Weekly Channel – May 18 – May 24, 2014
Time. A worldly concept that appears vast. It is a means of viewing the droplets of the manifestation of energy in the creation of physical reality individually. This allows for the analyzation, the discernement, the scrutiny. People like to communicate on the specifics of the reality. This is interesting to them, and it is a topic by which they measure their own aspirations against the externally manifesting precipitation of energy into the manifested form.. Time is a medium by which this can be perceived. The energy is infinite and the creation process is infinitely continuous, and there is no means by which it can be stopped, even for what humans like to call a ‘moment’, an imperceivable small portion of what humans call time. The human memory allows for the recall of the manifestations in the mental plane, and this allows them to be perceived in a fixed form. The illusion is thus created that these memories happened in some medium called ‘time’, and that the time is a stream of dimensional reality with its own characteristics within which the manifestations occur. This perception is a filtered view, which allows only for scrutiny. This is useful for humans, because it means to establish perspective for the conscious intention. Yet, it can become a wide realm of interest, which is a distraction from the creation process. The human can easily lose sight of the continuous flow of creative energy and become consumed in the effort to seize the continuity and fixate aspects of the manifestations to continuously keep them as part of the perceived reality. This is akin to expecting some raindrops to be suspended in air without moving or changing while the rest of them continue to flow with gravity and become part of the water bodies, and evaporate, as the water substance tends to do on earth.
The consciousness being constructively integrates in the energy creation process, and the core of the being, being non-divisive, continues creating according to the energy state of the being. The conscious element integrates with the human experience. The physical being in linear thought mode will not process on the mental plane in a way that consciously connects with every ‘moment’ of creation, and it is thus that the human must shift at the core of the being in order to consciously effect specific results in the manifestation of energy into matters of the material world of matter. It is not obvious when perceived from the pattern of the nominal human experience, that attuning to the core of the inner being is the means by which manifestation of the precipitation, the crystallization into physical form, occurs. In human terms, this translates into something like “in order to get what you want in the world, forget what you want in the world and attune to your own inner energy state and direct the reality that you consciously will to create”. This creates an interesting situation for the nominal human, because the path of this realization would lead along a trail that goes something like this… a) human decides they want something and need money to accomplish it, b) human concludes that there is a desire for a lot of money, c) human pursues a path and finds their way to this awakening about the creation process, d) human sets about to engage their core inner being in order to consciously will the energy creation process in a way that brings a lot of money into their human experience, e) human, in the process of awakening into their core inner being, realizes that everything in the human experience, including money and what it can buy, is so trivial that it is not even worth giving conscious attention to in its own right, f) human concludes that the creation process is what it is all about, and there is no neeed to be concerned about the trivial details of life and to get caught up in the patterns of time and material reality.
So, the method, as it would originally appear in the human form, of getting happy by finding things that ‘make the human happy’, and setting about to attain those things, whether they be matter items, people items, achievement items, is destined to come up short. The human is dealing with a snapshot of time and focusing on only trivial incidents in the infinite creation process. So, if that method has such an effect, by what means can the human experience a fulfilling and enjoyable engagement in the creation process?
The secret in this lies in the understanding that the dimensional reality is infinite while the ostensible reality in which the human is most often interested is finite. In Truth, great means are possible which appear to not be possible from the finite dimension perspective. So, the first thing is to just know and always remember that you are an infinite being, and that this ‘reality’ that you are experiencing is a transient creation to which there is nothing to be gained by clinging. That in itself is a tough one for the nominal human to grasp. Some could spend a lifetime grappling with that alone, and many do, but please people, let’s get beyond that! If you have to remind yourself a million times that whatever it is in the world you are obsessed about is not really something that will be sustained in the infinite Universe, then do so. It is worth it. Once that starts to sink in, then things can really change. At first it may seem that you can get the things you care about only by first not caring about whether or not you get them. In a sense this is true, but keep in mind that this is only perceived in this way from the finite dimension perspective. If your awareness expands to welcome the infinite dimensional awareness, then you realize that you can care about these things and not care about them at the same time. You can enjoy the manifestation and not be so attached to it being there or how it manifests. You can let go and allow the manifestations to occur as they will, and not be attached to how they occur. You can realize that your emotional states are not tied to the manifestations themselves, but are generated based on your own connection to the flow of the current of the energy stream.
The means by which you can connect to the energy stream appears to be a challenge from the physical perspective, when viewed from the filtered perspective of the finite dimensions. The world of the finite dimensions is coarse, and the energy stream is subtle when compared to it. The perception of the energy stream from within the finite world is like trying to hear the whisper of a butterfly amid the intense sound of a thunderstorm. This first step of the journey is to endeavor to hear the whisper of the butterfly. This endeavor itself, is a means for connecting in a dimensional way, into the stream. There may be no palpable result at first, and that is one reason that this appears to be difficult from the physical dimension and that it takes persistence. Note that the concept of persistence has the concept of time embedded in it. So, the appearance of being difficult or taking some kind of effort or strain, is only that way from the angular perspective of the finite dimensions. From the finite dimensional realms, the impulse would be to try to ‘force the ears to hear’ the whisper of the butterfly. This would be an arduous, daunting undertaking. But, approaching to awaken to the infinite from strictly within the finite dimensions is not the way to go about it. It is there already. You don’t need to ‘do’ anything. You just ‘know’ that it is there. All is infinite. You remember this, and you allow. You know that the whisper of the butterfly is there, and you know that you can hear it. You know and allow, and there is not any need to seek the result, because you know that it will come. In this sense, you can use the noticing that something is taking too much effort, result oriented effort, as an indication that the finite is engaged too much, and you can expand your view and connect with the energy stream. Just remember that it is there, and reach for the feeling with the infinite, with your tendrils that reach into the multitude of dimensions.
So, we say the whisper of the butterfly, this being a metaphor for the feeling of connection with the energy stream. So, what does this really feel like when first connected from the finite dimensions? For the human the simplest comparison is the feeling of vibration. Most everyone has felt vibration in some form, be it the surface of the earth vibrating from the passing of a train or a herd of animals in the vicinity. The vibration of music can be felt if loud enough. The vibration of sound is the means by which hearing takes place, yet this is not usually conscious to the nominal human. To attune to the multitude of dimensions, the human can attune to the more subtle vibrations. Noticing the vibrations in the environment can be an entry into this gateway. Feeling things that vibrate and feeling for the more and more subtle, can lead to a finer attunement. One can hold objects such as stones or crystals, and feel the vibration nature of these objects. One can become more discerning and feel the differences of vibration among these objects. From this point it is not very much of an extension to feel the vibration within oneself, and thus perceive the vibration nature of the being. From this gateway, the infinite is perceivable. If this becomes a regular practice, then the energy stream becomes the means by which engaging in reality creation is done regularly. This enables the power to awaken so that the intentions consistent with the will of the conscious being can manifest.
Let us move onward!