Weekly Channel – Jan 10 – Jan 16, 2016
If anything is disturbing you from the physical plane, and you wish to reverse it, or alleviate it to relieve the disturbance, whilst all is happening, envision a shaft of luminous light, liquified in the infinite dimensions, and integrating with all that is happening in the finite dimensions, and infuse yourself with the feeling of relief, by allowing the feeling to seep deep into your interior.
If you feel stuck in physical plane reactive mode, close your eyes and feel the influx of vibrational golden light through your ajna chakra and forehead area. See the light and feel the vibration physically. Bring your concentration to give full attention to this feeling and continue and continue to feel this. Phase into activity in the physical dimension and carry on with your inspirations.
Sometimes you can get stuck in a mode where your feeling states tie into the outcome of precipitations on the physical dimension. When that happens, try these methods, and they will immediately start to lift your vibration. It may still take you a bit to become convinced, but your vibration lifts nonetheless.
When envisioning your manifestations, bring the attention to the luminous and the envisionment as arising from within the luminous realm. This alleviates the dense boundaries. Envisioning defiance of the boundaries and limitations of the physical environment boosts the energy level, and actually brings your physical result more readily.
With clarity and luminous presence, you may invoke any archetypal personna through your being at any time. Clarity and luminous presence inherently raises your vibration above the mere mundane of the physical environment and its associated mental entanglements. Thus engaging in attempts to invoke angelic forces for the purposes of mundane emotional inspirations or greed, and such, is futile. Yet, in any moment, your mental tuning to the luminous clarity is possible, and if this is invoked, so may the archetypal personna, for your divine experience to merge into the physical domain in which you are engaging your interest. So, if you feel that you are constrained by the physical dense devices into a ‘must do’ or ‘must be’ situation, engage your mental plane interface in the numinous and don the personna that would be appropriate. The scenario that will ensue is quite appropriate for this sort of energetic influence. You are relieving the three dimensional filters that conjure concepts such as destruction and evil, and your inspiration is always appropriate for the situation, however it appears to the restricted souls who are clinging to the filters of the dense world.
You are ever summoning new life force from within the depths of your soul. You should pay attention to this more than anything that is going on around you in the world you are creating. Anything that is already created is ‘old news’ and your emotional and physical difficulties always arise from clinging to the ‘old news’. When you experience higher mind states and notice the environment around you, there is a misconception at your stage of evolution that preserving the effects around you would preserve the mind states. The mind states arise because of the inner life force that you are summoning, and in those moments, you are allowing that to flow. The envirionmental effects are coincident, yet not the cause of your mind states. When you feel stuck in lower vibration effects, it is time to reinvent yourself, and exclusively give your attention to the inner energetic life flow.
There is immense potential, once you perceive the energetic flow that is infinite, for effecting operations in the physical world, through the blending of the energetic with the shell of your organic being. If you release the mechanism of ownership of the vehicle which houses your spirit in an organic environment, you can readily flow into the multidimensional energetic states, and make use of your physicalness as an interface between what is happening on the dense plane, and the infinite dimension energetic realm. Induce the effects to produce the desired states of your physical reality by attuning your awareness to your physical shell, and fading directly into the energetic state. Hold the intent of your desired effects, whether visionary or abstract desires, and allow the energetic flow to be catalyzed by your physical being. This is not yet well known in your world, simply because you have not evolved to get over the novelty of having a housing for the spirit, and viewing your housing as a posession of the individuated conscious soul. It really doesn’t take much to step out of this evolutionary limitation.
This is readily understandable through your knowledge about healing now. You are aware that the somatic imbalances are restored more rapidly when your conscious engagement allows the energy to flow and you release ownership of the physicalness. What we are pointing out here is that this extends into the infinite reaches of the Universe, and is not merely a feature of the somatic realm.
Let us move onward!