Weekly Channel – Sep 20 – Sep 26, 2015
Expansive knowledge is often right before us, yet takes us a long time to realize. For example, being short of food and resources could be a way to point someone to realize that looking outward does not supply the needs that are created from within, and that sustenance is not necessarily always going to come from the known forms that have been used in the past. Yet, a person could go an entire lifetime struggling through the perceived lack, and still not realize this path to expansion. How can we become more crisp in knowing the paths available and learning these kinds of lessons readily?
You can vaporize and slip into the knowledge space. Your ostensible denseness is what is blocking you from readily realizing the knowledge that is available. You must learn how to vaporize, and access the stream of knowledge that can infuse your mind and integrate into your manifestation of organic existence. This is more accessible to you than it may appear. Your breathing process will lead you directly into it. You are breathing in vaporized denseness. As you do this, become the vapor in coincidence with the breathing process.
What further can be presented to us about the breathing, and expanding consciousness that way?
This is an energetic phenomenon, which is paralleled by the physiologic response. Your physical breathing parameters are only associated with the physical body. The energetic process is infinite. You may invoke this energetic creation/retraction in any way, anywhere. You may pinpoint your concentration on one of the energetic chakra centers of your being, and effect vast knowledge absorption, insight and manifestation in that way. To effect healing and manifestation, the energetic breath is limitless with regard to spatial or temporal constraints that seem inevitable from the third dimension plane existence.
Let us move onward!