Inter-Dimensional Channel – Sep 11 – Sep 15, 2016
Tiredness and fatigue permeate as products of the physical and are beautiful expressions inter-dimensionally. Linear view keeps them in an obstacle pattern, yet they are a unique manifestation of the intersection of creation energy with finite dimensional coordinates, and approaching as such with infusion of the multidimensional energetic channels of understanding, will allow you to phase your intersecting consciousness with finite being in finite space so as to ride these as cyclic energetic patterns rather than tension generating obstructions.
Sleep is known within the organic state, yet the energetic being is always alive and awake. Depletion, perception of fatigue within the organic state contrasts the waking state, yet is natural in the sleeping state, in which the energetic being is active and seamless. Thus, contrasting with volition of the organic being conscious state is the state of depletion whilst the waking state coordinates with the volition dimension.
In the context of energetic creation units, the alignment of creation energy is needed for the continuance of the waking state of the organic being. The depletion state correlates with the deconstruction phase of the creation energy of the organic being waking state. Phase alignment with volition dimension within energetic creation cycle is contingent on allowance of the energetic creation cycle. Thus, persistence with phase misalignment is generated through resistance somewhere in the creation cycle - this either being the resistance to creation or sustenance of something which misaligns with the high energy emotional states of the organic being, or resistance to the destruction cycle. In all cases releasing the resistance is key to lifting the engulfment of depletion of physical energy.
The inhibiting effects of creation cycle resistance have an effect of boxing you into a small space in your life and experience, in any way. If tiredness is creeping into your reality as a regular pattern, there is ongoing resistance in this way. Your relief from this will come in the form of activities which will entrain you to release the resistance to the cycles of creation.
Your somatic states and emotional states, acutely sensitized can be triggers for reluctance in you with proceeding into the creation cycles, even when you have history to draw into your memory of how those things don't ever play out as badly as they seem from the entering phase. Regardless, approaching this from the sensory states of the emotional and physical, somatic, would lapse into existing patterns, and a new approach is needed to shake loose the dynamics which are triggering the resistance.
Intentionally allowing the energy cycles of creation to proceed uninhibited, at the level of the fundamental energetic vibration units, frees your ostensible investment in emotional or somatic outcome, because the perception of the individual units is abstract. You don't have a personal effect that is noticeable from any one individual perceived energy unit, and your volitional process can willfully intend for the creation cycles to persist with full freedom. So here is what you do when you notice resistance, from inappropriate fatigue or any other reason.
Lift your attentive span from the macro conditions of your physical being and physical world. Shift your attention to the abstract perception of the multitudes of energetic vibration units, and their vibration cycles containing the essence of creation, light and destruction. While feeling in sentience, all of these vibration units vibrating freely, the abstraction allows you to envision the creation cycles of each cell, with cognizance of the elements of the creation cycles, and with intention for the cycles to be allowed freedom to vibrate. Envisioning this in one cell, as an abstraction, injects this intention into all of the cells vibrating at once. As you infuse the vibration with these intentions to allow freedom, the creation process itself is released from inhibition and allowed to proceed thusly with your creative experiences, thus releasing the resistance to the causes of emotional and somatic effects.
Envisioning in abstraction entails integrating cognizance energy into your volitional intent, and we would like to speak more deeply on that.
Energetic vibration, in its rapidity and multifaceted tangibility, defies perception of its inherent essence to bring forth the infinite manifestations of projection. Entering into interaction in the fundamental energetic realm, the cognizant dimension provides the path to perception. Knowing inherent properties of energetic vibrating essence, conscious interaction is carried to realization. In this regard, we are guiding you to 'know' that the cyclic elements of the creation cycle are fundamental to the vibration of pure, unformed energy in abstraction. The creation, the preservation, the destruction are microcosmically essenced within each vibration cycle, and macrocosmically manifest at multitudinous levels.
Meditatively, focus, through portal space of intersection through a finite being configuration of dense somaticism and conscious spirit, dimensional focus is integrated with sensory perception which is interpretable for understanding at a finite level. Thus, when we say transmission takes place along the cognizant dimension, your mission is to take the relevant knowing as into a sense of energetic stream, and this is the path, trajectory, along that dimension. This energetic stream, without worry about how tangible in respect to palpable sensory interpretation, you intentionally integrate with the process of energetic perception, your experiential coordinates flowing through your finite being as delivered through the connecting interface points of sensory dimensions understandable to your finite being. You thus take your knowing of the creation/preservation/destruction cycle inherent in every continual sense of energetic vibration state, and merge through allowance with your sentient/visual/aural experiential sensation of the energy vibration. Integrating in this way instills in the essence of your energetic being, which fuels your organic life experience, understanding and freedom in the unfolding of the creation energetic propagation. These effects are deep, yet among them is release of resistance to the ingredients of the energetic cycles, such as the destruction aspect, which seems to get you humans tripped up for some reason.
The power of the mental plane is evident here. The knowing dimensions, cognizance, and the volition dimension, intention, are driven into the energetic flow through the mental contact of your spiritual being. We say knowing in the respect that thought stream, ideas, are of significant inspiration for your conscious spirit to inject them into the creative energy flow. This is knowing, and believing, as the same thing. We release all connotation of the concept of knowing as you know it in finite dimension, with encompassing of debate and opinion and linear mind scrutiny. By knowing, we mean spiritual inspiration.
So, in all of this speak along the lines of cognizant dimension and knowing, it is of utmost concern to centrifuge the finite dimension effects of connotations so as to spew the debris that attaches to linear mind thinking. For the volitional dimension to engage in the energetic stream, energetic inspiration must have been integrated into the conscious spirit stream. This is enough to know. You know you want it, and you are inspired to project it onward. This is enough. There is no matter of concern for what some linearly-minded thought processes would attempt to classify as 'real' or 'imaginary'. In infinite, inter-dimensional space, all is real. The unreal as perceived in finite dimensions is perceived as such only because the essence of such unreal perception is transmitting through finite dimension intersection at frequency amplitudes outside of the coarseness of expectation by finite dimension perception.
The thread of discussion here was kind of begun through the idea of tiredness, fatigue, a physical plane phenomenon of much ado. This is a gross, macrocosmic manifestation of the inherent mechanism in finite beings of integral relationship with twining of spiritual life force energy with the organic dense somatic vehicle, to inhibit the destruction phase of the energetic creation cycle. Something like fear of death may be more readily understood by the linearly-minded as a manifestation of inhibition of procession of the destruction force. Although life/death is, on the inter-dimensional planes, as natural as breathing is to your organic-being finiteness, for the linearly-minded organic being, there is quite a favoritism to the life pole of that dialecticity. Thus, death is readily available for comprehension as a predominent effect of the de-creation phase of the creation cycle.
Fatigue, tiredness, sleep and onward, however, is not seen as an end-game by the linear mind, as it is a natural part of the recuperative procedure from effects of dense plane life. Yet, the cycle of waking, energizing, tiring and sleeping is abstractly the same sort of creation cycle as the generation, preservation and death of the organic being itself. It is just not automated for you to see that. Knowing this, then, it is a pretty smooth transition to understanding the tiring and fatiguing, leading to reclination and retreating from finite dimension intersection of waking consciousness, as the retraction cycle of creation in operation. And thus, situations where there is onset of tiredness and fatigue and such, and the conditions of finite dimension are ostensibly in contrast to allowing their course of intersection with finite being coordinates to flow as it naturally would, uninhibited, are representations of a sure sign that resistance to the de-creation phase of the energetic cycle are happening.
Rather than to wrestle and struggle with your direct resistance to the weariness in itself, conjoined with insupportive configuration, directly perceiving, sensorily, energetic cycling with sentience, vision, and integrating cognizant dimensional knowledge of the integral proceeding of the destroyer, the resistance at the macro level is fed through the deeper base energetic states, and thus released. In short, to relieve the inconvienent struggle with being tired when it does not suit your agends, release your macro-focus from the dense, finite macrocosm, and shift focus to the inter-dimensional sensory perception of the energetic creation cycles. The beauty of this is that integration of the cognizance of all of the cyclic creation phases being inherent in the energy cycles allows them to proceed uninhibited, and frees you from the dilemma of somehow trying to force feed this effect through your actions, or ingesting your mental energy in just the right way. Just relax into the abstract energetic state, and allow yourself to feel, and move onward.
With, now, all of the understanding we have been presenting here, about inspiring arising of 'knowingness', interdimensionally known as inspiration energy, streamed into cognizant dimension in mergence with energy cells of vibration viscerally infinite dimensional transmissions infinitely, forward into creation, including the basis cycles of creation/preservation/destruction of the creation process, we present you with a procedure for shifting into perceptive focus of emphasis into finite dimensionally perceived dimensions of interaction with energy of inter-dimensional nature. Independent of the premise for inhibition, the simplicity here belies the power of effect within the finite planes, of releasing inhibition of affectation of any and all dimensional intersection with fundamental organic life.
Ready with volition dimension coordinates, somatic dimension coordinates, and cognizant dimension stream, release your grip of focus from the finitely-defined. Shifting to abstraction of energetic cells in the mental energetic realm spasms your intentional energy into the chasms of inter-dimensional space. This, instantaneously occurring, places the energetic pores of your expanded beingness, in conjoinment with your Greater Mind, expandingly into multi-realm experiential reception/transmission with all energetic channels in unison. In the multi-channeled mental orchestration of the projective focus, bring the dimensional channels of the cognizant dimension through the mental stream into the energetic vibration state. Maintain understanding of the expanded focus, whilst bringing acute perceptive reception to nodal sensory intersections with finite somatic neuro states, combining the perception of sensory interaction of affection in linear mind in unison with multidimensional expansion of energetic realization through the fundamental energetic vibration units. However this is perceived, allow and release surface tension injected by the linear scrutiny. Trust and allow.
Volition and expectancy are inclusively affective here. Volition, willingness to merge forward into the energetic understanding drives your third dimension configuration to a state in which your consciousness does this. Expectancy inherently releases constraint and tension of restricted outcome, which would be automated through purely linearly-minded engagement. Invoking these dimensions in the process allows you to allow without condition, which leads to releasing the inhibiting effects imposed within the energetic vibrations. We have been speaking chiefly of the destruction phase of the creation cycle, chiefly because its inhibition permeates matters of concern among the dwellers of the world of matter. Our method here, however, is applicable to the freeing of inhibiting effects in any infinite energy channel.