Weekly Channel – Oct 11 – Oct 17, 2015
Let us talk about breath. In the physical, the breath is the means of sustaining organic life, as is evident to sentient life forms. This is a third dimension perception, and is vital to life in the third dimension. The breathing transmission of energy interfaces the infinite dimensions with the organic life form, and there is infinite passage of energetic transmission accessible from any dimensional perspective. Your breath, entwined with your mental plane crystallization, manifests in higher dimensions, and the filtering process within the finite dimensions is subject to the conscious will of the sentient life forms. Thus, you may form an intention for any crystallization, and transmit the intention along the energetic transmission of the breathing energy, and consciously allow the manifestation to project into the dimensional space of conscious reality projection. The mental correlation with the intention projected along the energetic path concommitant with the breath energy and the manifestation in the physical dimension is unencumbered according to the release of hindering filters. Thus, if you are able to release hindrances like lack of belief, or expectation based on prior experiences, then your manifestations will crystallize more readily. Practice this and it will become more subject to your proficiency.
To effect healing in a somatic phenomenon, follow your breathing, the vibration feel of your breathing. Consciously bring the breath energy into your ajna chakra healing center, consciously bring the breath energy to the somatic area that intersects with your dimensional body, desiring the healing effects. Allow your sight to evolve and expand and unlock all hindrances and evident effects of the somatic condition, and allow this to move onward, in energetic resonance with the intention of your transmission of breath energy.
To effect the absorption of knowledge, bring your focus to the ajna chakra, and direct the energy of the breath to this point. Expand through the sahasrara chakra with the desire for knowledge, the topic or the point of wondrance, breath energy transmits from the ajna point through the sahasrara point, and the conscious will expands and allows the mental plane to open to access of the knowledge.
To effect emotion conditions, bring the breath energy to the svadhisthana chakra, and transmit energy from the svadhisthana chakra through anahata chakra, with emotional attentiveness. The emotions sweep through the being with vibrational waves, that resonate the spirit into deep dimensional reality space. This effects a change of perspective on the emotional body intersections that are evident from finite dimensional reality space. Your being perspective becomes different after you do this sort of thing for a few times.
Somatic healing in ‘others’ occurs through mutual creation of the energetic transmission. From one dimension being’s conscious projection, the breath is energetically focused in the ajna of the third dimension body intersecting the conscious will which projects the healing intention. The other pole of the breath energy transmission is the somatic, or finite dimension intersection of the other finite dimension being upon which the energetic effect is placed. Effects are enhanced to the degree that ostensibly separate conscious wills are aligned.
To heal conflicts or differences with others, bring the energetic point of contact of the breath transmission to the manipura chakra, project the breath stream of energy to the manipura chakra of other, and allow the hindrances to the dissolution of the conflict to dissolve, and move onward. If the other is unknown, or varying, or multiple wills, crystallize a concept of other, and project into the manipura of this crystallization. This has the absolute identical energetic effect. It is your conscious energy that is directing the stream in all of this.
To enhance the chakra interaction with the finite dimension conscious focus on the breath vibration, for multiple breaths in succession through each of the chakra areas, will amplify the resilience and responsiveness of the energetic centers.
To enhance interaction with finite beings, the energy originates from with the consciousness of your own being. Center yourself in the central energetic light, and through multitudes of channels emanating from your being, breath the energetic pure essence outward, toward and through the ostensibly finite projections. Maintain your focus in this direction as much as possible, with release from the hooks of the dynamic interactions that generate emotional mind states. You can dwell in this entertainment at any time and not necessarily when things appear to be happening with regard to other consciousnesses. You change you, and your experience changes around you. Your reaction to the behavior of others becomes different, and the behavior you observe becomes different.
If you just want to raise your inner vibration and feel higher, center yourself in the central energetic light. Turn the light inward and outwar, and through and around your being. Weave the energetic light through all of the energy centers of your being in all directions.
Let us move onward!