Inter-Dimensional Channel – Sep 22 – Sep 24, 2016
Of late we have placed a reasonable amount of discussion around the interconnection of your intersected finite being's coordinates, with the pinpointed endpoints of inter-dimensional space. Much focus has been with respect to specific dimensional states - volition, vision, sentience, memory, etc. - with interest in getting yourself to move beyond some habitual three dimensional constructs, such as being attached to the way things are and refusing to allow the energetic creation cycles operate fluidly. As we continue to encourage your underplay of the exercises and mental focus we have set forth for you, which is needed really, to do anything beyond in further dimensions of the infinite, lest you keep getting sucked back into the dense vibration and its oozing to mire you into the linear-minded view point of finitely-confined reality space, we move to discussion which will expand your visionary consciousness to view in new light concepts previously confined to the miring of dense world vibrations.
If you can be aware and retain memory of your dreaming states, this can be a great teacher. Restrictions required for finite dimension to be defined as such are not needed in dreams, and such encounterings such as flying and shape shifting are readily accessible.
Dreaming states appear perplexing for comprehension from the waking, finite state because the normal function of the finite waking state is the linear mind which is scoped for processing and operating in the densely defined world. The dream dimensions are wider open to the inter-dimensional channels, and the realities accessed through the dreaming realms are free in traversing these dimensions, much more so than it even seems from the cross section of memory you are able to function into mental understanding of dream occurrences. The methods you commonly use for channeling into dreams from within the linear mind, such as trying to remember dreams after they occur while sleeping, are somewhat awkward and cumbersome. We would like to suggest some means for accessing the dimensions available in the dream realm, directly whilst waking in the finite dimensions, using expansion from your linear mind to Greater Mind.
With your energetic vibration states as perceived through the configuration of your finite being become more free flowing, releasing the inhibition which arises through the buying in to the finite world as the extent of your reality, the division between the prominence of dimension states of definition of finite existence and higher dimension states of the infinite spectrum is softened, and the expansion into the greater worlds is less seamful. From linear mind view, only, such expansion seems daunting and potentially overwhelming, subjecting the mental intersection with finite dimension to fears of being lost and out of control. The relevant prominence of dimensions beyond the obvious needed for linear survival is not something the linear mind would readily take on. There is some fascination and interest in such things which defy the laws of finite existence, yet these are often and usually relegated to the category of fantasy and imagination and compartmentalized as such. The root chakra energy is weighed with heavy priority in the world of denseness accompanying the physicalness of the organic being. As you become free-flowing energetically, and we do encourage regular practice of engagement in direct energetic sentience, your attendance to root chakra and all of its associated organic issues is of dimensional concern in concordance with many, many others of availability in direction with your consciousness attentiveness. Your survival and meeting of essentials on the planetary plane continues and need not entail scoped, tunnel vision concern of your unnecessarily limited conscious focus.
Your dreams, encountered in your sleep states, and your recollection, to whichever extent possible, glimpse you into the threshold of expansion into infinite dimensions. Intersecting linear mind, sudden complete expansion into the infinite would simply obliterate the linear mind and all it can fathom. So, some means of transmission into opening toward the vast is of essence in maintaining the propagation of the linear in unison with expanded consciousness. Your dreaming states provide an overlap of your linear conscious mind with expansive Greater Mind, and thus useful, and this is why we are relating to dreams in this discussion.
One indication you have of expansionness is your fascination. Even within your linearly-minded state, you catch a glimpse of wonder with regard to your dreaming states, and these energetic tickles of fascination and wonder are the means of communication of your Greater Self with your scoped linear self. These energetic tickles are happening at times when your surface tension of linear existence softens enough for your harmonic resonance to reach through to your consciousness. If you are attentive, they need not be limited to blips within an otherwise mundane existence. If you will open your consciousness and allow them to expand, then your natural existence will shine forth.
As this happens, with the thinning of boundary between finite and infinite worlds, dimensions once thought to be imaginary and belonging to a separate world of dreams become natural and integrating with your existence. You will see to welcome and raise the vibrational prominence of dimensions habitually dismissed as impossible or incredulous. For instance, you wish to travel somewhere on the physical plane with the usual paradigm being matching wits with physical plane parameters of obstruction and going through a process, confined to scope of physical plane rules and constraints, to achieve the result of transport from one physical plane coordinate point to another. Inter-dimensional expansion entails something of a nature of, upon matching conscious coordinates with harmonic resonance with transport dimension of intersection with an alternate coordinate point, raising the vibrational prominence, frequency/amplitude, of the transport dimension and shifting into the relative coordinate point. All the while, peripherally and in concordance, the needful is arising and being filled with energy channels for the inter-dimensional shift to occur, a subset of which is the detail of satisfying the physical dimension parameters and concerns.
There is significant paradigm transformation involved here. Your continuing direct sentient, conscious, visual, expansive direction into your direct fundamental energetic vibrations are taking you into a collapsing of all which had been built through growing into a life of finite being with perception of the finite world of environment for that life as being the extent of realization of existence. What you had separately compartmentalized as imaginary and 'non-existent', is now being realized to be of main focus, and what had previously been thought to be the 'only real' is now being realized to be a trivial periphery of your expansive energetic self. There is likely some transition into such paradigmatic shifting needed, and we would like to offer some guidance and encouragement for continuance into such shifting.
Your basis, rather than an occational endeavor, is immersing your entire consciential awareness into your energetic vibration state. We have been suggesting to make this a pastime, when there are spaces in your ostensibly required attentiveness to finite plane matter. This is in the interest of shifting your awareness into the expansive inter-dimensional space which is always interlacing what you have mostly been accustomed to believing as the extent of your reality space. More than just doing this when you happen to think of it, and there is nothing else going on, we recommend amplifying this to a significance where it is a continuous deliberate endeavor, as prominent and significant as anything of concern in physical life may seem to warrant dissuading your attention.
Feeling the freely vibrating energetic state of your emmersion in existence means less encumbered energy flow, and more responsive creative reaction to your mental impulse. This is your basis. This is the focus, and sustained attentiveness to the pure vibration of energetic state is now essentially called for. With this as a premise, what transformationally is shifting comes to light. Your natural progression of attaining shifts in state for what is perceived from your focal lenses into the traversal of your consciousness through existence becomes a natural meeting of vibration with the desired shift, and the wrestle with finite plane constraints is placed in a peripheral place with allowance allowing all of need in that regard to be carried out. As you adjust to this, you will soon find that in response to some want or need, or situation that gets your feathers rattled, your initial response will become an evolution from your deeply sought vibration state into allowance of your reality states to converge to mend the rift of conditions which is rippling through your fabric of conscious intersection.
Now, to find a way for you to train yourself to literally pay attention to your vibration in deep intersection with your being, all the time, until this becomes the breath of energetic life of which you are aware on a continuous basis...
If we say 'just remember' we realize that this is subject to distraction from the physical only perspective, and setting reminders in some way can be subject to being absorbed into the background, losing steam as time propagates forward. Continued, asynchronous, occasional reminders will help you to maintain the kind of focus until you get the hang of it and your awareness of your vibration state becomes more prominent in your conscious attentiveness than your concerns arising from finite dimension life. This is one aspect, and it alone could be somewhat of a long trek. Additionally you can partake deliberately, starting with some of the simpler things and play with the shift in paradigmatic transformation. Vibrate first, act later! This is the motto. You are feeling overwhelmed by numerous intersecting dimensional threads through your finite coordinates? Forget it all and shift your attentiveness to the vibration of your integrated cosmic energy. Allow all of the intersecting dimensional threads to take course through you and for your participation to be driven out of allowance for your inspired action.
You are faced with a decision? Let the linear mind grip go, and shift to focus on your vibration state. Let the need to be fulfilled by the decision to emerge through the creation energy rather than to be solidified through a linear path through the linear mind.
You want to go somewehere? You are convinced you have to go somewhere? Forget about all of the detail needed to be worked out to make it happen. Go inward to your vibration state, and focus only on the creative flow of the fundamental vibrating energetic units. Allow your being where you are intending to go to merge into your vibrational coordinates.
Play, play with these kinds of approaches to your experiences, and be ready for long term paradigms to unravel. Be attentive to the surface tension of disruption with this kind of change coming undone. Allow the ripples of emotional shifts and associated feelings of uncertainty to follow their transient courses and be known as such, rather than the mainstream drivers of your motivation. When such feelings arise, shift to your inner focus of vibration of energetic motion, in sentience.
Make this, not just a pastime, but as fundamental to your existence as breath of life! Kind of just keep at it until you 'just remember', and it become integrated into your fabric, at which point your isolated three dimensional existence is no such isolation any longer. Your vibration state is your connection to the infinite dimension pinpoints. Your sustained awareness of your energetic vibration operation sustains your conscious awareness of all of the inter-dimensional consciousness avenues of existence.
Now, as we entered this discussion with reference to dream states and accessibility of dimensions within dreams which seem distant and imaginary from the waking state, we are revealing the means for dissoluting the rigidity of the fabric which sets a boundary between your finite vibration of tension of surface intersection with a limited worlld of existence and your expansive realms of inter-dimensional consciousness. Dreams are a peephole into the expansive realm, a peephole which exposes enough to gather your finite-dimension curiosity, yet to be digestible enough in linear-minded thinking for comprehension into wonder. Wonder is the threaded dimension which leads to the bridges of connection with linear-minded view into inter-dimensional expanded consciousness realm.
Your sentience of connection with your fundamental energy cells is the bridge of connection between your mundane view of existence and life, as the linearly-minded organic state defines for you, and your true realization of Self, with infinite dimensional, inter-dimensional consciousness reaching into your Greater Mind for absorption of understanding.
Do what it takes to remember to transform your underlying attentiveness to be continuously aware of your inter-dimensional vibration state, with tangible interaction from every dimensional coordinate point through which your finite being configuration of dimensional intersection exists. We will continue to prompt you for this...