Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #2

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jun 7 – Jun 10, 2016

Inter-being interactions are so compelling.  Why?  Finite beings are in effect nodes of interdimensional consiousness, each crammed into a finite coordinate intersection.  The cramming process produces different results, which easily occur to be in a phase misalignment with one another.  This defines the surface effect on the finite dimension plane.  Now, being nodes of inter-dimensional consciousness, as each of these nodes is struck by a phase-misaligned node of another, there is a chord of reverberation that occurs with the misaligned configuration as a sending-off point.  The expanded dimensions have no interest in filtering this reverberation, misaligned or otherwise, and the being of fluctuating awareness is subject to experience heightened states of this effect.  The apparent result when viewed from within a finite dimensional tunnel is that being interactions serve as amplifiers for the out of phase frequencies of your endeavors.  The amplification correlates with your awareness, and this is why some of you who have labeled yourselves overly sensitive, or who are awakening to a level above the noise level of nominal human evolution, find seclusion from other humans to be relieving, and of comfort.  Awareness opens the inter-dimensional channels, and it is through these channels that the reverberations propagate.
Your immediate reaction may be to implement some of the means we have been teaching in regard to invoking knowledge frequencies and shifting the phase alignments to harmonize your environmental frequencies with your fundamental resonances.  This indeed may be done, yet this does not isolate itself as the only consideration.  Knowledge vibration draws upon inter-dimensionally sourced avenues of knowledge and the knowledge of phase misalignment and the restoration of harmonic resonance is one avenue.  The understanding that the discomfort with other humans is itself a phase alignment, and is amplified according to the thinness of the veil of your consciousness being shrouding your finite dimension existence within inter-dimensional space is yet another avenue.  Vibrate this knowledge to the resonant depths of your consciousness awareness of a beingness, and integrate the intention of imperviousness to the perceived discomfort that the finite plane intersection ingests, and thereby invoke such an impervious state into your creation of conscious moment.  The response of inter-dimensional space can evidently be a clue for you, as in this case that the Universe does not give a hoot about the bumps along the road due to phase misalignments according to the frequencies of other being-nodes in a finite world intersection.  Veins of contrast as such should be considered doorways of knowledge, into the inter-dimensional realms.
Typical finite plane method of operation is that the thoughts, usually spatially synchronized with the human head, are leading the way.  The vibration, the deep inner resonance, meanwhile is at the center, core of your being, finite and otherwise, and continues on, usually with less or almost no consciousness about it because the mental plane intersection moves so fast, and compels you to pay attention to it.  This, along with the reflective precipitations in the finite plane density, which themselves drive your mental plane interface to distract in multiple ways, has the effect of little attention being given to the infinite core of your being.  This the way, for the organic being, tasked with survival on a plane of transient existence in organic form, among other organic forms.  It is not dictated that you all must stop here, and continue with such an unconscious procedure.  Certainly, in an environment where consciousness is filtered, this makes sense as a starting point if the intention is to allow organic life forms to exist for some transient extension period, without placing minimum requirements on consciousness engagement.  That is a starting point, nonetheless, and know this, and use this knowledge for motivation to direct your willed mental plane intersection to extend to continued, sustained, involvement in attentiveness within your core inner vibration.  We have been guiding you, spatially, to use the Heart Center as a somatic intersection point in this regard, and we continue to do so.  You find, as well, that vibration, energetic transmission is everywhere and can be felt anywhere.  Our continued guidance toward the Heart Center is helpful to entrain your conscious intention within the scattering of disjointed finite plane phenomena.
We have persisted with this direction because the change is gradual.  It is as though you are watching water turn to ice in a zero degree environment.  You can watch and watch and not see any change, but if you watch long enough, at some point you notice a change in the surface of the water, that is no longer liquid.  This is the same with attending your consciousness within your Heart Center, and attuning your feeling states to feel the vibration.  If you do it just once briefly, you could think "ok, cool", and nothing would change on a sustained basis.  But, if you persist, you will change at a fundamental level, and your integration with your mental plane's interaction with your finite plane involvement will characterize differently in your organic life experience.  The change, the shift, beyond being gradual, is experiential, and although we could hint at changes in analogy to the icy effect you would perceive as the water freezes, our indications in words cannot be a substitute for the transformational shift you must undergo to really know what we are guiding you into here.  As time goes on, at first you don't really see much difference.  If you persist, you will notice times when things are experienced quite differently.  Situations, which are known to stimulate familiar emotional/mental states of challenge for you, will occasionally be seen to play out differently, with your awareness in a vibrational realm, rather than the itching on the surface of the finite dimension planes.
During such states of challenge, in fact, if you would be so kind as to remember to deliberately pay attention to the vibrational center rather than the 'itchiness' of the finite plane drama mental/emotional stinging reactions, you will be effecting power into the transformational process, and this too is part of the changing.  You will find that sometimes, occasionally at first, your immediate reaction in an emotionally charged drama plane situation will be to feel the inner vibration state, rather than to be reactionary with the surface tension of the emotional and physical bodies.  These are some of the 'sheets of ice' on the surface that you start to notice as you persist with our guidance to focus your mental will in these manners.
Although our guidance is streamed to pinpoint the Heart Center, and enter this way, you discover there are inter-dimensional threadings that go on with your consciousness.  Simultaneous with all that is going on, your resonant vibration center is always happening, and even a blip of awareness with the corner of your mind, during the most distracting situations imaginable, will click the mechanism into gear for phasing your creative environment with your fundamental resonance.  This entails you to phase shift in the midst of all sorts of events you find going on.  You can feel your resonant core pulsating even while you are conflicting with people or struggling with physical plane parameters.  In doing so, your creativity process is phase shifting and serves to sculpt the clay of even the circumstances you have going on at the moment.  Such power is nominal in your mental focus, if you will attend yourself to this.
As the being nodes are nodes of the same inter-dimensional realm to which you yourself seek and find connection, there is an enhanced sentimental value of the inter-being communications.  This allows for feelings such as Love, to transport along the nodes, and integrates with your physical plane environment reality experience.  The dialectic parameter construction of your world, however, projects the illusion of the feeling states as well as the lack thereof.  This creates the dynamics that define much of the drama that you love to talk about - being loved, being unloved, being rejected, and all that.  As compelling as these dramas are, knowing that you are dealing with nodes that are projecting into a finite space is more fundamental to your consciousness and its intentions than the dwelling on experiences projected from other beings.  Raising the prominence of this knowledge, subtle in comparison, will be beneficial for the transcendence of the subjectivity of the wills of individuated finite beings.  Concommitant with assimilating this knowledge, allow the effulgence of your resonant radiance vibration to emit, pulsate to a mental feeling level, progressing to a more physical vibration feeling level.  This will jettison these fragmented miring states of feeling isolated and abandoned, created through your dependency on the finite being grid of individuated nodes.  This will free you to free your psyche from the commonly held belief systems, which only create entrapments of constraint in your endeavors to soar through inter-dimensional space, whilst navigating a finite dimension intersection.