Weekly Channel – Jan 3 – Jan 9, 2016
Anything you want to bring about, anything in the physical dimension, particularly that which seems immovable, merge your spirit with angelic energy, and spend some time on it. Hold the focus, and spend the time on it. This will give energy to shift the momentum, and it will also train your mental focus to entertain the vibration state, and entrain yourself to generate the vibration that entails that which you wish to bring about. This will train the underlying currents to transmit along the vibrational threads which deliver the means you wish to invoke. Angelic energy, as we say, is meaning conscisous energy that is unimpeded with density, and hence has no bearing on the lower vibrations. This energy directly takes you to the high energy states. To heal the long-time conditions, to change the world, to manifest that which has been patterned into place for seemingly an eternity, set your will to resloute direction in the focus of your intended result, and proceed with valiance.
Your adept skill comes into play here. In focusing on changing something, there is a directional vector proceeding from the beginning point, from which you wish to change, and progressing to the destination point, to which you wish to change. The habitual understanding of dense beings is to maintain a fixation on the beginning point, and this effectively produces a vector that collapses the endpoint into the beginning point, which is just really a point and not a vector of change. This has the effect of continuing to vibrate the existence of that from which you wish to change, and this is just creating the undesirable for you. The adept skill comes in with your ability to vibrate along the vector and release the fixation on that from which you wish to change, and to hold in focus the destination point. The vibration carries you along the threaded channels of transmission to the changed point. It takes will and valiance because the third dimension density has an imprint of the beginning point and your reflection into that dimension keeps reminding you of it. You must have the mental clarity to lift your focus to the vibrational transmission.
You can enhance your abilities by spending more time. The angelic energetic merging boosts you above feelings of isolation. Merging this way and attending to the vibration feeling places you in the conscious realm of creation. The more time spent this way, rather than focusing on the reflections within the dense plane, the better. We get that the dense realm is somewhat interesting to watch, but the infinite realm is a lot better to experience. You can experience this while watching the dense realm.
Any time in the dense realm, you can slip into a ‘shell of light’ from which you are watching, and yet at the same time experiencing, but never ever very far from the infinite light. This is not divorcing yourself from that reality. It is a means of letting in the light, and experiencing from the higher dimension perspective. Hence, any of the difficulties or seemingly challenging situations in the dense plane become more of an observational phenomenon, while in the midst of the experience. The ‘shell of light’, you can feel; it is there; you can just be there by remembering. Feel the vibration states and you see it is there. This becomes more habitual and more second nature, and more of the reality of your reality, all the time. Let the hooks of misery of the dense plane go, like a bad habit. If you ever have a reason to, you can invoke them at any time, but why dwell with them as part of your being on a continuous basis?
As relief from the overwhelming, difficult dense situations and feelings, allow your consciousness-scope to dissipate, to dilute into the Universal energy. The discomfort is confined to the dense, and this method will alleviate the strain, and allow the Universal energy to envelop your conscious being.
The density has an inertial tendency to hold its shape, like imprints in the sand, but there is a mental component which is typically held fast through the mechanism of beliefs and expectations. This mental component is readily mutable according to the direction of the mental will, and this immediately begins to affect the imprints in the sand.
Inversion. You are infinite, and the infinite energy turned inward, proceeds in infinite directions. Your attention to inversion and energy flowing inward brings you directly to the infinite awareness, and disolves the finite thinking. This is accustomed in you, and your conscious attention is requested. It would seem necessary to jettison the weight of the dense plane prior to this inversion, but that is not the case, not prior. The weight of the dense plane will centrifuge into vapor, but this happens in concordance with the inversion proceeding.
Let us move onward!