Weekly Channel – May 25 – May 31, 2014
How shall I direct my energy in this lifetime?
Brightness! Grasp the infinite from your finite perspective. The negative, ostensible perceptions of the ‘life’ world are perceptions of illusion. Grasp the infinite brightness and act only through the brightest motivation. The ostensibly crystallized patterns are easily dissolved into the infinite luminous energetic field. When the perception is as though the patterns are immutable, focus your subtle intentions on the infinite energetic field and proceed to act only as thou must. Your inspirational motivations will evolve and increase in doing this, and your brightest energetic emanations will prevail. Your current state is so close to this yet seems so far from your perceptional vantage point. Remind yourself as often as you can think of it, to perceive the infinite brightness, and the matters of the world of ‘this lifetime’ become extensions of that infinite brightness. The emotional states about which you so concern yourself are part of the ‘decorations on the cake’ only. They do not constitute your entire being. They are sensations, and these sensations are ‘touchpoints’ between your infinite being and the finite physical world. With one foot in the doorway of each level of perception, they can serve as a distraction. Without these touchpoints you would not have a means to connect with the finite world. It would be as if trying to gain leverage against a frictionless surface. There would be no means for leverage.
How can these emotional states turn from being distractions into being assistive in perceiving the infinite brighness?
Infuse them with the luminous energy, no matter what perceived level (i.e. positive or negative, they are part of the Whole). These, in the infinite dimensional ‘spatial’ concept, are threadlike, weblike, spidery threads that reach outward and don’t necessarily connect to anything tangible or meaningful. They are just there, so you might as well infuse them with the infinite luminous energy, and focus your attention there. Just do that, and go about your business. Try this.
How can I remember to keep doing this?
Just do this whenever you can think of it. Stop for a minute or two at any time and perceive what you are feeling. Feel the vibrational state and simultaneously feel the emotional state that the human would usually feel. Bring your attention, at the same time as feeling all of this, to the luminous infinite brightness. The luminous energy is a liquid-like property, and you can see and feel it flowing as it moves throughout your emotional coordinates. Know that the perception that movement is ‘physical’ is only the case in the physical world, and the dimensions beyond the physical have movement of such ‘substances’ as luminous brightness moved through thought, will, intention, direction of the mind.
Your mind is much more higher and powerful than you can begin to perceive from the physical world. If you deliberately engage your mind in the infinite realms, then your ‘reality’ will follow accordingly. All you have to do is ‘do it’.
What do I do when feeling really low, and the infinite realms seem so distant and imperceptible?
Engaging your mind is effective, just as effective, no matter how you are feeling in the physical realm. So still do it. This is where persistence can be beneficial. Trust, and believe that the effect will occur. This is like when you water a seed. You do not see the sprout grow immediately. You trust, and you water, and you give the seed time to grow. Same kind of thing. You must continue to engage the infinite realms with your mind, no matter what is happening and what kind of feelings you are perceiving. This is how you find your way to clarity through the darkness. In fact, it is succumbing to these lower mind states that causes the confusion. You get a low feeling, so that there is so much ‘noise’ of the physical realm that the infinite realms are not observable, and seem to be imaginary. Little do you know that engaging your mind, in the higher dimensions, is having the same effect there, whether or not you can perceive it from your physical perspective.
How may I make best use of sleep time, in order to impress upon my human organizm the regular practice of engaging the infinite realms and infusion of the physical experience with the luminous infinite energy brightness?
Your will does not cease when you go to sleep. You are used to ‘losing consciousness’ when you sleep, so do not realize this. You can sleep consciously, and you can manipulate your will into being engaged in this proper way while you are sleeping. How do you transform into being able to do this, after years of sleeping in an ad hoc way? First, make a practice of being conscious when preparing to go into sleep time. Convince yourself that this time is infinitely more involved than resting the physical body. From the three dimensional world, it may appear that the purpose of sleep is this, but that is not the case in the high realms. So, take the intentional practice of engaging yourself consciously as you prepare to lie down and go to sleep. Get in a mindset that impresses the importance of the conscious engagement in the infinite realms into your mind, every time you prepare to sleep. Then as you get to lying down to sleep, realize that you will be letting go of the physical body as you sleep, and begin this process anew every time you get ready to sleep. Deliberately engage the process of letting go of the physical body before you go to sleep. Start this as you brush your teeth and do whatever rituals you humans do before going to sleep. When you are at the point where it is time to welcome sleep, instead of letting go of consciousness, just let go of the physical only. That is all that is needed, and with this process begun ahead of time, it is already in progress. Now, with all of your attention in your engaged mind, focus on the luminous infinite energetic brightness. Bring your attention to this and keep it on this without creating tension to force the issue. It may take some practice to become steadily engaged, yet as time goes on, you will find this feeling to be natural. Keep doing this. Keep doing this. Keep doing this. This will instill the engagement with the luminous infinite energy as the regular state for you to be engaged in mentally, and your interaction with the physical realms will adjust as appropriate from your new vantage point. Such concerns as the emotional states and the physical sensory comforts and discomforts will change perception, and your entire experience will be directed through the infinite realms.
How can I keep this idea alive, so that I may always remember to focus this way?
You remember to breathe, right? Nobody has to remind you to breathe. Why is that? The breath is always there. It is part of the life force. You breathe whether you are consciously noticing it or not. This is similar. Your engagement in the infinite energetic realms is always there whether you are consciously engaged in it or not. The experience of your breathing takes on infinitely more interesting qualities when you consciously engage in it, and you pay attention to the quality of the breath. You learn how it is relevant for your health, and you learn how the breath is the connection to the life force that bridges the physical human with the infinite realms. This is the same sort of thing. Do you want to go on breathing unconsciously and just take what comes, or do you want to consciously engage and be focused on the infinite energetic creation process?
Is there a way I can feel this, just as sometimes I can feel the breath, like when breathing hard, or when breathing deeply in a forest?
You have to be more attuned to the subtle. You are really feeling this all of the time, and it is only a matter of being aware of it. Just try to notice whenever you think about it. When you become aware of your mind states is a good time to remind yourself. Whether feeling strong positive or negative emotions, or just that ‘blah’ feeling of being tired, your attention is close to being focused inward, and that is the time to remember, that your focus is on the luminous infinite brightness energy.
To what extent is it productive to deliberately manufacture specific results in the physical plane?
This can be very productive, yet you must reach a particular level before that is the case. When you are being jerked around by lower mind states, then the escape from the mind states is the motivation factor in determining what to try to manufacture. When that is the case, you are engaged in trying to get away from something, except the problem is that the Universe knows no void, and there is no ‘nothing’, so the thing that you are trying to get away from just persists because your motivation is in the negative. Once you become normalized in the infinite energetic brightness, the luminous energy, your motivation is different. It becomes a means of creating for the joy of creating, just as an artist sculpts out of clay for the sheer beauty of it. The artist does not sculpt out of a piece of clay to make something that is not something else. The artist is focused on the creation, and you too must be engated in the infinite realms to be truly focused on your creation. For now, use your tendency to contrive specifics in the physical realm as a reminder to ‘breathe’ in the infinite luminousness.
Can you talk about why there is so much emphasis on Love?
Love is the means by which ostensibly separate beings can relate to each other by ‘feeling’ the same thing. It is as though you can see the color blue and perceive what for you is consistently the color blue. You can relate with other beings and reference the color blue and be consistent with each other, but you can never know if your perception of the color blue is the same from the vantage point of the other being. Love is a means that all beings can ‘know’ that they are perceiving the same thing. Love is the fabric that unites all beings who perceive themselves as separate. Love is the means by which the unity of all beings, as is very evident when the perception of the infinite realms is established, is communicated to beings who are engaged in a filtered existence within which separation of consciousness is perceived. Love is of the infinite, and this is why Love manifests in multitudes of ways in the physical realm. Yet, any way that the concept of Love manifests in the physical realm, the energy is of a higher vibration. That is its nature. Just know that when the feeling of Love is present, then connection with the infinite, in complete awareness, is near.
I am going to spend some time pondering the Luminosity right now, before asking anything further.
I can see that it feels imaginary, and that is why it is a challenge to become motivated to engage the mind that way on a continuous basis. How can I move beyond this, and engage my mind in the infinite energetic luminosity, continuously?
Just remind yourself, frequently, if you like, as a mantra, repeat the word ‘infinite’ again and again. Whenever your mind is noticed to be unoccupied, make this the default. Infinite, infinite, infinite. When you are lying in bed to be sleeping, or if you awake during the night, say this to yourself, infinite, infinite infinite, again and again. Do this right now and see how it feels…
As you notice how this feels, you will become adept to the point where you can notice the feeling even without having to repeat the mantra. As you go on, you will be able to notice this feeling simultaneously along with anything else you may be doing. Even if you are on a ship that is being tossed about in the sea, you can notice this feeling. In fact, it will become a part of you. For right now, use the word infinite as a mantra, to remind you in any situation. Your focus and perception will be experiential and cannot be pre-forecasted. These will develop as your merging with the infinite energetic luminosity progresses.
In using ‘infinite’ as a mantra, do you have any guidance as to how it would be best for me to engage the mental process while doing that, so as to enliven the process rather than mechanically, unconsciously repeating a word as a habitual background process?
See the mental repetition of the word as an opening, a vortex, through which you can transform. In the course of varying events, the degree to which you can enter this vortex will vary, yet you can know that it is always there. So, it can be as if you sometimes are walking past the entry to a cave, and notice the cave opening, with its depth perceptible within, and you can make a mental note of ‘cave’, without entering. Sometimes you will step inside the cave and get a feel for what it is like. And yet other times, you will go deeply into the cave and the mysteries of the depths will be revealed. So it is with the vortex exposed by the mental process of repeating the word ‘infinite’. Sometimes you will be just saying it and walking by the cave door. Others you will enter the vortex more deeply. You are still accomplishing the connection with the infinite energetic luminosity by doing this. You may walk by a cave a thousand times before entering the cave door, but sooner or later the aura of the cave will become a part of you. So be it with the infinite mantra.
It feels to me as though the entering of this vortex is more of allowing rather than pushing to enter.
Yes, the vortex of the infinite is more of a dawning. It is when you are relaxed and clear that your awareness heightens. So, no need to force entry into the vortex. That would have the effect of pushing you further away from awareness. Just repeat the word infinite, and allow.
Ok, let me work with this for a while…
Let us move onward!