Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #38

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Oct 18 – Oct 22, 2016

There really are just a few parameters which make or break your conclusion, at a point of intersection of infinite dimensional coordinates with your finite configuration.  Your feelings of discomfort or pleasure tie into your sensory parameters.  Your pain is induced through the physical shell through sensory impulses.  Your emotional states are, although on a more subtle level with regard to density, similarly reactionary to conditions in the intersected planes.  For these to 'make or break' the conditions of your existence, one thing is needed - you must be selectively excluding the dimensions other than those needed for the finite world to appear significant.  This, you are born with a natural talent to do, and finding your way to do this at will, yet to release the constriction, is the work of a lifetime for you finite beings.  Must that really be so?
It is certainly your starting point and you can lead an organic life going not much further, but your life is injected with energy from other dimensional sources, and this is a big clue that there is potential in each of you to allow the dimensions of your choice to expand and integrate with your finite dimension intersection.  It just may not be evidently easily obvious to you how to go about it.
You may have noticed that ligaments of energetic webs have been intricately woven among the components of your physical being, repetitively striking chords that evoke emotional responses.  Being aware of these, you can find ways to reposition or dissolve these ligaments so as to free your being state for raising frequencies, even whilst among the directions for life in the physical plane.
Knowing the navigation of emotion states as they arise, so as to remain multidimensionally aware, and to keep from trajectorizing along a path invigorated by a transient emotion state and its surrounding precipitations, your approach may be done in a darkness/light kind of abstract way.  The emotions that are provoked may thus be navigated from higher mind states, as you are now accustomed to doing.
In the events of seeing repeated patterns tugging at your spirit-minded being, from the depth of the organic nature, your attention is aroused to knowing that the chords of patterned ligaments weaving through the emotional body have been struck.  Knowing this is enough.  You can see, invite, feel that there is something of mass-nature along the paths of the energetic vessels which permeate your being in infinite directions, which in contrast to the light emitted according to your inner harmonic resonance, appears dark.  You can now perceive the light from your deepest inner source, totally impermeable, shining gently through and meeting the dark masses of the ligamentary chords of holding of emotional patterns.
Invite the mass-nature among the energetic vessels to come to the surface, and allow the inner light of your harmonic resonance to buoyantly pursue its floating to the surface.  Just let it be - no need for analytic judgement, no need for pressing it to come out and be gotten rid of.  Just allow the light to warm and soften and for the substance, as much as it wants at the time, to spread out and dissolve, express what it wants to express.  You may experience some of its expression, yet you will know what it is and how it is coming about.  Allow this to be a part of the procession of your being and it need not become a main event in your being's existence.  Your pulling in the frequencies of high vibration mind states is of a more substantial nature.
As your mass-natures along the paths of energetic vessels of intersection with your being coordinates shift in nature, reformation occurs.  There is no need to have any kind of mental goal of complete release or obliteration of all of this darker substance.  These have formed ligaments of resonances which have served your finite being's purpose in some way, and when the emotional states become out of synch with your harmonic resonance, it is time for releasing some of the substance and allowing it to shape itself according to new resonance of your more current nature.  This can be a gradual process, and it is ongoing.
Your consciousness dimension, in accordance with your inner energy harmonics, takes part in the reshaping of your energetic vessel paths, and the shape of mass-nature which twines with the energy vessels.  With consciousness intention, the newly-formed shapes align with your volition dimension paths, and thus with your being, and thus with emotional states that are more resonant with your direction of travel through the finite planes.
We reference this 'mass-nature' with respect to emotional states because that is what motivates you to notice.  Yet, this is really fundamental to your finite plane connection.  If you had no such mass-nature involved in your energy vessels, you would not be able to, and really would not have any reason to, remain in the vicinity of finite plane coordinates.  These elements of your energetic connection, although appearing as obstructions when they get outdated, are the means of connecting your high-dimensional energetic being with the subset of the infinite which is the finite plane.
We call this 'mass-nature' because relative to pure energetic, there is a relative denseness, and relative to pure light, this has a darker view.  Yet, this 'mass-nature' is inherently purely energetic, and transformable according to your will of volition.  You just must know this can be done, and set your intentions.
For instance, when you have some bodily ailment which has settled in, your usual approach would be to consider it a given, and that there is nothing to do but live with it.  Now, this may be your choice, yet it is not necessary to be so.  If your desire is to heal, or somehow shift the energetic precipitation, then you may do so.  Bring your inner light, harmonic energy state forth, and envision, as we have described, the darker nature of the mass-nature.  Resist the temptation to try to figure out the details of the re-shaping of the mass-nature.  Bring the energy of your volition dimension into allowance for loosening and change, and let your vision accommodate this with openness.  Your pinpointed focus should be on that which you wish to change, and how you wish it to change.
So, take your volition dimension component and bring that to mind - that is all that is needed for the mental plane energy to become involved.  Gently shifting your focus, be aware of the core inner light, as a deep, infinitessimal yet infinite, furnace within your innermost state of being.  Gently bring into focus the energetic vessels which coordinate with your consciousness as experiencing the state of finite being.  Notice the interweaving of the darker states of the mass-nature, which constitutes the energetic essence of your finite fixedness, which allows you to slow from the speed of the infinite, to be noticing the dense world.  Allow your volition state to integrate with the beaming of the core harmonic inner light into the mass-nature of your energetic vessels, and allow the softening of the vessels, and for the shifting to occur.  Hold this focus and allow change to come forth.
This is a continuing, ongoing thing, and does not need to be done as a 'session' environment.  You can be noticing the inner core light, the mass-nature, and your volition for change, any time.  It is usually when something tugs at you with irritation in some way which causes you to seek change.  So be it, but you can motivate yourself in other ways.  You can dream of your future in finite existence and bring this into your volition dimension trajectory, and integrate that into the process we are describing here.
The fidelity needed for this to be effective, and for you to be assured within your finite-self that this will be effective, is to blend your strictly-finite consciousness, the filtered view that considers only the precipitated world, with your infinite consciousness.  Your linear consciousness would be inclined to judge the occurrence of the mass-nature, and try to figure out the configuration and how it needs to change.  We are telling you to approach this abstractly, as your infinite nature knows to do.  From the view of your linear existence, the mass-nature reconfiguring will 'just happen'.  This is through inter-dimensional channels, and your linear mind is not open to be able to see all of what is happening.  Trying to figure it all out would have the effect of filtering the process, which means it would not work.
It may seem too simple to the linear mind, but all you really need to do is notice the need for change, shift your attentions gently, as we are describing, and allow.  Perhaps the biggest revelation we are including at this juncture is that the mass-nature of the energy vessels is purposeful, and absolutely necessary for finite plane existence.  First noticing this, for a linear mind, would likely appear as an obstruction to be gotten rid of.  The only reason it appears as an obstruction is that if neglected to be energized for change, it would remain unmoved and become stagnated with respect to the wills of your spirit in its current state.
We guide you to remember and trust and believe, and will the change of your inner, energetic vessels, and their mass-nature.