Weekly Channel – Dec 13 – Dec 19, 2015
To expand on the ideas of lifting the constraints of containment within the three dimension filters… you have a low vibration that feels immutable… you have a physical configuration that appears your organic life is vaporizing… what then? All we have been saying fits, yet in these circumstances there appears to be very little leverage for mobilizing them. Mobilizing them and seeing how they work can seemingly lead to these kinds of circumstances. You would say something like “the further I progress along the path, the greater the challenges…”. The greater the apparent discrepancy, the greater the perceived effect, and the more it appears that an element of trust is essential. You keep your consciousness aware that all of that which thrusts you into thinking that the third dimension projection is the extent of your reality is illusive, and it is just these types of dramas that tend to cause you to think that way. This is why, when you go about the regular waves of precipitation in the physical environment, and follow the methods we are guiding, you are accustomizing yourself to integrate the depth of understanding, so that at times when these seem so incredulous, you will still know to trust and follow. Because even at the point where your organic life is happening to an end, however that may be happening, dissolutioning yourself from the tendrils of the physical arena is going to be your approach, and the process flows more naturally when you do that. The other human approach of fear and resistance only creates surface tension through which you must pass. When your vibration states immerse you in the muck of emotions that are so dismal that the though of mere continuation of existence seems repulsive, dwelling on those mind states certainly cannot be the most attractive prognosis, so what have you got to lose by shifting attention to your inner, energetic state, and bringing your focus there, even if a feeling of relief seems remote in the world of time? You are still serving your higher vibration intention if you focus energetically, internally, even if you are in a situation where most human conditioned responses would call for panic. You don’t get to practice this often, but if you do practice the internal energetic focus regularly, it will be evident at the time that no other approach makes sense. Panic would have no appeal to the higher vibration consciousness. It is a third dimension phenomenon, and serving your intention of focus is the higher dimensions. Practice your re-visioning continually, and your integrated development becomes of a higher vibration nature, and you become entrained to the higher vibration even when the entire precipitated world seems to be cracking apart around you.
Action you take, anything you ‘do’ in the finite world, is guided by your energetic center. Restricted focus on the finite interface, subset of the infinite, would make this difficult to perceive, yet this is worth understanding. You speak of motivation, purpose, etc. These are the means that the energetic center makes you aware of the energetic effects. Unaware, you would filter these out. Plugged into the finite plane and the associated emotions, your tendency is to override the energetic inspiration and act according to the lower vibration emotions. This is always your choice. The methods we are guiding to you will entrain you to function with awareness of your energetic center, and to be aware that any of the tendrils of the finite planes are components that feed your inspiration, yet do not govern it. Make it an underlying conscious practice to pay attention to the vibration within, to feel your inner, energetic stream. You don’t need to try to grasp the infinite from your finite intersection. This is the temptation from the finite intersection, and just what leads to getting stuck in the interface itself. The inner vibration is how you feel your way to the deeper connection with the infinite. Make this a practice, and sometimes you will feel it more strongly than others. Do not use this as a measure of success or failure. Even when it seems as though you are unable to feel it, you keep focusing on it. It is as though a flashlight will appear bright when turned on in the darkness. In the sunlight, it will be barely noticeable. Sometimes you are feeling the vibration of the dense plane more strongly, and the vibration of your inner energy stream seems very subtle. None of this should alter your conscious intention to make this a steady focus. This should be your intention, indefinitely, from now on.
The light of the projector is really more fascinating than the movie on the screen. It is just that the movie on the screen distracts your attention, and takes your focus off of the light from the projector. If you will look beneath the veil of the distraction and keep your attention on the focus of the light of the projector, then your infinite knowledge will deepen tremendously.
Let us move onward!