved. However, using this as a recipe for elevating your emotional mind states whilst trying to stay immersed into the linearly-minded finite-planeness, it would not work because doing the latter is the equivalent of locking your consciousness-belief into the solidity of the 'shell' which we have already pointed out, is transparent.
You see, any finite plane agenda you may have is part of the 'shell', and is thus transparent. Any clinging to translucency or opacity in this regard is implanting a big filter of the infinite light. So, allowing the release of that 'finite plane grip' that you perceive as part of walking about amongst the precipitants of dimensionally structured worlds is one skill which may be worth some attentive effort on your part. If you will, you may dwell in conscious accompanyment with Light Beings in freedom from encumbrance of shelled structure necessitated by a defined world reliant on finite dimension. More release of finite strings brings vaster opening into Light Realm existence, which is synthesis of your consciousness-being with your inner harmonic resonant energetic core.
Our encouragement for you is to practice engulfing your mobile time/space transitions of your integrated being of infinite consciousness and finite involvement with consciousness noticing the transparency of the illusory finitely-induced obfuscations. Your awareness of the Realm of Light thus expands, and as you move forth, attaining adeptness in skill with this, you learn to work with, communicate with and reach for guidance through direct communication with Light Beings.