Weekly Channel – Nov 22 – Nov 28, 2015
Breathe with your entire being all at the same time. Practice this throughout all facets of your existence. Breathe through every pore of your physical body, and breath energetically through all levels of subtlety of your definition of being. The three dimensional focus is on air and oxygen, which is understandable from the viewpoint of survival of the organic being. When you emerge on a planet in the third dimension, you are suddenly thrust into the environment of emphasis on the dense. This is by design. There would be no adventure in the endeavor if you had access to all of your multidimensional faculties through the transition into the third dimension existence. Now we are telling you that the central point of the adventure is realizing your multidimensional faculties whilst immersed into the organic existence of the third plane. This we are now telling you about what you call ‘breathing’ brings this into awareness suddenly and in a big way. You soon realize that ‘breathing’ is not about air at all. It is a pulsing of energy that thrusts your consciousness being into the vast infinite Universe. At first, especially, you will find it easier to get the feel of this breathing pattern while still and with not a lot of activity going on. As time goes on you will be able to get the feel of it even in high levels of third dimension activity. You may at first find it uncanny that the need for air has no bearing on the breathing process, and that your organic being’s struggle for oxygen can be seen as trivial once you immerse your conscious being in the true breath process. This is because your organic existence is trivial within the infinite dimensions. This opens you to a powerful new method for facing what you see as challenging mind states, of all kinds. The dimension between the finite dimension interface in which you dwell as an organic being, and the infinite, is an opening through which you can consciously slip and dissipate anything on the finite dimension interface that does not please your consciousness. You must be pure of conscience for the clarity to be at a crystal level. This breathing process we are giving you will lead you to understanding of this. Initially you might see some of these difficult mind states as a hindrance, but please do keep your focus on the infinite dimensions. You are past the point of buying into the finite world as being ‘it’.
Let us move onward!