Weekly Channel – Nov 15 – Nov 21, 2015
The finite dimension creates for you the coordinates of anticipation and expectation. The observation of relative outcomes with respect to your expectations creates confused emotional turbulence. Your energetic source is not ever in a state of confused emotional turbulence. It is only of the finite dimension that you can filter your existence to this perception. A ready state of your being is the philosophical realization of your expectations always playing out as you envision. If your world were of this nature, wouldn’t it be quite boring? Like watching a movie you have already seen the outcome, and experienced the drama. Yet, your unfulfilled expectations are the source of much misery for you. So, how can you align your expectancy with the energetic result that you desire, and dislodge from the coupled state with the outcome so that your emotional states are clear and directed toward your intentional frequencies? If you maintain your desired expectation, and do just that – dislodge from your energetic investment in the outcome, and direct your focus to your energetic sourcs as we have been showing you how to do for the last couple of weeks, then you will reinforce your focused intention and at the same time immerse your consciousness within your energetic infinite being, while the created precipitation takes whatever course it is taking at the moment.
Let us move onward!