Weekly Channel – Dec 27, ‘15 – Jan 2, 2016
Fly. Mentally. Fly. There is not any limit on what your mind can imagine, and in imagining, you are activating the reality of the mental realm. You can fly around on the planet where you have gravitated. You can teletransport yourself to any other coordinate in the Universe. You can dawn the perception and understanding of what you find there. Do this, and the experiences become more and more of the reality that you know.
Mentalize the physical and emotional facets of your demonstration of consciousness. Mentally clarify and merge your focus with the physical and emotional vibration. Feel the vibration of your own body, and feel the vibration of the emotional body. Merge this vibration feeling with the mental plane, and perceive the realities of these bodies through the mental vision. This expands your awareness to see that the mental reality is more real than what you have been considering as real throughout this lifetime.
When sleepiness or tiredness or lack of mental focus enters, bring your attention in a pinpointed way to the ajna chakra, and hold your focus there, and feel the vibration. That is all – no expectation or directed agenda. Hold your focus on the vibration.
Let us move onward!