Inter-Dimensional Channel – Oct 1 – Oct 7, 2016
You may sometimes wonder how to occupy yourself, in a dense world, in a dense body, often using only the channels of a dense mind. Energy channels of infinite dimensions, ever prevalent, are accessible always, as is your Greater Mind. Producing precipitating effects for your needed results is most efficiently accomplished opening channels of energy dimensions to allow the propagation of energy as needed. Yet, used to scurrying about, tending to the dramas of your organic existence, if things were so easy, what the heck would you do with your dense self? Even more broadly, what the heck would be a reason for occupying an organic configuration on a dense plane at all?
You have games, competitions. You have much ado about compensating for the effects on the organic being sensory receptors, to assure comfort from temperature and availability of nourishment for the organic body. Above these fundamental needs, your involuted consciousness, known often as ego, takes the reins and generates competition for amusement. Competition to outdo other ego consciousnesses in just about every imaginable way. All this, whilst the infinite energetic streams are prevalently permeating through it all. What is up with all of this?
Motivation to reach for the conscious interaction with energetic light through the inter-dimensional channels through miring yourselves so deeply in the dense events that there is absolutely no choice but to notice the illusory nature of the precipitated. This too, is kind of a game playing activity. Becoming less conscious to motivate to seek the high conscious, only to get a glimpse or a taste of the high vibration and sink back into the linear minded view.
Preoccupation with the to do in dense physical existence is precipitated by the attachment to the precipitation itself. The result of the creation of matter is what is noticed, and the attentive need from the linear facet is to preserve, propagate the precipitated, as precipitated, and to restore the deteriorated to be as it was prior to deterioration. This is the long winded way to attempting to create, to create that which is in the process of deteriorating and preparing to be energized anew for new creation, and which thus attempts to obstruct the energetic creation cycle process. Being used to going about things in this way defines the mold in which expectation is sprouted for the organic life process to entail a great deal of continuous effort, usually leaving to hardship and grief in the wake of the inevitable destruction phase of the creation cycle reaching completion despite the ill fated wits of the organic beings attempting to manifest against the tide.
Allowance with full energization of the creation cycles as inherent in the conscious being's intersection with the energetic creation units of its experiences transports the being's experience into quite a paradigmatic shift in the meaning of action and the need to 'do' things in the finite planes of existence. There is also a big change in mode of operation because the consternation about preserving the precipitated must be released and cannot be a leverage point for motivation. This is quite different from the way most of you have been trained. As your training traditionally in finite worlds is done at a macro level, retraining you at a macro level is difficult, although possible. Going that way leads to endeavors such as releasing attachment to material goods, people, the body and life itself. This can be a long road, but can be done. Undertaking such endeavor with success, at this stage of third dimension evolution, is accomplished by very few.
Our guidance progresses you into facing the direct vibrational experience of the abstract cycles of energy creation units, releasing obstruction producing resistance at the infinitessimal micro focus. Feeling, allowing and developing willingness are the power factors here. Mental power is used to direct focus and to redirect focus when it has shifted. This is now the 'doing'. If we could get away with it, we would just tell you to shift your thinking from 'doing' to 'being', and directly dissolve your entire consummation of beingness into the energetic creation vibration. Give that some thought for a sec. In this state, you are now detached from the ins and outs of the resultant precipitations on the finite plane, and thereby directly can influence the throttle of creation within those finite structures.
At some point you may have noticed that things happen faster when you seem to not care or to let go of thinking about them. This is why. When your psychological attention is attuned to the results within finite dimensions of creation energy propagating into those dimensions, your effective dimensions of finite are so emphasized as to effectively eliminate the rest of the energetic vibration of the whole, and whole completeness is entailed in the allowance of energy flow through the entire process. The effect of this is that the continuance of creation, from your perspective, slows way down, with respect to the scope of the world you are interested in changing. 'Caring' about the results narrows your scope to a subset of the subset of the whole defined by your finite world.
Narrowing the scope in this way suspends the energetic creation vibration from effecting results within your scope of vision. Nothing is suspending the Universal Whole, but your scope of attention is narrowly focused. So, it seems to you that just what you are looking to happen is not happening or is taking forever. To ameliorate this, your invitation to encompass the entire energetic vibration states opens the creation channels, and allows the creation flow to move freely. The catch is that you must let go of your 'caring' of the result, your investment of mental energy in the range of possibilities for the outcome. You may have noticed that things seem to happen your way more when you stop caring or shift your focus to other things, and tried to use that as a method to speed things up. This has some success, but there is still that investment, and limited scope attending to the other things.
Complete being, in energetic vibration states is better. Here you are going directly to the source of the creation energy, and allowing the free flowance of the energy states. Inherent in your emmersion into the energy states is the resonance created through all of your directions through your experiential being, including your finite perceptions. You thus, without having to minute out all the details, are creating according to your being resonant energy. It is just the attachment to the precipitated result that keeps throwing you back into filtered state where the energy vibration is relegated to the too subtle to be noticed state.
So, this is how you speed things up. You release your attachments to the outcome and feel yourself into creation with your dissolution into the vibration energy. Where, as presently evolved beings, your skill can grow, is in the navigation of your emotional, mental dimensions which strike the chords which make you so concerned at the prospective results that you become distracted from the energetic vibration states.
Your path to progress beyond the breakers of this wave of oppression into your involuted states of finite dimension is through the details of the vibrations, to raise your will of consciousness to train your focus to your sentience of vibration in those times when you are pulled into feeling steeped in the emotional and mental traps. The freedom from just those very traps of physical pain, emotional pain, mental anguish, comes through sentience in the energetic vibration and in taking that course you are thus freed from the entrapment of feeling like the freedom must come through altering the states of the precipitated results you are observing.
Attentive to the fineness of the vibration units, your macro-precipitated mattering form is peripheral in your conscious focus, and being inviolate to finite intrusion by your intersected linear conscious envelope, easily is free to permeate your consciousness with openness in channel to your infinite consciousness. For this reason, shifting to the pure sentience of energetic vibration when you are bumping against the effects of finiteness is advised.
We have given you instruction in what is called the Alchemy Resonance Meditation, wherein your procedure is to feed all precipitated observation within your finite reality into your core inner being, letting go of attachment and re-generating everything for creation anew in resonance with your inner harmoinc energy chord. We now offer.
As the fundamental energetic creation units, at infinitely fine levels essence the complete creation cycles, your conscious method for effecting the re-generation of the precipitated current state can more freely occur with freedom from attachment if you approach the Alchemy Resonance feeding of current state from within a state of energetic vibration sentience. In such state, you are resonating with your inner harmonic frequency. This has to be so for you to be freely feeling the energy vibrating. Each of the energetic cells is alchemizing its personal contribution to the creation of the whole of your world, each in essence containing the whole and at the same time being a micro contributor to the creation.
To involve yourself in this way, you simply allow/know/believe that the created, precipitated, is being microly and macroly re-formed through the feeding of what is into the pure energetic light, for reformation. Invoke cognizant dimension coordinates which integrate such understanding as you are feeling, perceiving, expansion of your finite being state into vastness of abstrace energetic vibration, yielding to the emergence of Light in all abstract dimensions.
So, now, how do you use this knowledge in the course of your finite world? The most difficult for you may simply be to remember to shift your focus to the vibration state in essence, whilst in the midst of being locked into finite conditions with entanglement of finite dimension parameters of physical/emotional/mental states. These conditions which cause concern for your limited consciousness whilst perceiving the scope of organic existence, appear to be immutable, and it is difficult, when those situations arise, for you to come to enough power in the belief dimensions for your volition to shift to such focus. When you are feeling trapped in that way, doing it just for the heck of it (which would work) doesn't seem palatable.
It is for all of these reasons that we are advising you to make a practice of having your volition strive, through all of your finite experiences, good or bad, to be attentive and feeling in the infinite energy vibration states. Much happens when you do this for any sustained time. Light, encased in the energetic vibrations themselves, emerges in all of infinite dimensions. Colors and images that are unimaginable from the finite being perspective present themselves. It is all a matter of your focus.
Focusing on energetic vibration states, bringing your consciousness attention into the infinite dimensions, while the few finite parameters are demanding your attention is something that does not readily happen on its own. Having practiced inter-dimensional focus during times when the finite parameters are less demanding, the dimensional channels of energy, usually relegated to the subtlety of background during intensity of dense vibration, have become strengthened, and their presence is more readily apparent for you to shift focus even during intense dense times.
In doing this you are enabling yourself, in however finite form you are experiencing yourself, to move more in a swimming state along the parametrized coordinates of finite dimension planes. This, in effect, heightens your response system in shifting the creation states of precipitated placement along your course. Another way to say this is that if you spend your focus, when not a lot is grabbing your attention in the dense, physical world, on expanding your dimensional being into sensory understanding of fundamental energy vibration, then when a lot is grabbing your attention, you will be able to more readily shift your inner state into frequency which resonates with your inner chords and thereby shift also the world that is created for your enjoyment.