Weekly Channel Message #74

weeklychannel essay

Weekly Channel – Sep 27 – Oct 3, 2015

Do we really need for things to be bi-directional, as they appear to be on the physical plane?  We tend to be in a good place, to feel good, when things are getting better – when we are expanding, when our feeling states are improving, when we find some reason to be hopeful about fulfillment in some way.  Then at some point it goes the other way.  Events occur that take us back down, or we go to sleep and wake up feeling low again.  Then we have to climb ourselves back out of the hole again, and look for ways to get to feeling better.  I am suspicious that it really needs to be like this.  Why can’t we undergo all of this changing world and stay in a high vibrational place all of the time?
Big Mind!  With Big Mind perception, the repeated expansion that you witness from the filtered three dimension existence is not a consideration.  You are always expanding in multiple directions all at once, and there is no reason for there to be a concept of contraction.  The third dimension existence is like being inside a balloon that repeatedly fills with air and releases air.  Big Mind is the Whole within which the balloon exists.  This is always that of which you are, and to release your composure within the limited frame, alter your attention focus to the Big Mind.  This will render the question you are asking as irrelevant.  That sort of question makes sense only from within the balloon of the third dimension existence.
How can I come to a better feeling place when there is fear and apprehension about what is yet to come?
Whatever the feeling is from which you wish to seek a better feeling place, feel it in its pure vibration, without connecting to the thoughts that associate with it and validate it.  As you focus on the feeling of vibration, feel light growing from your solar plexus area and increasing in intensity.  Dwell in this state and continue to feel the vibration and the light.  If the feeling returns, repeat this, and keep doing it.
Will this apply to physical sensations as well?
What if the light in the solar plexus does not readily appear?
Settle, and trust that it is there and it will.  It is there even if you are not perceiving it at a given moment.
Let us move onward!