Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #40

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Oct 29 – Oct 31, 2016

Energy is energy, and transmutation is the conversion of energy from one array of dimensional transmission into other arrays of dimensional transmission.  Seems that this could be useful for you if you can move beyond the 'set-in-stone' attitude toward your precious finite three dimensional world.  You get caught up in feelings like anxiety, pain, emotional distress and throw your proverbial hands up in the air because there is no apparent conformance to relief patterns.  Your volitional will is at stake in using for instrumenting relief results in those situations, and there is a heaviness of inertia in your belief systems which cement things into place, so it seems, for the time being, so that there is not any energetic will given to what would be powerfully instrumental in changing your situation.
So, you can do this.  For instance, when you have anxiety or fear or grief or sadness.  Your understanding that these are energetic vibrations and absolutely transmutable, this is your basis and your starting point.  Let your mind free itself of all of the physical plane reminders of the situations surrounding these mind states.  Just bring your attention to the pure energeticness of this all.  Now, your next step is to attain some form of nodal pole for which your transmutation is to lock into as a directional transmission coordinate point.  With your three dimensional access to your mental plane coordinates being the most available from within all possible configurations of finite dimension existence, frequencies of mental mind states which coordinate with your source energetic frequency are accessible, and these serve well for the sake of transmutation of energetic states which you find unacceptable in the finite experience.  You can easily mentally formulate the concepts of blissful, rapturous, exalted mind states, and your intentional will to transmute your current vibration in the direction of the sought mind states is all that is required for shifting your energetic fundamental frequency.
Of skill in doing all of this is your ability to divorce your energetic state from what is going on in the physical plane coordinate system at a given time.  This can be somewhat of a journey because finite-ness is so ingrained into the psyche of your physical existence.  Do keep at doing this, because it is somewhat worthwhile, and quite powerful in transmuting the quality of your existence on the surface of an ostensibly finite, but quite infinite, planet.
It would seem as though, if you just never decided to 'do' anything, physically, then it would be easier to be in total focus on your energetic vibration and the infinite threads of inter-dimensional energy transecting your integrated coordinates.  This is a true realization.  Your shift into energy of action in finite plane coordinates immediately expands the dimensional energy vessels which cross-section your infinite expanded being existence with finite coordinates, having the effect of exploding the prominence of the finite plane parameters into distortedly proportional relevance.
Your ways of noticing this can manifest in many ways, but for one, it is pretty obvious that when in the midst of a flurry of activity, concentrative focus on the subtleties of abstract vibration states of your energetic constitution does not readily become available.  This is what happens when the energetic vessels of action within the finite planes become inflated disproportionately.  This leaves you with the feeling that the finite precipitated existence is the main event and the totality of your awareness of your energetic infiniteness is to be swept aside for 'sometime later', when you have more quiet time for focus.  This is merely a consequence of your linear mind, which is your mental plane energetic interface, narrowed to intersect the overly-inflated finite plane energy vessels, taking the reins of your consciousness, which effectively squeezes out most of your essence, save what the finite plane requires for carrying out your finite dimension quest of immediate concern.
When you operate in this mode, mostly, for extended periods, you have extended periods of feeling as though the finite precipitated world of your time-coordinated experiential existence is the extent of the who-you-are reality of your consciousness.  This belief becomes sedimented into your configuration of life form, psyche, conscious existence, and motivating for shifting into experiential understanding of your inter-dimensional energetic core becomes remote, with a thickening crust to break through for conscious evolution.
So, given that your life does involve action in the physical environment, and that softening your experiences to be able to solely focus on your energetic state may intersect only brief time-coordinate intervals at times, what kind of strategy can be devised for you to be able to expand your inter-dimensional energetic vessels, all of them, even the ones which are not imminently needed for the matters at hand?
At times it may seem that having mental energetic intersection which traverses inter-dimensional space at lightning speed is an encumbrance whilst densely moving around in a dense environment, this can be to your advantage when seeking to elevate the energetic flow through multidimensional energetic channels during time coordinate intersections which urge the over-proportionalizing of the channels of obvious use from only the finite dimension view.  No matter how much action is going on from the dense perspective, your mental energy is always accessible, and capable of moving at lightning speed.  Expanding your mental dimensional channel, through the portal available from finite dimension encapsulation, you are allowed to use your mental plane energetic interfaces with any and all inter-dimensional channels of energy for their expansion.
The one way you can do this in ways which directly manifest in accordance with your harmonic frequency is to access high frequency, finite plane transcending, mind states from your mental plane intersection, and energetically widen the channel thus produced for induction into your ongoing precipitation of finite world.
Light is most readily accessible to lead you through the portal connecting the physical dense plane with the mental coordinates through which you may access the mind states of your choosing, frequencies in accord with your inner state.  This is why we refer so oft to bringing your mental thoughts to light from any point of conscious involvement, for the sake of initiating shift in frequency.  If you attempt to enlist thoughts that correlate with feeling states that correlate with high frequency energy, this works, but puts you in the electrolyzed gap between your current feeling states and those you seek.  Then you are into the waiting game again, and again, playing the waiting game where the rate of change is subject to the dense flow whilst moving at mental rates of lightning speed, keeping the coordination between the two can become unwieldy.  Shifting from focusing on all of the finite dimension interplay, and directly involving your conscious awareness in the light-emitting frequency states does a number of things.
For one, YOUR light is how you make the connection.  YOUR light is entrained with YOUR inner harmonic frequency, so there is no need for complex arrangements by your linearly-minded process to make sure that your mental plane connection is aligned with your inner harmonic state.  Light assures this.  Secondly, by releasing the mental dimensional connections which watch for change in the denseness, you directly immerse your consciousness in the lightning speed of the mental coordinates, which opens the pores for your feeling states inter-dimensionally, and the relative physical, emotional states which are parametrized along the finite dimension surfaces are not registering in your experiential state.  Your 'reality' thus becomes inter-dimensionally expanded, and your realization of what you know as feeling states is experientially expanded inter-dimensionally.  You become aware of 'feeling' at lightning speed, yet with multidimensional sensory receptors.
If there is accustomment to using the pores of physical organicness to incept feeling states, whether physical, emotional or more subtle than that, even, we are discussing here a slipping into a shifting paradigm in which your scope of consciousness presence is within your mental being, and dwelling in such a degree of subtleness would be foreign to those clinging to the physical denseness, which most of your human species tends to do, at least whilst engaging in organic life and in a waking state.  That, however, is just the unconscious resting state.  Your inception into your mental being state will allow you to realize what being alive really means.
Attentiveness to your mental connection, directly circuiting into the high frequency mind states, which are resonant with your source being, again and again, with massively higher priority than dwelling on the finite phenomena, will bring you into adept understanding of dwelling as a mental being, and you see that the physicalness, the dense finite which has commanded such attention, is a consequence rather than an energetic source.  This happening, your realization of your self as a source of light will be natural.
Your classic meditation methods would coax you to spend time dwelling in your physicalness and perceive the sensory receptors thereof, using conscious attention to your autonomic systems, until the realization dawns that your beingness is anything but a rigid density, and that your true inner nature is purely energetic.  This works, and this is probably, up to this point in the evolution of humanity, the simplest way to get it through to the average linear mind, so as to divert attention from the dense world enough to pay attention to inner energy.
This is all workable, yet we are now guiding you to directly channel yourself into awareness and realization of your mental beingness, and transmute your physical sensory habits into a new paradigm of existing as a mental being.  Please proceed...