Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #32

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Sep 17 – Sep 19, 2016

Much of our discussion of late has been around injecting conscious, spirit, energetic being of experiential realization within finite dimensions, in fundamental, abstractly involved transmission in dissolution within the energy stream of life force, creating infinitely, in infinite dimensions, in unison with precipitation in finite dimension coordinates.
Seaming of the ostensibly separate finite being, in finite dimension coordinates with the infinite energy stream of creation, there is a delicacy of infusion of inspirational energetic influence arising from finite dimension intersection which amplifies the frequency contribution of the volition dimension, yet allowed to arise whilst releasing the constraints which define the energetic intersection which confines such resultant precipitant to a strictly finite dimension view.
Something of a fiery energetic nature arises, first noticed through finite generation coordinates.  This is inspiration leading to spiritual engagement in what is yet to come, some unfolding process of precipitation.  Continuance within a world defined via prominence of finite dimension coordinate amplification, which would heighten the significance of the dense world to be attaining most of the conscious attention, prompts the consious acceleration to navigate the fiery energetic stream along a parametrized surface of intersection with the more amplified dense dimension coordinates.  This leads to an underlying premise that what has arisen whilst within finite dimension experience as motivation for sought seeking shall be attained through the limited structure of finite dimension experience.
Navigating along the parametrized surface of finite dimension strikes encounter directly with mostly, already precipitated, energy, which is on the threshold of the destroyer of the energetic creation cycles.  Thus, creating with such a strategy would be something like trying to grow a new tree from the crumbling dried leaves of an existing tree, whereas the new trees are grown from the seeds generated by the fruits or blossoms of the existing trees.  For energetic creation, the seeds arise out of the infinite, inter-dimensional energy source, rather than the precipitations which have been projected into manifestation.
Such impulsive proceeding into the realizing of your dreams explains also why you are so jittery when it comes to the destruction cycle.  If you are using that as a reflection and moving into that which is about to be recycled as your source of energetic feeding to create what is yet to come, then allowing the progression into de-creation and return to energetic essence does not naturally occur to you.
As rhythmic, energetic heartbeat, permeating your intersecting of infinite energetic realization with finite organic manifestation, we emphasize the continuing development of relinquishment of the shells of tension arising from strict energetic focus on the resultant precipitation in finite dimension, which impede the free-flow of the fundamental energetic cycles of creation energy which create the manifestations of your finite existence therein.  We advise to spend time in gulfing yourself in the energetic vibration with willingness to release the vibration impedences.  We realize that the effects within the finite dense can be quite disconcerting, as the crumbling of the sources of security and the life-preservers as you see from finite view, occurs.  Yet, these 'life-preservers' are known as such only from a life confined to a scope of perception in finite dimensions.  Inter-dimensional life is ever expansive, and creation energy is the source of life, and clinging to these 'life-preservers' of finite existence suspends the propagation of creation and life in your inter-dimensional Self.  So, yes, it is a courageous undertaking, and yes, do it!!!
The release-from-clinging effects, as difficult a transition as it can be for a worldly being, once the momentum of them gets going, are extremely freeing, and with clarity of volition, you are going to find just how powerfully your inter-dimensional visions intersect your finite dimension precipitation.  Such power necessitates operatability in high frequency dimension, fast moving and quickly expansive.  You must have reached the point where you have the three dimension crap out of the equation as a basis for motivation.  If you are enlisting guests such as jealousy, resentment and anger in forming inspiration for change, these lower vibration frequencies serve as anchors into the finite coordinate system subset of the infinite, and your creation is thus inhibited.  So, you have got to learn to divorce these kinds of states from your energetic creation.  Immersing yourself in the basis of energy vibration with volition for freeing the creation cycles will take you to a place of such release in one way or another, but nonetheless it is helpful to know this needs to be happening when you are in strictly finite dimension mode.
We may now enter some guidance for precipitating the energetic vibration frequency shift which will shatter and dissolve the shell-like patterns of inhibiting vibration in finite dimension land.  We emphasize that frequent and continued involvement in fundamental energetic vibration focus with intention to allow the freedom of vibration uninhibitedly will ameliorate the ability to shift into more seamless transition from the dense vibration complexity of emotional/mental quagmires into higher vibration, inter-dimensional spatial coordinate recognition.
You have emotional receptors, kind of emotional equivalent of what is analogous to your physical nerve endings, which tickle your fancy into feeling crappy when you have worked yourself into a low vibration state.  Although this, as a finite perceiving being, can rock your world and give you much ado to make much ado about, this is by design.  This is the alarm clock, the lead-in to alert your higher, inter-dimensional Self, that there are contrasting vibrational states going on, driven through third dimensional consciousness confinement.  It is your volitional choice to awaken at the sound of this alarm clock.  Choosing to awaken, we offer thusly, as one means of restoration to vibration harmony.
Upon noticing, feeling states, thought chords, energetic reverberations which clearly are transmission parametrized according to finite dimension precipitation surfaces, anchoring your mental coordinates within the constrained finite dimension confinement, upon remembering just such, that configurating feeling states as thus roots in such parametrization, remembrance transports you along the memory dimension coordinates directly into inter-dimensional expansion.  Consciously transporting into inter-dimensional expansion obviates the contrasting vibration of the pulsations which are generating the alarming states through the emotional receptors.  This allows for conscious opening to draw volition dimension transmission into integration with energy current for raising inter-dimensional energy vibration into prominence, which would necessitate the destruction and dispelling of all which is precipitating the finite state conditions that draw the mental/emotional states into the lower vibrations.
Having thus awakened into a volitional dimension trajectory of realization and inspiration for raising prominence of high vibration inter-dimensional fequencies, invoke the mental coordinates to set forth in immediate momentary progression in the following way.  Encapsulate in mental focus along with sensory imagery as integrates with your energy stream in the moment, in regard to vision, sentience and such, your inner energetic heartbeat emanating from your harmonic energy core, pulsating, gently to deep levels of subtlety, and powerfully, with high volume of energetically dense vibration, from the deepest core within the conscious scope of your being, pulsating outward, from the infinitessimally pinpointed infinite inter-dimensional space, outward, through and beyond the finite dimension intersection of your infinite consciousness with infinite dimension space.  Feel this vibrational pulse with its own heartbeat, your energetic heart, infinite power which would dissolute all of the precipitative effects of the finite dimensions that entangle your emotional sensory receptors in the states of undesirably low vibrations.
Keep mental energetically pulsating along with the energetic heartbeat pulses, cognizant that the effects of dissolution along the finite dimension surface intersection is enhanced through the cultivation of development you have been doing with bathing in energy cell vibration volitionally releasing inhibiting effects on inter-dimensional vibration.  Keep pulsing and pulsing.  You may envision inner light oscillating in power and intensity, growing brighter as the pulsations continue, and even these pulsations pulsating.  Maintain this focus with deepness of power naturally emerging, your mental channels holding and maintaining the thread of focus to allow the power generation to emerge, as it is dimensionally ever present, and need only be allowed to expand into effect with your conscious experience.
Now, opening the mental dimensional channels, integrating with visional dimension integrates preservation of the stream which connects you with your inner energetic core, integrating with volition arising from awakening upon reception of pulses from emotional receptors, gains inter-dimensional energetic mass which allows sustained focus for allowance of the pulsating energetic power to emerge to elevation of prominence for inter-dimensional vibration state frequencies.  Thus far, all of this is happening without any implication toward the degree of palpability, sentience, feeling states which directly connect the circuit to third dimension surface wiring.  With such focus thus sustained, your position is now ready to assume the integration into expanded finite dimension perception reaching receptors out to inter-dimensional coordinates, in multidirectional fashion.  We shall now devise means for transporting your mental experience into palpable expanded sentience of perception from finite dimension receptors in unison with Greater Mind multidimensional expansion.
Having achieved sustained mental engagement, as we have indicated the procedure here, maintain the mental inter-dimensional connection along with all that naturally flows along with it in sensory reception dimensions.  Holding such focus, allow, from the periphery of your dimensional coordinates of awareness, awareness of multitudes of vibrating energetic cells.  Allow this awareness to seep into your consciously constructed being coordinates and allow your neuro sensors to dock with the energy cells in recption of vibration feeling states.  Allow the feeling states to integrate vastly throughout your sensory being, and all the while, maintain the understanding focus of the energetic heartbeat, pulsing light power outward from your infinitessimal infinite center.  Now watch, keep feeling and watching and allowing, so that the division between your energetic heartbeat observation and your energetic cell vibration observation evaporates, and thes integrate together.  As this happens, the pulsating of light within the energetic heartbeat and the vibrating energetic cells become entrained into a unified energetic pulsating, vibrating process.  You be, awarely, in this center, and allow your tentacles of consciousness to expand with no limit.  By now, the vibration frequency should be quite different from the onset of the emotional receptor triggers which set you off in the first place.
Our discussion here on the emotional receptor triggers is relevant in our discussion of keeping the energy vibration cells of creation operating rust free.  Triggers of alert from the emotional states are indications of the building of the kind of glue that slows down and inhibits some of the dimensions of the energetic cycles.  Left unattended, they continue to build and build until the emotional receptors become more of a main event, while the creation energy cells are sputtering in the background only to propagate what is already precipitated.  When it gets that bad, the process we have described here can seem distant and may not advance much beyond the initial mental engagement.  Continued working with this will sharpen your attunement to noticing the triggers, and will enable you to more readily slip into the sustainment of the energetic heartbeat pulsing process in a way of deep awareness.  Having this happen in turn validates the responsiveness of efforting in this way, and propagates the motivation to continue in this way.  For these reasons, frequent meditative involvement in your energetic heartbeat, in a palpable way, is encouraged.
Attune to understanding that here we discuss the triggers of the emotional receptors because these are indicators of resistance, whilst engaging in the percepted experiential coordinates of congruence with finite dimension surface.  This is independent of conscious experiential energetic involvement in emotional state vibrations.  These, if consciously experienced, are pathways which can be traversed amid freely vibrating creation energy.  Emotional states are components which are intricately involved in the projection of volition dimensions which generate the blueprints for the unfoldment of creations.
We are preparing for discussion, now that we have emphasized the clearing of rust from the energetic vibration cycles, for aligning the dimensional coordinates, volition, projection, vision, memory, inspiration, for projecting forward with the receptive energy of the void created through willing allowance of the creation cycle energetic vibration states, in such a way as to be in resonance with the harmonic vibration of your innermost being.  A entity, which we have called Inner Mirror, is of significance for amplification of your energy of inspiration into projection of created precipitated manifestation... as we shall see.