Inter-Dimensional Channel – Sep 24 – Oct 1, 2016
You are clipping things out - if you are getting gloomy, moody, depressed there is a subsection of the infinite, interdimensional energetic whole which has been cross-sectioned for your momentary intersection of dimensional being coordinates, and this is feeding your emotional state. This is feeding, but excluding, choking off energy channels of dimension which are needed for sustenance of feeding your spiritual fulfillment.
Light Gap. There is a light void. There is a crust of tension at the surface of your finite definition. This creates fatigue when you are in spirit bumping against it with freedom willing inside to expand. Your focused intent as this surface appears to be a barrier is ripening the surface to be ready to crack and dissolve and dissipate, allowing your spirit to move forth. Your tendency is to sleep when this apparent barrier is encountered, yet this is what you know, what can be achieved with the mechanic parameters your physical sensory interfaces easily find. This is such as water flowing through a stream, brook or river and when encountering a rock, the water follows the easily path of going around the rock, yet un-easily seen is too that the water is slowly effecting change in the rock, smoothing the surface and broadening the realm of ease of flow of the water through the rock. Such it is with your spirit in flowing the easy direction with the surface hardness of finite confinement, (call it confinitement!), the ease of energetic flow is into sleep and the opening of realms which do allow your spirit freedom of motion, yet with finer subtle attunement, you are same time shifting the nature of the surface division of confinitement, and it is changing at the neuro-molecular-cellular point, which shifts your energetic propagation even within the confines of confinitement, and opens new realms within an ostensibly confined existence, and shifts the nature of your encountering of the dense world ceiling seemingly constricting your spirit and gaining a grip on your tendency to sleep in asynchronous states with your finite world agenda. All this is all the more reason to drive forth anew with fresh spirit, creating new, having released the past creative states and the reactions of your finitely-contained spirit with them. Your spiritual relationship with your finite world container is continuously changing and it is both correct to say that you are changing as is the nature of the finite container. Your raising of vibration of prominence of multiple dimensions, as your volition brings in inspired visions, this shifts the nature of your world, and there is no real reason to see it as in limited dimension in any way.
Definition in finite size realm inherits involutional constructs so as to produce ostensible definitive individuated objects. The finite realm itself has a surface tension about it. The being, active and alive within the realm has a surface tension about it. Any kinds of observable effects or matters of denseness have some sort of tensing shell of involution of energy so as to define shape and provide function in separate-like way. All this, yet such shell-like constructs of tension, driving the involution states of energy inward, are encompassing energy which is by nature expansive, and moving outward, ever changing and creating anew. There is an evident contrast of agendas here, and this is much of how you find yourself to paradoxical puzzles whilst trying to maintain a spiritual expansive consciousness whilst within a shell of involution so as to define some organic vehicle to give your spirit-being of consciousness a joy ride along some finite dimension planetary realm of experiential definition.
It would seem then that much of the quest of navigating a finite life, with a spirit-seeking consciousness at the console is involving integration of infinite dimension energetic flow within the scope of finite definition, with the finite definition continuing on in propagation of its existence. As the proceeding of dense, involution life form goes on, prominating the expansive energetic dimensions at the same time, in a way which allows for the subtle, at first so subtle that it is not noticed, to integrate and expand outward while distributed involution maintains ongoing respective of the dimensions of its concern. This, reverse-involution, is how your consciousness being directs energetically, expansively from the console of a dense being vehicular containment.
Left to strictly involution states, there is residue, we call ectoplasm, which oozes through the propagation of life form in dense. This carries forward, even beyond the life form of the dense conscious being, possibly, and constructs blueprints for carry on into further finite intersection experience. With attentiveness to the adept ability for reversing while maintaining the involution process, the production and propagation of such residue is reversed as well, and thus a high energy frequency being would have the power to, rather than produce blueprints for ongoing dense dimension intersection, produce energetic generation of expansion for ongoing life experiences.
Subtle in a relative dense view, infinite light sources are streaming in and through all that you are and all that you perceive. These are freely progressing in infinite directions with full freedom of energetic flow. Impervious to the multitude of involution operations going on to make some finite worlds exist as worlds of structure and form, it is the energetic light sources which attune your inter-dimensional consciousness for infinte energetic expansive outward flow. Capturing the attentive stream in the mental plane coordinates achieves the connecting circuit with you, Greater Spirit Being. Amidst the drama of the dense underpinnings, achieving the mental plane connection is most directly accessible via thought dimension.
Thought dimension coordinates, often appearing random within the scope of human framework, entail some way of boosting the amplitude for inspiration to intentional deliberate invocation. In other words a dense human usually is not going to just shift to and maintain focus on the infinite sources of light flowing through its being coordinates without something thought to be of its benefit from such focus. Otherwise, even the more spiritually oriented humans would just pay attention momentarily and say "hey, cool" and quickly switch to the grip of dense concerns among the involutional energy forms in the finite environment.
Perhaps a metaphor that the dense minded would understand would be helpful. If you have a chunk of money, you could use it for your needs as cash, for the most part. If you are considering putting it into a savings account, there would not be much motivation to turn over your money to some bank or savings institution. However, when you are offered interest, which would increase your monetary value, then there is some motivation, because you know there will be some gain.
So, with regard to invoking thoughts of the infinite light sources all projecting forth from within your innermost being, your meditation methods which guide you in this direction often present the potential rewards as distant in time or attainment, or in terms of letting go and releasing attachment to all of the involutionary forms, which are continuing to grip your attention dimensions. All valid premises, but for a dense one, who is frequently vibrating among the denseness, this would not hold the attention span for very long, beyond the occasional diversions into a more spiritual mode of thinking.
Allow us to present some such means for motivating conscious entertaining of streams along the thought dimensions which lead to mental plane coordinates which transport your consciousness center to the source of light within, and the process of projecting light infinitely in infinite directions.
As most of you have experienced, your organic being comes in a package with features of energetic intersections in your life that make things difficult and challenging, and sometimes even make you feel things like "life in this finite plane really sucks". Much of the human journey is about how to clear these issues and lighten the load on the dense plane so that you can enjoy freedom of spirit and be a healing presence among others. You have some understanding of karma and having carried forward experiences from previous incarnations which seem to have left imprints. You have some knowledge of how your consciousness, as a Soul, has deliberately set out to grow through particular challenges, and collaborate with other Souls for unified purpose.
Tapping your Higher Spirit for intuition and understanding and vision of the broader view in your journey beyond the scope of the present incarnation, you will find that the game as played among the dense minds, with mental states being motivated by the lower vibrations - greed, lust, anger, hatred, etc. - are the ectoplasm generators which ooze the nebulous substance that is carried forth into subsequent experiences of life and Soul connections. So, kind of in line with putting money in a savings account to gain interest so that as the future unfolds your money turns into more money, wouldn't it be of spiritual gain to invest thought dimension streams into thoughts of infinite light, which would propagate forward to making future lives and Soul experiences of higher vibration states such as bliss and rapture? Perhaps such avenue of consideration would bring motivation to be more careful and attentive to choosing how to entertain yourself with mental plane intersections.
If imagery is useful to you, you may envision infinite dimension light sources as a stream of inter-woven fiber optic cables, thinner than a strand of hair, woven together as originating from within the depths of your innermost being, and stranding outward as the surface of your being is reached, with the stranding out relieving the form of the cable strands into brighter and brighter light, all extending outward. Knowing that such thoughts are propagating your Soul experience into forward higher vibrations and rapturous mind states, perhaps is the motivation needed to make these sorts of thoughts of more interest than those generated through the interconnecting of involutionary forms.
Fiber optic cables emanating from your infinite core notwithstanding, we remind of our recent discussions discussing energetic resonance cells, emitting light vibration transmissions with the resonant energetic vibrations. Light emanation, all infinitessimal levels, is pervasively everywhere, always. From a state of deep dimensions intersection with vibration states of fundamental energetic states, vision of eternal universal light expansion is numinous.
You have the capacity to turn a reversal on your linear mind any time. You tend to, from linear mind view, view essential energy, not so coarse as the dense to which it accustomates, in some category as imaginary. This, your linear is convinced it must do to compartmentalize so as to give attention to the world it views as the prominent. This can be a dilemma if that world is delivering discomfitting events. Greater Mind, although by no means dismissing the precipitated third dimension as not real, has deepening access to the numinous of the infinte dimensions, and there is not the compartmentalization the linear mind uses to function. You can adeptly pull a quick reversal in such a situation where the mundane of existence faces you with some physical, emotional or mental discomfort, and bring the Greater Mind of energy into consciousness and strike the chords of stark contrast with linearly minded view. See the entirety of the momentary summation of precipitation as not real, or a very limited, precipitated, transient passing within the infinite. This, thereby opens the channels to the infinite energy dimensions.
Having progressed in development of the allowance of freely moving energetic states, which will allow for the termination of precipitation states and their return to unformed energetic states, you will also be noticing that the pulverizing of conditions which have settled into place in an obtrusive way can and will occur with more direct influence from pointed volition. Knowing this, and settling your mental coordinates into this will itself have an effect on your emotional receptors to relieve the feeling of being trapped in the precipitated conditions.
You must know that you are not pulverizing the unlikable. You are raising the amplitude of the energetic vastness of dimensions of high vibration to thus resonate the entirety of your immediate conscious experience. This shakes the evidently precipitation which is in play into entrainment with the resonant frequency of your high vibration being, and however it may manifest, it must change. This is what we mean by 'pulverizing', and your willingness to allow the energy states of creation cycles to course accelerates the responsiveness of your volition.
It is your guidance to cultivate strength in holding your focus into the expansion realms of inter-dimensional energy, those which feel subtle in physical sentience form, yet which are vastly of reality in bringing to you your seeking in response to physical sentience conditions. Mental strength is of immeasurable power as your assistance in this.