Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #33

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Sep 19 – Sep 21, 2016

You are infusing energy cells with the essential feeling states you are vibrating from the standing point of your three dimensional coordinates.  This is fueling the creation of what is yet to come.  Pulsating states of feeling coordinates are the natural pattern.  It is your consciousness in freeing the energy vibration which attains your alignment in phase with the energetic frequency.  The distinction is crucial, as we have discussed in somewhat depth, the role of the emotional receptors as triggers, which indicate drawing of your anchors into hooking the third dimension denseness, producing ectoplasm that glues your focused confinement to the already-produced effects within the intersected finite dimension space subset of infinite space.  This pull into reflection upon the already-produced has the effect of defining the scope of what is as yet to be produced to be within that confinement.  This effects the application of ectoplasmic glue toward the creation generating energetic vibrations, thus limiting your expansiveness toward manifesting your originating desires.
Nowhere here is the implication to jettison experiential emotional states themselves.  Consciously dipping your consciousness of integration with finite dimension intersection, striking the chord of your experiential endeavors, vibrating the reverberating energy thusly resulting, this creates the palette from which your new creations arise.  So, we are discussing a shift in the grooves of pattern which are replete with beings on your planet, so much so that most do not consciously notice that the hooking into finite dimension intersection due to emotional receptor response is even happening, a shift to disjoint the emotional experience from the circumstantial evidence in finite dimensions.  When the triggers arise, you can tell when this effort is needed, as your reactionary states trigger response mechanisms that are three dimension oriented.  When you are responding to emotional shifts which catch your attention and you respond energetically, at a deeper, inter-dimensional way, your motivation becomes oriented toward transmuting the emotionally-inspired frequencies into creative energy to feed what is on the way.  This, as we have been intending to guide you, is hopefully uninhibited creative energy.
So, we guide you and encourage you to attune your sensors of discernment upon encountering the impulses of emotional sensory receptors, so that your inter-dimensional circuitry is connected so as to dispel the oozing of finite dimension emotionally-generated ectoplasm, attending to the freedom of your creational energetic fundamental states.  Proceeding thusly, your inter-dimensional expansiveness inspired through any emotional frequencies will freely flow into inspiration for creative energy.
With the premise that understanding permeates into response prompt to give freedom for energetic vibration unencumbered by dense plane effects, discussion is ready to proceed into influxing into energy stream of creation according your inner harmonic vibration alignment, with notice given to your finite dimension inspirations as sparks of ignition.  Your Inner Mirror, a fueling station for injecting finite dimension sparks of inspiration into your streaming energy into inter-dimensional expansion, is a tangible means for us to relate much in regard to your mental meshing which governs your chords of consciousness in invoking the volition states which direct the direction of change.
As your continual participation in energetic vibration awareness ensumes the resistance to every faceted operation of the essences of the creating patterns into evaporation, allowing the vibrations to operate freely, your responsiveness becomes free flowing in creating anew, sustaining and preserving, and allowing the destruction of the ready to be renewed.  Much of our discussion has thus far been oriented toward overcoming the resistance to the destruction phases, because the basis of nominal awareness in the dense planes inherits expectation of continuance of the dense, once manifested.  It is this attachment to continuance which we refer to as being glued with ectoplasm of the dense.
Having achieved some progression in adept ability for orchestrating freely flowing energy vibration, besides the associatedly acquired freedom in releasing the creations which are bound for the destroyer, which creates space for the creations anew, attention is warranted to the energetic streaming which integrates into the life source energy vibration, in process to creating anew.  In the course of three dimension existence, your first sparks of idea, your afflatuses for creation, arise in the course of manipulation of the current of momentary created experiences.  These feed your energy stream, and you are at the disposal of the Universal Energy to be forthcoming in merging your energetic stream into the life source energy so as to phase with your inner harmonic core.
One powerful way to do this is to take your uplifting thoughts about what you would like to be and mentally place yourself within your Inner Mirror.  We say Inner Mirror because there are numerous associations with reflection and qualities of mirrors as you three-d know them, yet we are talking about inwardly being within an interface with each and all of the endpoints of infinite dimensions which intersect your experiential realization of finite being.  This would probably envision better as being within a lense rather than an actual mirror, a lense which connects to infinite dimensional energy, and amplifies your thought streams, and volitional dimensional projections forward into the stream of creation energy.  With infinite threads of dimension at your interaction, and with finite dimension concerns as a leading point, the power in this method is that you are free to take your finite dimension intenions carried through your volition, and release into the infinite, allowing the creation to go on its course.  You don't have to figure it all out, how it is going to work, and how the friction of the finite planes will be resolved.  Your intentional efforts are better advised to continue to keep your energy vibration clear, making it a practice when the emotional triggers alert you to conditions which would build ectoplasm of third plane attachment, raising your attentive consciousness to the vibration states and their free flowing, releasing your concern for the three dimensional vibration reflecting the emotional triggers into your being.
We are talking about a new paradigm here, which may feel weird at first.  Rather than concerning yourself with the ongoing hard core effort of resolving everything that comes up in the physical plane arena, as your regular mode of operation in the finite planes, make your restorative operation being attentive to your inter-dimensional vibration sentience.  Attend to the finite dimension effects as your response is prompted.  This will energetically, vibrationally occur in the form of inspiration in one way or another - you may be feeling like doing something, you may be asked by someone whose conscious will is meaningful to you, you may be thrust into motivation for the sake of survival - however it occurs, you get energetically propelled into action.
Freeing yourself from the ectoplasm produced through traversing the paths beckoned by the feeling states of emotional receptor triggers according to dense plane concerns, your responsiveness becomes out of motivation rather than following those paths carved by the emotional receptor feeling states.  You will find yourself operating in this way.  This is the action phase.  The other aspect of this is the passive phase, when settling occurs in the dense plane and your free-willed energetic being has freedom to project consciously.  Nominally for a finite-dimensional being, this space would be occupied with ruminating upon the past and future dense plane concerns, generating emotional triggers, and ectoplasm...  This, we are telling you, this space you should feel encouraged to use for awareness, focus upon the sentience of the fundamental vibration of Universal Life Force Energy.  When the mental occupancies to which you are accustomed are called for, you will be prompted through some motivating factors, just as you are prompted into action.
So, we are saying... use your in-between time to feel sentience of vibration, keep the fundamental energy cells running on all cylinders.  Allow your involvement in the resolutions of your own problems to occur through prompting through the inter-dimensional energetic forces.  When creation inspires, you wish to change something, whether motivated out of higher frequency mind states of inspiration, or dense vibration responses, being in your Inner Mirror, or magnifying lens of inter-dimensional connection, bring your feelings of motivation for change into emission with the pinpoints of infinite multidimensional energetic dimensional endpoints.  Concomitant with this be in sentience state with your dimensional being in vibrating energetic state; be of awareness of your inner energetic core, integrating in phased harmony with what is yet to be created; allow your entry point thoughts of inspiration for change to flow freely into the inter-dimensional space through the mirror and to be released from your containment; allow change to be released into inter-dimensional space and remember your concern to be immersing yourself in energetic vibration states, receptive as creation experiences are delivered through your finite dimension intersection.
Some thoughts to the changes we are inspiring here.  Fundamental to actively participating in creation, with free flowing energetic states is keeping the threads of your finite being experiential consciousness connected in all directional states of inter-dimensional consciousness.  Your lead-in to remembering this is your sentience with fundamental energetic vibration states.  This is the simplest entry point from a finite being vantage state.  Remembering to do this and pay attention in this way may take some development.  Initially you can pay attention to how your space becomes filled when you have 'time to think'.  If you are ruminating on finite dimension events, shift to the vibration awareness and allow the ruminating energy to dissipate.  If you are triggered and entangled in the ectoplasm-generating emotional receptor states, shift to the fundamental vibration states congruent with the entire experience and keep your focus there.  The ectoplasm will spew and your emotional receptors will be cleared to engage in creative endeavors.
Your basic package, which comes installed in your organic being coordinates upon entry into a planetary finitely intersecting world, places heavy emphasis on preservation of the organinc being to allow for the life to be sustained long enough for finite dimension intersection experience to be noticed.  Were this not the case, there is nothing in inter-dimensional space to cause your lives to be any more than a blip in the energetic stream, just as individual bubbles appear and disappear in the rapids of a river's water without sticking around long enough to be noticed.
This being your basic package, priority is given to root chakra concerns, and your being instinctively knows the responsiveness for survival.  You can live a whole life with no more than this, and with minimal consciousness, that is pretty much what happens.  You are, however, beyond an organic being, a spiritual being, and of consciousness which seeks full inter-dimensional expansion.  The sentience of vibration perceived within the organic being in synchronization with consciousness extending into inter-dimensional awareness is where these two meet.  It is the conscious spirit which must nudge and remind the spirit of inhabitation of the organic vessel to connect with the sentience of vibration and extend consciously into inter-dimensional space.  This becoming the means for interesting in thought, when there is 'time to think'.  Persistent reminders from the multidimensional consciousness to absorb into the voided space in this way will bring the organic being into a more natural state in this way, softening the rigid division between the finite dimension confined being and the infinite inter-dimensional spirit.
So, release the call to action from finite dimension world, whenever you have freedom to do so.  You can invoke your consciousness any time into your freedom of spirit to feel, feel, feel your vibration states.  Your efforts to release inhibition in your energetic states will be of benefit, as you are finding that your shift to fundamental vibration sentience is more natural and easy, from any finite dimensional configuration.